Using more than 2G of memory with PERL


Gary Harvey

I have a data intensive program that requires all data to be present in
memory. I keep running out of memory at about 2G whenever I run my program.
I tried using a 64 bit version of Perl and hit the same limit even though
the memory on the machine was 8G. Even with 32 bit addresses, I should be
able to use 4G if it is available on the machine. How can I get my perl
programs to access more than 2G of memory? Thanks.

Martin Gregory

Gary said:
I have a data intensive program that requires all data to be present in
memory. I keep running out of memory at about 2G whenever I run my program.
I tried using a 64 bit version of Perl and hit the same limit even though
the memory on the machine was 8G. Even with 32 bit addresses, I should be
able to use 4G if it is available on the machine. How can I get my perl
programs to access more than 2G of memory? Thanks.

Can you post a snippet of code to show the circumstances
where you run out of memory - how you know that this is
what the problem is, and what you did to cause it...

Gary Harvey

Martin Gregory said:
Can you post a snippet of code to show the circumstances
where you run out of memory - how you know that this is
what the problem is, and what you did to cause it...

I am getting an out of memory message. I have watched the process with top
and have seen it approach 2G before running out of memory. This is a rather
long code snippet; but, where I run out of memory varies depending on the


foreach $testcase (@Test_Cases)
$testcase_dir = $base_dir . $forward_slash . $testcase;
if ( open(TCOVD,$testcase_dir . $forward_slash . "rd" . $forward_slash
.. "tcovd") )
if ($PrintProgress eq "TRUE")
print PROGRESS $testcase . "\n";
print $testcase . "\n";
@tcovd_lines = <TCOVD>;
# The logic below is designed to do the following:
# If the function specified is "EvaluateUsage" then we need to
# allow for zero hit count blocks. Because of limited memory,
# we cannot keep the zero blocks for each test case. This is
# OK since every tcovd file should list all instrumented files and
# their blocks whether we hit them in a test case or not; so, we
# allow for zero hit count blocks for only the first test case and
# if "EvaluateUsage" is the specified function.
$RegExp = "";
if ($EvaluateUnreferencedBlocks eq "TRUE" && $IsFirstTestcase eq
"TRUE" )
$IsFirstTestcase = "FALSE";
$RegExp = $Initial_BlockLevel_RegExp;
$RegExp = $Subsequent_BlockLevel_RegExp;
for ($i = 0; $i < @tcovd_lines;)
# If we have encountered the beginning of source block data
# and the source block data is a ".f", ".cxx", or ".c" file;
# then, there might be block data that needs to be stored in
# the global hashe(s).
if ( $tcovd_lines[$i]=~/SRCFILE/ && ($tcovd_lines[$i]=~/\.cxx/
|| $tcovd_lines[$i]=~/\.c/ || $tcovd_lines[$i]=~/\.f/) )
# This confusing bit of code extracts the name of the source
# and the name of the file from the SRCFILE line
$fullpath_sourcename = $temp_array_a[1];
$temp_size = @temp_array_b;
$library = $temp_array_b[($temp_size -2)];
$source = $temp_array_b[($temp_size -1)];

if ($DEBUG eq "TRUE")
if (exists $Libraries{$library})

# Now that we have a library and file name the next lines
# should contain block data. We only want file and block
# data for the libraries that we are interested in
if ($AccumulateAllLibraries eq "TRUE" || exists
$this_file_has_blocks_hit = "FALSE";
$this_file_has_blocks = "FALSE";
%file_hash = ();
while ($tcovd_lines[$i]=~/^\t\t[0-9]+\t[0-9]+/)
if ( $tcovd_lines[$i]=~$RegExp )
$this_file_has_blocks_hit = "TRUE";
$this_file_has_blocks = "TRUE";
# OK, now we have to account for the same block
# listed multiple times under the same source
if ( exists $file_hash{$temp_array_d[1]} )
# Adds to the existing count
$file_hash{$temp_array_d[1]} += $temp_array_d[2];
# Adds new entry to hash with count
$file_hash{$temp_array_d[1]} = $temp_array_d[2];
# At this point, if $this_file_has_blocks_hit is "TRUE",
# then we need to add the %file_hash to the %source_hash
# I'm leaving the ".tcov" off of the filename to save a
# bytes since it doesn't really add any value anyway
%temp_source_hash = ();
$block = "";
$count = "";
# Changed this test for the EvaluateUsage fuctionality.
if ( $this_file_has_blocks_hit eq "TRUE" || (
$EvaluateUnreferencedBlocks eq "TRUE" && $this_file_has_blocks eq "TRUE") )
$filename = $library . $forward_slash . $source;
# If this $filename already exists in $source_hash,
# then $source_hash{$filename} already has a %file_hash
# from a preceeding entry of the file. We don't want
# overwrite this, so we must append to it.
if ( exists $source_hash{$filename} )
%temp_file_hash = ();
$block = "";
$count = "";
# We already know that this $filename already has a
# with some blocks in it. Now, for each of the new
# that we have collected in %file_hash, find out
which ones
# already exist in $source_hash{$filename}
foreach $block ( keys %file_hash )
# For existing blocks, add the new hit number to
the existing one
if ( exists $source_hash{$filename}{$block} )
$source_hash{$filename}{$block} +=
# Other blocks get put into $temp_hash_source to
be appended
# to $source_hash{$filename}
$temp_file_hash{$block} = $file_hash{$block};
$source_hash{$filename} = {
%temp_file_hash,%{$source_hash{$filename}} };
$source_hash{$filename} = { %file_hash };
} #end if (exists $Libraries{$library})

# Else, this is in a library that we don't care about so just
skip past the data
while ($tcovd_lines[$i]=~/^\t\t[0-9]+\t[0-9]+/)

} #end if ( $tcovd_lines[$i]=~/SRCFILE/...

if ( $Debug eq "TRUE" )
printf("ELSE: %s\n",$tcovd_lines[$i]);

} #end for
$testcase_hash{$testcase} = {%source_hash};
%source_hash = ();
} #end if (open(TCOVD...
printf("No tcovd data for %s\n",$testcase);

} #end foreach $testcase

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