Web Editors



Weyoun said:

I said about 80-90% of web viewers use internet explorer. Is this

I said out of 500 million people on the net, if you design a site that
will only work in IE, then you are excluding at least 50 million
people from viewing the site correctly. Is this incorrect?

I said that the people in alt.html are not "typical" net users in that
most of us are professionals who know better than to use IE as a
default web browser, and using alt.html statistics for web-surfing
is not a correct way to factor in browser statistics. Is this

Well I guess I better dig a nuclear bunker because my sig has caused
the end of the world.

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

This is all about webeditors?

If you choose the HTML-kit than the discussion was already over.
You can get it for FREE at: www.chami.com

Gerard Schaefers

Weyoun the Dancing Borg

Els said:
Monty Python - Holy Grail:
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberry!"


ok :)

yeah I know that quote but haven't seen the film - what context has it
in regards to me? :)

Weyoun the Dancing Borg

Sjeef said:
This is all about webeditors?

If you choose the HTML-kit than the discussion was already over.
You can get it for FREE at: www.chami.com

exactly - choose a HTML editor that does not spew out code specifically
designed for only 1 browser.

Toby A Inkster

Weyoun said:
The advanved Frontpage features such as the "search" coding will ONLY
work on a server specifically designed for Frontpage, such as IIS.
Apache can't make these features work. So if you pick a web host who
uses Apache or something simlar, and that's probably about 30-50% of
them, then your page and time is all wasted.

Furthermore to my "Apache can do FPE" post, the percentage of websites
hosted on Apache is a little over two thirds.

Blinky the Shark

Weyoun said:
Els wrote:

ok :)
yeah I know that quote but haven't seen the film - what context has it
in regards to me? :)

In context, his "parental elderberry fragrancing issues you may have" would
refer to your father, of course.


In context, his "parental elderberry fragrancing issues you may have"
refer to your father, of course.

#father > you {species: empty-headed-animal food-trough-water}
#mother {species: hamster}
#father {smell: elderberries}

Weyoun the Dancing Borg

Blinky said:
In context, his "parental elderberry fragrancing issues you may have" would
refer to your father, of course.

um... ok... so he's suggesting that I have personal issues with my
father because I disagree with him about demographics and it's use on
the Internet?


Well, I see the logic in that completely... ;)


Quiet, Pinky; I'm pondering.
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Nick Theodorakis

Where have you been? It's CSS33.334 by the way, 333 got
ditched when IE managed to support it.

CSS33.334 is not a standard, but only a candidate recommendation.
However, the erratta are considered normative, but only when they
contradict the standard spec, except when they don't.


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