value attribute in element <input type="file">



If I do the following, the browse text box still cannot see
C:/hello world/test.txt.

<input type="file" name="fileName" value="C:/hello world/test.txt" size=80>

I realize we couldn't set the default filename for security reasons, and browsers
don't support that. (

I really need to implement this feature, any workarounds to the problem?

Please advise. thanks!!


Matt said:
If I do the following, the browse text box still cannot see
C:/hello world/test.txt.

<input type="file" name="fileName" value="C:/hello world/test.txt" size=80>

I realize we couldn't set the default filename for security reasons, and browsers
don't support that. (

I really need to implement this feature, any workarounds to the problem?

Please advise. thanks!!

What are you really trying to do?

Can you describe the desired result not how you think it should be done?

Randy Webb

Matt said:
If I do the following, the browse text box still cannot see
C:/hello world/test.txt.

Yep, thats the way it works.
<input type="file" name="fileName" value="C:/hello world/test.txt" size=80>

I realize we couldn't set the default filename for security reasons, and browsers
don't support that. (

I really need to implement this feature, any workarounds to the problem?

What problem? Its a security issue that you can *not* work around. If
you could, I could set the value of a file input to your registry file,
autosubmit the form, and then go from there to get whatever (if not all)
the files on your computer.
Please advise. thanks!!

See Above.

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