win32com: need help with opening mapi session error


Mark Hahn

After great help from this group, I figured out what I needed to do to get
an email client to create a message and open it up on the screen with
win32com. Now I'm having trouble getting the first line of code to work
(why don't I just have you all do my project for me :)

This ...

import win32com.client
session = win32com.client.Dispatch('MAPI.Session')

.... is giving me the error ...

None: (-2147221005, 'Invalid class string', None, None)

I've also tried "Mapi.Session" and "MAPI.Session.1".

Can someone give me a hint what is going on here?

Mark Hahn

Well, seconds after posting my question, I ran into the answer in another
old posting that I swear I searched for before and didn't find:
Never mind -- this is the crash you see if you don't
have CDO object support installed for MAPI.
CDO support used to be installed by default with
Outlook, but now it isn't. After installing CDO
support, my program is happy.

So I guess I'll have to do it the hard way with all the direct MAPI crud.

Unless .... is there any way to install a microsoft feature like CDO from

News M Claveau /Hamster-P

Hi !

This run on my W2K :

import win32com.client
objEmail = win32com.client.Dispatch('CDO.Message')

uration/sendusing") = 2

uration/smtpserver") = "ServeurSMTP"

uration/smtpserverport") = 25

objEmail.From = "(e-mail address removed)"
objEmail.To = "(e-mail address removed)"
objEmail.Subject = "ssuujjeett"
objEmail.Textbody = "Corps (body)\ndu (of) message."
objEmail.HTMLbody = "<HTML><H3>Toto<BR>Titi<BR></H3></HTML>"


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