totally lost newbie



Hi all

I posted earlier on this but have changed my approach so here is my
latest attempt at solving a problem. I have been working on this for
around 12 hours straight and am still struggling with it.

Write a program that reads the values for a random list of cards from
a file, where each line in the file specifies a single card with the
rank and then the suit separated by a space. The rank should be an
integer in the range of 1 to 13 (Ace:1, King:13), while the suit
should be a lower case character in the set { 'h', 'd', 'c', 's' }.
Sort the card entries into suits ordered by rank, and print out the
ordered list. Hint: sort the list first by rank, and then by suit.

The format of the cards.txt file is;

1 h
1 d
13 c
10 s

and so on for the whole deck.

Can someone help me to get the mycomp function to work.

Any help appreciated


def read_cards(filename):

cards = []
for card in open(filename, 'r'):
# strip the trailing newline character
return cards

filename = 'cards.txt'
cards = read_cards(filename)

def cards_str2tup(cards):

cards_tup = []
for card in cards:
rank, suit = card.split()
cards_tup.append((suit, int(rank)))
return cards_tup

def cards_tup2str(cards_tup):

cards = []
space = ' '
for tup in cards_tup:
suit, rank = tup
s = str(rank) + space + suit
return cards

def mycmp( a, b):
#define the order in which the characters are to be sorted
order = [ 'h', 'd', 'c', 's' ]
# if the characters from each element ARENT the same
if a[1] <> b[1]:
#return the result of comparing the index of each elements
character in the order list
return cmp( order.index( a[1] ), order.index( b[1] ) )
else :
#return the result of comparing each elements number
return cmp( a[0], b[0] )

cards.sort( mycmp )
#print cards

Gabriel Genellina

I posted earlier on this but have changed my approach so here is my
latest attempt at solving a problem. I have been working on this for
around 12 hours straight and am still struggling with it.

Almost done. Just two things:
- You have defined a function to convert the file format into tuples. But
you are not consistent with the ordering: in the file they come
rank+space+suit. When you convert to tuple you use (suit,rank). Inside the
comparison function you use a[0] as rank and a[1] as suit again. Be
- The sort expects a list of tuples, but you still use the lines read from
the file; you forgot to call the function above to convert them.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Hi all

I posted earlier on this but have changed my approach so here is my
latest attempt at solving a problem. I have been working on this for
around 12 hours straight and am still struggling with it.

Write a program that reads the values for a random list of cards from
a file, where each line in the file specifies a single card with the
rank and then the suit separated by a space. The rank should be an
integer in the range of 1 to 13 (Ace:1, King:13), while the suit
should be a lower case character in the set { 'h', 'd', 'c', 's' }.
Sort the card entries into suits ordered by rank, and print out the
ordered list. Hint: sort the list first by rank, and then by suit.

The format of the cards.txt file is;

1 h
1 d
13 c
10 s

and so on for the whole deck.

Can someone help me to get the mycomp function to work.

Any help appreciated


def read_cards(filename):

cards = []
for card in open(filename, 'r'):
# strip the trailing newline character
return cards

filename = 'cards.txt'
cards = read_cards(filename)

def cards_str2tup(cards):

cards_tup = []
for card in cards:
rank, suit = card.split()
cards_tup.append((suit, int(rank)))
return cards_tup

def cards_tup2str(cards_tup):

cards = []
space = ' '
for tup in cards_tup:
suit, rank = tup
s = str(rank) + space + suit
return cards

def mycmp( a, b):
#define the order in which the characters are to be sorted
order = [ 'h', 'd', 'c', 's' ]
# if the characters from each element ARENT the same
if a[1] <> b[1]:
#return the result of comparing the index of each elements
character in the order list
return cmp( order.index( a[1] ), order.index( b[1] ) )
else :
#return the result of comparing each elements number
return cmp( a[0], b[0] )

cards.sort( mycmp )
#print cards

Maybe it's easier to use a key function instead of a compare function. A
key function receives an element and must return something that is then
sorted and the element ends up where the computed key is in the sorted
list. Little example for sorting a list of strings first by length and
strings of the same length by alphabetical order:

def key_func(item):
return (len(item), item)

data = ['viking', 'spam', 'parrot', 'ham', 'eric']
print data

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Kay Schluehr

Hi all

I posted earlier on this but have changed my approach so here is my
latest attempt at solving a problem. I have been working on this for
around 12 hours straight and am still struggling with it.

Write a program that reads the values for a random list of cards from
a file, where each line in the file specifies a single card with the
rank and then the suit separated by a space. The rank should be an
integer in the range of 1 to 13 (Ace:1, King:13), while the suit
should be a lower case character in the set { 'h', 'd', 'c', 's' }.
Sort the card entries into suits ordered by rank, and print out the
ordered list. Hint: sort the list first by rank, and then by suit.

The format of the cards.txt file is;

1 h
1 d
13 c
10 s

and so on for the whole deck.

Can someone help me to get the mycomp function to work.

Any help appreciated


def read_cards(filename):

cards = []
for card in open(filename, 'r'):
# strip the trailing newline character
return cards

filename = 'cards.txt'
cards = read_cards(filename)

def cards_str2tup(cards):

cards_tup = []
for card in cards:
rank, suit = card.split()
cards_tup.append((suit, int(rank)))
return cards_tup

def cards_tup2str(cards_tup):

cards = []
space = ' '
for tup in cards_tup:
suit, rank = tup
s = str(rank) + space + suit
return cards

def mycmp( a, b):
#define the order in which the characters are to be sorted
order = [ 'h', 'd', 'c', 's' ]
# if the characters from each element ARENT the same
if a[1] <> b[1]:
#return the result of comparing the index of each elements
character in the order list
return cmp( order.index( a[1] ), order.index( b[1] ) )
else :
#return the result of comparing each elements number
return cmp( a[0], b[0] )

cards.sort( mycmp )
#print cards

You need to exploit the lexicographic order as in the following

def sort_carddeck(card_deck_pairs):
# card deck pairs have to be a list of
# the form [(rank1, suit1), (rank1, suit2),...]
suit_order = [ 'h', 'd', 'c', 's' ]

def cmp(p1, p2):
i1 = suit_order.index(p1[1])
i2 = suit_order.index(p2[1])
if i1<i2:
return -1
elif i1 == i2:
if int(p1[0])<=int(p2[0]):
return -1
return 1
return 1
return sorted(card_deck_pairs, cmp)

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