Trap errors - 2nd post



I want to emphasize a point for my prior posts :

How can I trap a message in ASP (not dotnet), to a specific label.

(I know : on error goto my_label ...
but this does not work in ASP pages)

Thanks :)

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Eitan said:
I want to emphasize a point for my prior posts :

How can I trap a message in ASP (not dotnet), to a specific label.

(I know : on error goto my_label ...
but this does not work in ASP pages)

Thanks :)

One of the links that was provided showed an example, but here's a generic

on error resume next
'bunch of statements
'statement that may generate an error
if err <> 0 then
'handle the error
response.write err.number & ": " & err.description
'use Select Case to tailor your action to specific error numbers
end if
'turn off error handling if appropriate (this is optional*):
on error goto 0

In addition, with ADO, you also can ustilize the connection object's Errors
collection (you still have to us on error resume next)

on error resume next
conn.execute querythatmayproduceerror
if conn.Errors.count > 0 then
for each adoerr in conn.errors
response.write "<BR>ADO Error #" & adoerr.number & "<BR>" & _
"DB Error #: & ": " & adoerr.nativeError & "<BR>" & _
"Description: " ": " & adoerr.description
'use Select Case to tailor your action to specific error numbers
end if

Bob Barrows

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Bob said:
One of the links that was provided showed an example, but here's a
generic example:

on error resume next
'bunch of statements
'statement that may generate an error
if err <> 0 then
'handle the error
response.write err.number & ": " & err.description
'use Select Case to tailor your action to specific error numbers
end if
'turn off error handling if appropriate (this is optional*):
on error goto 0
This would be better written like this:

on error resume next
'bunch of statements whose errors you wish to ignore
'statement that may generate an error you wish to handle
if err <> 0 then
'handle the error
response.write err.number & ": " & err.description
'use Select Case to tailor your action to specific error numbers
end if
'turn off error handling if appropriate (this is optional*):
on error goto 0

*Eric Lippert wrote a series of blogs about error-handling in vbscript,
which you can find here:

Bob Barrows

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