XML 1.1 parser, compliant in Perl



This is my next release here.
I got no response to Net::Telnet wrapper code.
I want to post this huge chunk of code but I will not if the
arrogance continues..


I don't remember this, looks like it was me though, disregard.
Please do not post any more code. We are not worthy.
Was pretty well snokered on my last batch of posts.
New rule for myself: will refrain from posting when I'm that smashed.
Jeez what was I thinking. I would be embarassed if personal respect existed here.
Not that I'm looking for any, don't get me wrong (haha).
I don't expect feedback on these crippled code that I post. So I was out of line
with this post, *way* out of line... Apologies.
This module you may want though. Written in a week, a month or two ago,
inspired by the help of all the jabs from an earlier xml code post.
Don't know what to do with it, so thought I'd dump it here.
Hey if you don't wan't it don't use it. Don't reply.
I'm working on some other file system integration code that dynamically alters file
names using Smg.pm principle's. There's a trend to name file's based on its md5 that
will result in scatter if not grouped in real-time. I propose, in the filename, to not
only group the files, but to timestamp within the name down to the millisecond, and
integrate into the shell. This allows tools to be used later that can group and time order them.
But you don't need to know that. You might be worth then...

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