website for this group


Sam Holden

You need a better URL, but is already

I've missed out on all this "fun", due to a killfile entry due to an
idiotic new year's day post...

However, I keep seeing replies and hence feel like I'm missing out on
the humour - a quick check of google groups makes me realise the
killfile is the far better option.

I can't help replying: as if a group like "comp.lang.perl.misc"
would want a web page anyway, but if it did it sure wouldn't have
an image containing only text without any damn "alt" text... Since
some of the people here actually aren't bloody idiots.

James Willmore

And so is the last one :) Everything in between is open for grabs - but
act fast ... quantities *are* limited ;-)
I've missed out on all this "fun", due to a killfile entry due to an
idiotic new year's day post...

However, I keep seeing replies and hence feel like I'm missing out on
the humour - a quick check of google groups makes me realise the
killfile is the far better option.

I agree - a killfile is better than getting all worked up over this
thread :)
I can't help replying: as if a group like "comp.lang.perl.misc" would
want a web page anyway, but if it did it sure wouldn't have an image
containing only text without any damn "alt" text... Since some of the
people here actually aren't bloody idiots.

Again - the urge to post overtook the basic urge to ignore this thread :)
(I have a coffee cup that says something similar about stress ... )

We don't need "groupies" (which is what a web page would bring) and Google
is alive and well. I have zero desire to post personal information to the
Internet (which, I guess, the "User Bios" section is supposed to be) and
have found more than my fair share of tutorials on the 'Net.

So, I'm thinking this is a re-inventing of the wheel - but that's my

I'm now going to set ye olde news reader to ignore this thread :)

Gregory Toomey

A boy asked his music teacher "Can I write a symphony?".
"Well its a complex and laborious process" replied the teacher.
"But Mozart wrote a symphony at age 11" the boy protested.
"Ahh, be he didn't have to ask!" the teacher replied.



Robin said:
oops - here it is - forgot to post the link.

I notice your "CGI Script" section, you have a number of scripts that you
claim are yours. This is clearly not the case, as a quick perusal through
the excruciatingly badly written Gbook reveals. Given that no
longer appears to exist, it's hard to tell if you are breaking any copyright
they had, but you should make it very clear that it is not "your" script.


Robin said:
I dunno, I already have server space on one site, a whole 30 megs and some
on another server... which server would this be? Cause if it had a better
server and sounded better it might be cool. As for the help, I guess
compiling some of the posts would be all I really need...

Hmm I'd hope that 30MB would be MORE than sufficient, sure..

As for why would we want a website for this group, how many
newgroup-specific sites have you visited? They are generally
contributor-centric as opposed to techno-centric which you'd find on
an ordinary Perl site. So they have a different intent. They can also
be a good place for meta-discussions about this group which would be
flamed herein.

Robin, I still think the idea has merit. Don't be discouraged by the
almost 100% oppoosition by the Perlista cadre. I've never observed
them open to an idea that they didn't initiate. Not a slam, just an
empirical observation. If someone other than the 4-5 "accepted gurus"
has an idea or suggestion, it can't have merit!

You'd think at least one might see *something* good in a suggestion
like yours. Some see the glass as half full, others half empty. Others
refuse to believe there is any water in it at all!


Uri Guttman

S> As for why would we want a website for this group, how many
S> newgroup-specific sites have you visited? They are generally
S> contributor-centric as opposed to techno-centric which you'd find on
S> an ordinary Perl site. So they have a different intent. They can also
S> be a good place for meta-discussions about this group which would be
S> flamed herein.

this group has no special take on perl that deserves its own site. why
does the world need another newbie driven perl website? let her do it
but i won't contribute. i barely contribute to established sites like
perlmonk or perlguru or

S> Robin, I still think the idea has merit. Don't be discouraged by the
S> almost 100% oppoosition by the Perlista cadre. I've never observed
S> them open to an idea that they didn't initiate. Not a slam, just an
S> empirical observation. If someone other than the 4-5 "accepted gurus"
S> has an idea or suggestion, it can't have merit!

it has no merit. and it ISN'T a new idea.

S> You'd think at least one might see *something* good in a suggestion
S> like yours. Some see the glass as half full, others half empty. Others
S> refuse to believe there is any water in it at all!

it isn't that it isn't a good idea, it is a redundant idea. and how
would newbies like robin even know what to put into such a site? and how
would it be better or different than all the other sites? and what
special content would it have to make it stand out?


Keith Keller

Hash: SHA1

it isn't that it isn't a good idea, it is a redundant idea. and how
would newbies like robin even know what to put into such a site? and how
would it be better or different than all the other sites?

It could possibly be better in that it takes all of Robin's and Sara's
time, thus reducing the time they can spend posting to clpmisc. ;-O

- --keith

- --
(e-mail address removed)
(try just my userid to email me)

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