using nested for loop, workin with displaying prime numbers



Hey. Im trying to make program that basically displays all the prime
numbers. I need to use bool and for but im not quite sure if i have this
right. So far i have this bunch of a mess but can anyone point me in the
right direction? Thanks!
# include <iostream>
# include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int i;
//int sqrt;
//int j;
int x;
int j;
int limit;
bool primeNumber(int);

int main() {

// cout << "Limit: ";
// cin >> x;
// if ((x % 2 == 0) & (x % x == 0))
// {
// return true;
// }
// else
// {
// return false;
// return 0;
//bool primeNumber; {
// if ((x % 2 == 0) & (x % x == 0))
// {
// return true;
// }
// else
// {
// return false;
// }

for (i = 2; i <= x; i++)
cout << i;
for (j = 2; j <= sqrt(i); i++)
cout << sqrt(100.0) << endl;
cout << sqrt(static_cast<double>(100)) << endl; //static cast conversts
from one type to another
return 0;

Daniel T.

triplejump24 said:
Hey. Im trying to make program that basically displays all the prime
numbers. I need to use bool and for but im not quite sure if i have this
right. So far i have this bunch of a mess but can anyone point me in the
right direction?

Here's a pointer for you. Start with the code below. When you run it, it
will *not* print "working so far". Insert code where it says "insert
code here" until you can get "working so far" to print (It should be
quite easy :) After you get that part done, un-comment the second
assert and modify the code until 'working so far" prints again, then the
next comment, &c.

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
// other includes as necessary

bool is_prime( int number )
bool result = false;
// insert code here
return result;

int main() {
assert( is_prime( 2 ) );
//assert( is_prime( 3 ) );
//assert( ! is_prime( 4 ) );
//assert( is_prime( 5 ) );
cout << "Working so far!";


Hey. Im trying to make program that basically displays all the prime
numbers. I need to use bool and for but im not quite sure if i have this
right. So far i have this bunch of a mess but can anyone point me in the
right direction? Thanks!

First ask yourself what is a primenumber?
"An integer p is called a prime number if the only positive integers
that divide p are 1 and p itself."

So you need to check your would-be primenumber against all other
integers. Well you do not need to check againts all other integers.
Any integer larger than p will not divide p!
So we need to check all integers smaller than p (excluding 0 and 1).
This is something you should definitely use a loop for.
You can use a "while()" loop, but i would prefer a "for()" loop.
something like for(int n= 2; n<p;n++) in side the loop you can then
check if n divides p. If it does, p is not a prime.
If the loop completes without n dividing p, p is a prime.

If you put all this into a function called IsPrime(int p) which can
return a bool. ( true if the argument was a primenumber, false if

if you now want test a number you can call

// This was a prime number

You can now use a loop to test all the numbers you would like...
(hint "for loop") or you can write each test explicitly

I know there is a lot of room for improvement in my is prime
function. But start by focussing on getting the function to work
correctly first, then you can always optimise the code if needed.
One optimization is only to test integers smaller than or equal to
the squareroot of p. another ( and more difficult) is to only test a
against all primenumbers smaller than the square root of p, provided
you know ALL of them!!

Two things I think you should consider is what should happen is you
call IsPrime(0) and IsPrime(1). You wil probably have to modify the
IsPrime function to handle this in a sensible way.

A few comments on the code:
using namespace std;
section 27.5 for a discussion.

You need to use more comments in your code!
If you have a varible, you should make a comment why its there, and
what is is used for. The same applies to functions and files.
make it a good habbit to write many comments, and most importantly
keep the comments in sync with the code!
cout << sqrt(static_cast<double>(100)) << endl;
Using a cast operator is something that should make you think "Is
this really right?". Casting is often a consecuence of a flawed
design. In some cases there are needed, but avoid them as much as

I hope this get you closer to your program.

Bo Møller


triplejump24 said:
Hey. Im trying to make program that basically displays all the prime

#include <stdio.h>

/* This program implements a blindingly fast O(n^n) algorithm
to find prime numbers, using an elegant recursive method.
As required it uses bool and for. */
bool _(int n, int m, int d)
bool r = m != n;
for(int i=0; d && (i<n); i++)
r &= _(n,(m<=n)?i*m:0,d-1)|!_(i,1,i);
return r;

Print primes up to the requested value
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for(int n = 2; n; n++)
printf("%d is%s prime\n",n, _(n,1,n)?"" : " not");
return 0;

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