time complexity



there is question :
What is the smallest value of n such that an algorithm whose running
time is 100n2 runs faster than an algorithm whose running time is 2n
on the same machine.

i can`t understand this question plz help me

Keith Thompson

ashu said:
there is question :
What is the smallest value of n such that an algorithm whose running
time is 100n2 runs faster than an algorithm whose running time is 2n
on the same machine.

i can`t understand this question plz help me

Ask your instructor for help. This is homework, right?

In any case, this isn't a question about the C programming language,
so I don't know why you're asking it here.

I also suspect you've quoted the question incorrectly. Is "100n2"
supposd to be 100 * n * n?

Richard Heathfield

Keith Thompson said:
Ask your instructor for help. This is homework, right?

In any case, this isn't a question about the C programming language,
so I don't know why you're asking it here.

I also suspect you've quoted the question incorrectly. Is "100n2"
supposd to be 100 * n * n?

I expect so. And presumably 2n supposed to be 2 to the power n.

It may help the OP to recognise that the question, as asked (i.e. in the
absence of big-O notation, which IMHO would in any case make the question
meaningless), is looking for the integer value of n that is just higher
than the real value that is the solution to the following equation:

2 to the power n = 100 * n * n

This is a simple mathematical exercise. It may also be useful to realise
that, when n is set to the correct value, both 2 to the power n and 100 *
n * n easily fit in an unsigned long int. (Yes, I know, but I don't want
to be more specific than that, because it would give too much information;
what I have given, however, should enable the OP to recognise that this
problem can be solved with a very, very, very simple C program.)

Dik T. Winter

> It may help the OP to recognise that the question, as asked (i.e. in the
> absence of big-O notation, which IMHO would in any case make the question
> meaningless), is looking for the integer value of n that is just higher
> than the real value that is the solution to the following equation:
> 2 to the power n = 100 * n * n
> This is a simple mathematical exercise.

Finding the real value is not exactly a simple mathematical exercise. The
answer includes Lambert's W-function... Actually, finding the answer to
the actual question is not a mathematical exercise at all, just plug in
numbers until you get the answer. Off-hand I have no idea how to formulate
the mathematical answer, but I think it is:
where W is Lambert's W-function. But I can be wrong, if you have
mathematica on your computer, you can check it.

Richard Heathfield

Dik T. Winter said:
Finding the real value is not exactly a simple mathematical exercise.

It isn't? Using a simple iterative technique, I found the answer in nothing
flat (actually about 3 milliseconds), getting agreement in 2^n and 100n^2
to ten decimal places. Given that we only *need* it to one decimal place,
I'd have thought that was an adequate solution.

I suspect we are using different definitions of "mathematical". :)



Richard said:
Dik T. Winter said:

It isn't? Using a simple iterative technique, I found the answer
in nothing flat (actually about 3 milliseconds), getting agreement
in 2^n and 100n^2 to ten decimal places. Given that we only *need*
it to one decimal place, I'd have thought that was an adequate

Taking log2() function of both sides, we have:

n = log2(100) + 2 * log2(n)

which makes it fairly easy to divide integers into two classes,
i.e. those where "n < log2(100) + 2*log2(n)" and those where "n >
log2(100) + 2*log2(n)". Note that the equality condition cannot
occur since 2 does not contain all the factors of 100. We can go
close to exactness by considering 100 as 2*2*5*5, so that log2(100)
= 2 + 2* log2(5), and that result is obviously greater than 6 and
less than 7.

All this should be obvious to any child of 10 who has passed the
kindergarten class on logarithms.

Dik T. Winter

> Dik T. Winter said:
> It isn't? Using a simple iterative technique, I found the answer in nothing
> flat (actually about 3 milliseconds), getting agreement in 2^n and 100n^2
> to ten decimal places. Given that we only *need* it to one decimal place,
> I'd have thought that was an adequate solution.
> I suspect we are using different definitions of "mathematical". :)

No. The difference is between finding a value and finding an approximation
to a value.

Richard Heathfield

Dik T. Winter said:
No. The difference is between finding a value and finding an
approximation to a value.

Fine. Bear in mind, however, that the final value in my original discussion
was an integer value, and it can of course be determined precisely.


And the computer on which you can express that value is?

I'm not sure what all the fuss is about, it's a parabola, with roots
at 0.0 and 0.02.[*]

[*] which is, of course, utter bologna. Both equations have a
constant of proportionality, which means that the solution could be
any real number. (Assuming 2*n and not 2^n) ;-)

OK, maybe 1.432472784e+001 given some "other interpretation". Give or
take a constant factor as large or small as you like.

Keith Briggs has a nifty LambertW function on his web site (or used to
at least).



Finding the real value is not exactly a simple mathematical exercise. The
answer includes Lambert's W-function... Actually, finding the answer to
the actual question is not a mathematical exercise at all, just plug in
numbers until you get the answer. Off-hand I have no idea how to formulate
the mathematical answer, but I think it is:
where W is Lambert's W-function. But I can be wrong, if you have
mathematica on your computer, you can check it.

I must have gone off somewhere.
y:= 100 * n * n - 2 ^ n;

2 n
y := 100 n - 2
fsolve(y, n, -1..100);

plot(y, n = 5..16);
z := (exp(-LambertW(-2*log(log(2)/100)/2))) ;

z := exp(-LambertW(-ln(1/100 ln(2))))


I got the same answer with this:


* C math library
* function ZEROIN - obtain a function zero within the given range
* Input
* double zeroin(ax,bx,f,tol)
* double ax; Root will be seeked for within
* double bx; a range [ax,bx]
* double (*f)(double x); Name of the function whose
* will be seeked for
* double tol; Acceptable tolerance for the
* value.
* May be specified as 0.0 to
* the program to find the root
* accurate as possible
* Output
* Zeroin returns an estimate for the root with accuracy
* 4*EPSILON*abs(x) + tol
* Algorithm
* G.Forsythe, M.Malcolm, C.Moler, Computer methods for
* computations. M., Mir, 1980, p.180 of the Russian edition
* The function makes use of the bissection procedure combined
* the linear or quadric inverse interpolation.
* At every step program operates on three abscissae - a, b, and
* b - the last and the best approximation to the root
* a - the last but one approximation
* c - the last but one or even earlier approximation than a that
* 1) |f(b)| <= |f(c)|
* 2) f(b) and f(c) have opposite signs, i.e. b and c
* the root
* At every step Zeroin selects one of the two new
approximations, the
* former being obtained by the bissection procedure and the
* resulting in the interpolation (if a,b, and c are all
* the quadric interpolation is utilized, otherwise the linear
* If the latter (i.e. obtained by the interpolation) point is
* reasonable (i.e. lies within the current interval [b,c] not
* too close to the boundaries) it is accepted. The bissection
* is used in the other case. Therefore, the range of uncertainty
* ensured to be reduced at least by the factor 1.6


#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>

/* An estimate to the root */
/* ax Left border | of the range */
/* bx Right border| the root is seeked */
/* f() Function under investigation */
/* tol Acceptable tolerance */
double zeroin(double ax, double bx, double (*f) (double),
double tol)
double a,
c; /* Abscissae, descr. see above */
double fa; /* f(a) */
double fb; /* f(b) */
double fc; /* f(c) */

if (tol < 0) {
tol = -tol;
puts("negative tol not allowed. Using abs(tol)");
if (bx < ax) {
double tmp = bx;
bx = ax;
ax = tmp;
puts("interval was reversed. Using [bx, ax] instead of [ax,
a = ax;
b = bx;
fa = (*f) (a);
fb = (*f) (b);
c = a;
fc = fa;
/* Main iteration loop */
for (;;) {
/* Distance from the last but one to the last approximation */
double prev_step = b - a;
double tol_act;/* Actual tolerance */
double p; /* Interpolation step is calcu- */
double q; /* lated in the form p/q; divi- */
/* sion operations is delayed */
/* until the last moment */
double new_step; /* Step at this iteration */

if (fabs(fc) < fabs(fb)) { /* Swap data for b to be the
a = b;
b = c;
c = a; /* best approximation */
fa = fb;
fb = fc;
fc = fa;
tol_act = 2 * DBL_EPSILON * fabs(b) + tol / 2;
new_step = (c - b) / 2;

/* BUGBUG: DRC --------------------------------------- */
/* Here, testing a double for equality is a good idea. */
/* BUGBUG: DRC --------------------------------------- */
if (fabs(new_step) <= tol_act || fb == 0.0)
return b; /* Acceptable approx. is found */

/* Decide if the interpolation can be tried */
if (fabs(prev_step) >= tol_act /* If prev_step was large
enough */
&& fabs(fa) > fabs(fb)) { /* and was in true direction,
/* Interpolatiom may be tried */
register double t1,
cb = c - b;
/* If only two distinct points, linear interpolation */
/* can only be applied. */
/* BUGBUG: DRC ------------------------------------------
/* This test for equality is questionable. If very, very
/* close to linear, we may have large calculation errors.
/* (Or so it seems to me). Perhaps Dik Winter can help.
/* BUGBUG: DRC ------------------------------------------
if (a == c) {
t1 = fb / fa;
p = cb * t1;
q = 1.0 - t1;
} else { /* Quadric inverse interpolation */
q = fa / fc;
t1 = fb / fc;
t2 = fb / fa;
p = t2 * (cb * q * (q - t1) - (b - a) * (t1 - 1.0));
q = (q - 1.0) * (t1 - 1.0) * (t2 - 1.0);
if (p > 0.0) /* p was calculated with the op- */
q = -q; /* posite sign; make p positive */
else /* and assign possible minus to */
p = -p; /* q */

/* If b+p/q falls in [b,c] and isn't too large it is
accepted */
if (p < (0.75 * cb * q - fabs(tol_act * q) / 2)
&& p < fabs(prev_step * q / 2))
new_step = p / q;
/* If p/q is too large then the bissection procedure can
/* reduce [b,c] range further */
if (fabs(new_step) < tol_act) /* Adjust the step to be not
less */
if (new_step > (double) 0) /* than tolerance */
new_step = tol_act;
new_step = -tol_act;
a = b;
fa = fb; /* Save the previous approx. */
b += new_step;
fb = (*f) (b); /* Do step to a new approxim. */

/* Adjust c for it to have a sign opposite to that of b */
if ((fb > 0 && fc > 0) || (fb < 0 && fc < 0)) {
c = a;
fc = fa;
#ifdef UNIT_TEST

* Verify ZEROIN routine
double zeroin(double ax, double bx, double (*f) (double),
double tol);

static int counter; /* Iteration counter */

/* Run a test. */
/* [a,b]=interval containing a root (sign change) */
/* f = function */
/* msg = explanation message */
static void testz(double a, double b, double (*f) (double), char
double root;
counter = 0;
printf("\nFor function %s\nin [%g,%g] root is\t%.9e\n", msg, a, b,
(root = zeroin(a, b, f, 0.0)));
printf("Function value at the root found\t%.4e\nNo. of iterations\t
(*f) (root), counter);

static double f1(double x)
{ /* test of the Forsythe book */
return (x*x - 2.0) * x - 5.0;

static double f2(double x)
{ /* My test */
return cos(x) - x;

static double f3(double x)
{ /* My test */
return sin(x) - x;

static double f4(double x)
{ /* My test */
x = 0.17875/(1-0.05/x*(1-exp(-7*x)))-0.164-x;
return x;

static double f5(double x)
{ /* My test */
return 100.0 * x * x - pow(2.0, x);

int main(void)
puts("testing zero finder.");
testz(2.0, 3.0, f1, "x^3 - 2*x - 5");
printf("Exact root is \t\t2.0945514815\n");

testz(2.0, 3.0, f2, "cos(x)-x");
testz(-1.0, 3.0, f2, "cos(x)-x");
testz(-1.0, 3.0, f3, "sin(x)-x");
testz(-1.e29, 1e30, f4, "0.17875/(1-0.05/x*(1-exp(-7*x)))-0.164-
testz(-10.0, 10000.0, f5, "100 * n * n - 2 ^ n");
return 0;

Richard Harter

If you give it in terms of an equation, then you can easily accomplish
it symbolically.

Granted. However Dik wrote "Finding the real value" which is not
the same thing as finding either an approximation or a symbolic
expression. In other words he was asking for something that
cannot be produced either by a computer or a human being, even
though it can be done by a mathematician.

Richard Harter, (e-mail address removed)
http://home.tiac.net/~cri, http://www.varinoma.com
In the fields of Hell where the grass grows high
Are the graves of dreams allowed to die


On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 14:36:55 GMT, "Dik T. Winter"

Granted. However Dik wrote "Finding the real value" which is not
the same thing as finding either an approximation or a symbolic
expression. In other words he was asking for something that
cannot be produced either by a computer or a human being, even
though it can be done by a mathematician.

I disagree.
I can print the exact value of the ratio of the circumference to the
diameter as:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
return 0;

Dik did something like that up above. I did not get the same answer
as him numerically (which means *for sure* what I did was wrong) but
his symbolic expression {if correct} is the exact mathematical answer.

Dik T. Winter

> On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 14:36:55 GMT, "Dik T. Winter"

> And the computer on which you can express that value is?

Strange, I thought that in a previous article I gave that value.

Dik T. Winter

> I must have gone off somewhere.

I had gone off somewhere. The actual solution is:

Note however, that if you take the principal value of the W function
the result is 0.1036578164 (which is indeed also a solution). You
need the value on another branch. In Maple that would be
sqrt(exp(LambertW(-1, -log(2)/20)))/10.
and then you get:
> 14.32472784

(Yes, it is not trivial...)

Dik T. Winter

> On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 10:32:01 GMT, "Dik T. Winter"

> Well, no, you gave an expression that would yield the value if
> evaluated with infinite precision. Not at all the same thing as
> the real value.

In mathematics it is. Each real value has many representations, and
not necessarily each representation is some finite numerical representation.
So when asked for the solution of x**2 = 2, the mathematical result is
+sqrt(2) or -sqrt(2), and they are the real values.

Richard Harter

In mathematics it is.

Well, no, it is not.
Each real value has many representations, and
not necessarily each representation is some finite numerical representation.
So when asked for the solution of x**2 = 2, the mathematical result is
+sqrt(2) or -sqrt(2), and they are the real values.

No, they aren't the real values - they are representations of the
real values.

Richard Harter, (e-mail address removed)
http://home.tiac.net/~cri, http://www.varinoma.com
In the fields of Hell where the grass grows high
Are the graves of dreams allowed to die


Richard said:
.... snip ...

No, they aren't the real values - they are representations of the
real values.

I agree with Dik. The 'representations' are attempts to express
those values with some combination of digits and numerical base,
which can never be exact, since the values are transcendental.

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