Urgent Deliverable



Hi All

when i execute the following code i'm getting the error

Content-type: text/html
Software error:
Malformed multipart POST

dim strDownloadedCode1
Class MultiPartFormPost
Public Boundary
Private NewData
Private PreviousData
Private ItemString
Private blnLastItem
dim http
'The next two functions build up a string of form elements and files to
'to the form post.
Public Sub AddFile(LocalPath,FieldName)
ItemString = ItemString & "FILE^^" & LocalPath & "^^" & FieldName &
End Sub
Public Sub AddField(FieldName,FieldValue)
ItemString = ItemString & "FIELD^^" & FieldName & "^^" & FieldValue &
End Sub
Public Function Send(URL)
If Boundary = "" then Boundary =
'Default Boundary
'Remove the last divider element
ItemString = left(itemstring,len(itemstring) - 2)
'Create an array of the various form elements to post
Items = Split(ItemString,"||")
For count = 0 to ubound(Items)
'Preserve the Current Binary Data
PreviousData = NewData
'Grab the data needed to post each form element
ItemPart = Split(Items(Count),"^^")
'Are we dealing with the last element?
If count = UBound(Items) Then blnLastItem = True
If ItemPart(0) = "FILE" Then
AddItem 0,ItemPart(1),ItemPart(2) 'Add File
AddItem 1,ItemPart(1),ItemPart(2) 'Add Field
end if
'Create HTTP object to Post the data
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
http.Open "POST", URL, False

http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary="
+ Boundary
'Send the Data, and grab the response.

http.send NewData
If http.readyState <> 4 then
http.waitForResponse 10
End If
strDownloadedCode1 = http.responseText
set http = Nothing

End Function
Private Sub AddItem(FType,arg1, arg2)
If FType = 1 then 'Add field
NewData = BuildFormData(arg1, arg2,"")
else 'Add file
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Does the file exist?
if Not objFSO.FileExists(arg1) then Exit Sub
'Grab the file data as binary.
Set Stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
Stream.Type = 1 : Stream.Open : Stream.LoadFromFile arg1
FileContents = stream.read
'Build this elements RAW HTTP Data
NewData = BuildFormData(FileContents, arg1, arg2)
'Clear up!
stream.close : set stream = nothing : Set FSO = Nothing
end if
End Sub
Private Function BuildFormData(arg1, arg2, arg3)
'Have any items been added yet?
If lenb(PreviousData) > 0 then
pre = vbCrLf
pre = ""
end if
'Arg3 will be blank if dealing with a Field Element
If arg3 <> "" then 'File Element
'Set the Element's preceding HTTP String
Pre = Pre & Boundary & vbCrLf & "Content-Disposition: form-data; " & _
"name=""" & arg3 & """; filename=""" & arg2 & """" & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Type: application/upload" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
else 'Field Element
'Set the Element's preceding HTTP String
Pre = Pre & Boundary & vbCrLf & "Content-Disposition: form-data; " & _
"name=""" & arg1 & """" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
end if
'Are we dealing with the last element?
If blnLastItem then
'Set the last element's finishing HTTP String
Po = vbcrlf & Boundary + "--" + vbCrLf
Po = ""
end if
'Create a recordset instance so we can manipulate binary data
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
If arg3 <> "" then 'File Element
RS.Fields.Append "b", 205, Len(Pre) + LenB(arg1) + Len(Po)
else 'Field Element
RS.Fields.Append "b", 205, Len(Pre) + Len(arg2) + Len(Po)
end if
RS.Open : RS.AddNew 'Create a record within the recordset object
LenData = Len(Pre)
'Convert the preceeding HTTP String to binary
RS("b").AppendChunk (StringToMB(Pre) & ChrB(0))
Pre = RS("b").GetChunk(LenData) : RS("b") = ""
If blnLastItem then ' Last element?
'Convert the last element's finishing HTTP String to binary
LenData = Len(Po) : RS("b").AppendChunk (StringToMB(Po) & ChrB(0))
Po = RS("b").GetChunk(LenData) : RS("b") = ""
end if
if arg3 = "" then 'Convert Field's Value to binary.
LenData = Len(arg2) : RS("b").AppendChunk (StringToMB(arg2) & ChrB(0))
arg2 = RS("b").GetChunk(LenData) : RS("b") = ""
end if
'If there was already Binary Data (form elements), then we add this in
'of this element's binary data
If LenB(PreviousData) > 0 then RS("b").AppendChunk (PreviousData)
'Add the preceding HTTP String Binary
RS("b").AppendChunk (Pre)
if arg3 <> "" then 'Add the Binary File Data
RS("b").AppendChunk (Arg1)
else 'Add the Binary Field Value
RS("b").AppendChunk (arg2)
end if
'If we are on the last element, add the finishing binary data
If blnLastItem then RS("b").AppendChunk (Po)
'Return the Binary to calling function
RS.Update : FormData = RS("b") : BuildFormData = FormData
'Clear up.
RS.Close : Set RS = Nothing
End Function
Private Function StringToMB(S)
'This function converts a string, to a binary string
B = ""
For I = 1 To Len(S)
B = B & ChrB(Asc(Mid(S, I, 1)))
StringToMB = B
End Function
End Class

Set frmPost = New MultiPartFormPost
'Add a file (as if you clicked the browse button on a form)
frmPost.AddFile "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Satya\Elroiproc.txt","proof_file"
'Add a Form Field
frmPost.AddField "number","54169-15577.1"
frmPost.AddField "id","451"
frmPost.AddField "SUBMIT","SUBMIT"
'you can call the above steps as many times as nessesary
'next, we send the output to the form

Response.Write strDownloadedCode1&"<br>"
Set frmPost = Nothing



Hi All

when i execute the following code i'm getting the error

Content-type: text/html
Software error:
Malformed multipart POST

dim strDownloadedCode1
Class MultiPartFormPost
Public Boundary
Private NewData
Private PreviousData
Private ItemString
Private blnLastItem
dim http
'The next two functions build up a string of form elements and files to
'to the form post.
Public Sub AddFile(LocalPath,FieldName)
ItemString = ItemString & "FILE^^" & LocalPath & "^^" & FieldName &
End Sub
Public Sub AddField(FieldName,FieldValue)
ItemString = ItemString & "FIELD^^" & FieldName & "^^" & FieldValue &
End Sub
Public Function Send(URL)
If Boundary = "" then Boundary =
'Default Boundary
'Remove the last divider element
ItemString = left(itemstring,len(itemstring) - 2)
'Create an array of the various form elements to post
Items = Split(ItemString,"||")
For count = 0 to ubound(Items)
'Preserve the Current Binary Data
PreviousData = NewData
'Grab the data needed to post each form element
ItemPart = Split(Items(Count),"^^")
'Are we dealing with the last element?
If count = UBound(Items) Then blnLastItem = True
If ItemPart(0) = "FILE" Then
AddItem 0,ItemPart(1),ItemPart(2) 'Add File
AddItem 1,ItemPart(1),ItemPart(2) 'Add Field
end if
'Create HTTP object to Post the data
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
http.Open "POST", URL, False

http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary="
+ Boundary
'Send the Data, and grab the response.

http.send NewData
If http.readyState <> 4 then
http.waitForResponse 10
End If
strDownloadedCode1 = http.responseText
set http = Nothing

End Function
Private Sub AddItem(FType,arg1, arg2)
If FType = 1 then 'Add field
NewData = BuildFormData(arg1, arg2,"")
else 'Add file
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Does the file exist?
if Not objFSO.FileExists(arg1) then Exit Sub
'Grab the file data as binary.
Set Stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
Stream.Type = 1 : Stream.Open : Stream.LoadFromFile arg1
FileContents = stream.read
'Build this elements RAW HTTP Data
NewData = BuildFormData(FileContents, arg1, arg2)
'Clear up!
stream.close : set stream = nothing : Set FSO = Nothing
end if
End Sub
Private Function BuildFormData(arg1, arg2, arg3)
'Have any items been added yet?
If lenb(PreviousData) > 0 then
pre = vbCrLf
pre = ""
end if
'Arg3 will be blank if dealing with a Field Element
If arg3 <> "" then 'File Element
'Set the Element's preceding HTTP String
Pre = Pre & Boundary & vbCrLf & "Content-Disposition: form-data; " & _
"name=""" & arg3 & """; filename=""" & arg2 & """" & vbCrLf & _
"Content-Type: application/upload" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
else 'Field Element
'Set the Element's preceding HTTP String
Pre = Pre & Boundary & vbCrLf & "Content-Disposition: form-data; " & _
"name=""" & arg1 & """" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
end if
'Are we dealing with the last element?
If blnLastItem then
'Set the last element's finishing HTTP String
Po = vbcrlf & Boundary + "--" + vbCrLf
Po = ""
end if
'Create a recordset instance so we can manipulate binary data
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
If arg3 <> "" then 'File Element
RS.Fields.Append "b", 205, Len(Pre) + LenB(arg1) + Len(Po)
else 'Field Element
RS.Fields.Append "b", 205, Len(Pre) + Len(arg2) + Len(Po)
end if
RS.Open : RS.AddNew 'Create a record within the recordset object
LenData = Len(Pre)
'Convert the preceeding HTTP String to binary
RS("b").AppendChunk (StringToMB(Pre) & ChrB(0))
Pre = RS("b").GetChunk(LenData) : RS("b") = ""
If blnLastItem then ' Last element?
'Convert the last element's finishing HTTP String to binary
LenData = Len(Po) : RS("b").AppendChunk (StringToMB(Po) & ChrB(0))
Po = RS("b").GetChunk(LenData) : RS("b") = ""
end if
if arg3 = "" then 'Convert Field's Value to binary.
LenData = Len(arg2) : RS("b").AppendChunk (StringToMB(arg2) & ChrB(0))
arg2 = RS("b").GetChunk(LenData) : RS("b") = ""
end if
'If there was already Binary Data (form elements), then we add this in
'of this element's binary data
If LenB(PreviousData) > 0 then RS("b").AppendChunk (PreviousData)
'Add the preceding HTTP String Binary
RS("b").AppendChunk (Pre)
if arg3 <> "" then 'Add the Binary File Data
RS("b").AppendChunk (Arg1)
else 'Add the Binary Field Value
RS("b").AppendChunk (arg2)
end if
'If we are on the last element, add the finishing binary data
If blnLastItem then RS("b").AppendChunk (Po)
'Return the Binary to calling function
RS.Update : FormData = RS("b") : BuildFormData = FormData
'Clear up.
RS.Close : Set RS = Nothing
End Function
Private Function StringToMB(S)
'This function converts a string, to a binary string
B = ""
For I = 1 To Len(S)
B = B & ChrB(Asc(Mid(S, I, 1)))
StringToMB = B
End Function
End Class

Set frmPost = New MultiPartFormPost
'Add a file (as if you clicked the browse button on a form)
frmPost.AddFile "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Satya\Elroiproc.txt","proof_file"
'Add a Form Field
frmPost.AddField "number","54169-15577.1"
frmPost.AddField "id","451"
frmPost.AddField "SUBMIT","SUBMIT"
'you can call the above steps as many times as nessesary
'next, we send the output to the form

Response.Write strDownloadedCode1&"<br>"
Set frmPost = Nothing


This is a classic ASP news group. Your question relates to ASP.NET.
You are much more likely to find someone to help you in one of the .NET
groups. I suggest microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet


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