What's better about Rattlesnakes than Pythons?

  • Thread starter ForHimself Every Man
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ForHimself Every Man

What's better about Rattlesnakes than Python. I'm sure there's
something. What is it?

This is not a troll. I'm a snake shooping and I want people's
answers. I don't know beans about Rattlesnakes or have an
preconceived ideas about them. I noticed, however, that everyone I
talk to who are aware of Pythons are also afraid of Rattlesnakes. So
it seems that Rattlesnakes have the potential to compete with and
displace Pythons. I'm curious how evolution will play this out.


-- www.microsoft.com
ForHimself, Every Man Redmond, WA

On the 15th level, there is a troll
He drinks no wine and smokes no stogies
But, oh he loves to eat them little rougies

Ganesan R

ForHimself" == ForHimself Every Man said:
What's better about Rattlesnakes than Python. I'm sure there's
something. What is it?
This is not a troll. I'm a snake shooping and I want people's
answers. I don't know beans about Rattlesnakes or have an
preconceived ideas about them. I noticed, however, that everyone I
talk to who are aware of Pythons are also afraid of Rattlesnakes. So
it seems that Rattlesnakes have the potential to compete with and
displace Pythons. I'm curious how evolution will play this out.

ROTFL. Thank you very much. I really needed this :).

Andrew Dalke

Brandon J. Van Every:
you want to live in a desert, and you want to hear your pet easily, you're
better off with a rattlesnake.

So I live in a desert. I recently involuntarily acquired some
mouse housemates, which I want to get rid of (and are keeping
me up late tonight because I can hear the occasional rustle.)

Would Rattlesnake or Python be better at de-mousing my house?
Do either come with an IDE? (Infestation Devouring Engine)
Do either need a lot of support? Are there books on the topic?

Blah. I'm up too late to make even my normal medium quality
quips. Tomorrow it'll be trap shopping day. Again. Caught
two already in glue traps.

(e-mail address removed)

Graham Fawcett

Andrew said:
Brandon J. Van Every:

So I live in a desert. I recently involuntarily acquired some
mouse housemates, which I want to get rid of (and are keeping
me up late tonight because I can hear the occasional rustle.)

Would Rattlesnake or Python be better at de-mousing my house?
Do either come with an IDE? (Infestation Devouring Engine)
Do either need a lot of support? Are there books on the topic?

Any snake born in Java will perform better than these two; at least
that's what the Javanese snake-sellers tell me. What they don't tell you
is that you'll have to spend ten times as long training the darn snake.

I hear that sea-snakes are pretty fast too. But be warned: if you point
a sea-snake in an invalid direction, it may never come back. Also, be
prepared to clean up the mouse carcasses yourself.
Blah. I'm up too late to make even my normal medium quality
quips. Tomorrow it'll be trap shopping day. Again. Caught
two already in glue traps.

That's a statically-typed trapping solution, isn't it?

(Too late for me too, I think)

-- Graham

Brandon J. Van Every

Andrew said:
Would Rattlesnake or Python be better at de-mousing my house?
Do either come with an IDE? (Infestation Devouring Engine)
Do either need a lot of support? Are there books on the topic?

I think snakes tend to swallow their prey and then go dormant for awhile.
But, maybe that's just for really big prey. A python is much bigger than a
rattlesnake, so would probably eat more meeces for you.

Cheers, www.3DProgrammer.com
Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

Brandon J. Van Every

Graham said:
Any snake born in Java will perform better than these two; at least
that's what the Javanese snake-sellers tell me. What they don't tell
is that you'll have to spend ten times as long training the darn

What, Java doesn't have mice?
I hear that sea-snakes are pretty fast too. But be warned: if you
a sea-snake in an invalid direction, it may never come back. Also, be
prepared to clean up the mouse carcasses yourself.

Nonsense. The carcasses fall to the bottom of the ocean. If your ocean is
big enough, it doesn't matter. If your ocean is an inflatable kiddie

Cheers, www.3DProgrammer.com
Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

Brandon J. Van Every

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