Way to distinguish between POST and GET data in Python CGIs?


Simon Willison

Hi all,

I've been experimenting with Python CGIs, and more recently mod_python.
The FieldStorage class used by Python's cgi module and mod_python's
utility library allows form data sent by a user's browser to be easily
accessed, but doesn't appear to provide any method of distinguishing
between data sent by POST and data sent by GET.

Coming from PHP, where these two types of input are available in
separate $_POST and $_GET arrays, this is causing me some concern.
Although I do not see this as a security flaw (I will still be
validating data no matter where it came from) I have always preferred to
restrict some types of input to GET and others to POST - for example,
any script that modifies data on the server in some way should use POST
rather than GET to prevent accidental modifications being caused by
user's bookmarking strange pages.

Does anyone know of a cgi style module for Python that can distinguish
between the two types of data? I'd also be interested in finding out the
reasons this functionality was excluded from the cgi module in the first

Best regards,

Simon Willison


Hi Simon,

Regarding mod_python:
* Check req.method in ('GET', 'POST').
* GET variable strings are accessible via
req.parsed_uri[apache.URI_QUERY], or
req.subprocess_env['QUERY_STRING'] after calling req.add_common_vars().
* POST variable strings are in the client's request body, accessible via
* The variable list strings can be parsed using functions in the cgi
and urllib modules.

Viewing mod_python as an Apache interface which accomodates
web-scripting instead of (just) a web-scripting tool helps
considerably. Think "light on the context, heavy on the construct."

4.5.3: "The request object is a Python mapping to the Apache
request_rec structure. When a handler is invoked, it is always
passed a single argument - the request object."

See http://httpd.apache.org/dev/apidoc/apidoc_request_rec.html for the
structure's nitty grit.

Wearing my Clueless CGI Apologist cap, I believe that it is the
server's duty to set environment variables (like REQUEST_METHOD) and
call an appropriate script with a query string (close enough). In
other words, the script's only *required input* is the query string
itself. Since environment (or "meta") variable accessibility is
"system defined," a frugal cgi module was a safe bet. Just guessing.

the poiboy

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