Using File::Find and only manipulating 1 file per directory.


Ian Wilson

soren625 said:
My point was that I was apologizing and changing my evil ways (as you
may have noticed -- is there anything about really reading posts in
those guidelines?)

Please accept this as my formal apology -- no excuses.

I have always been of the opinion that when someone has knowlegde to
share via a resource such as the Internet, it should be shared
liberally and graciously. Whenever I have had opportunity to do so I
have attempted to be understanding and even open-minded -- perhaps the
person asking the question doesn't even know *how* to ask his or her
particular question. Often, the person gets a stupid, snobby link about
how to ask effective questions slapped in his face, because this
clearly establishes the intellectual dominance (and ultimate laziness)
of the replier.

I think its unfair to describe as lazy, the people who provide most of
the answers in this newsgroup and who do so for free. They may be a bit
tetchy at times but I can see why.
It's curious that of the four people that have replied to my o.p., only
two have even attempted to graciously provide an answer to my question.

Based on several years reading this newsgroup, I'm pretty certain you'd
have got more replies, of the kind you seek, if you had followed the
local conventions for posting here.

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