a little parsing challenge ☺


Xah Lee


folks, this one will be interesting one.

the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
(and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

• The files will be utf-8 encoded (unix style line ending).

• If a file has mismatched matching-pairs, the script will display the
file name, and the line number and column number of the first
instance where a mismatched bracket occures. (or, just the char number
instead (as in emacs's “pointâ€))

• the matching pairs are all single unicode chars. They are these and
nothing else: () {} [] “†‹› «» ã€ã€‘ 〈〉 《》 「ã€ã€Žã€
Note that ‘single curly quote’ is not consider matching pair here.

• You script must be standalone. Must not be using some parser tools.
But can call lib that's part of standard distribution in your lang.

Here's a example of mismatched bracket: ([)], (“[[â€), ((, 】etc. (and
yes, the brackets may be nested. There are usually text between these

I'll be writing a emacs lisp solution and post in 2 days. Ι welcome
other lang implementations. In particular, perl, python, php, ruby,
tcl, lua, Haskell, Ocaml. I'll also be able to eval common lisp
(clisp) and Scheme lisp (scsh), Java. Other lang such as Clojure,
Scala, C, C++, or any others, are all welcome, but i won't be able to
eval it. javascript implementation will be very interesting too, but
please indicate which and where to install the command line version.

I hope you'll find this a interesting “challengeâ€. This is a parsing
problem. I haven't studied parsers except some Wikipedia reading, so
my solution will probably be naive. I hope to see and learn from your
solution too.

i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.


Chris Angelico

the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
(and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

I wonder will it be possible to code the whole thing as a single
regular expression... I'm pretty sure it could be done as a sed or awk
script, but I'm insufficiently expert in either to do the job.



Am 17.07.2011 15:20, schrieb Robert Klemme:

I acutally don't know Ruby that well, but it looks like your program
recognizes "[(])" as correct although it is not, because you translate
"[(])" to "(())" (which is indeed correct, but does not resemble the
input correctly anymore).

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Chris said:
I wonder will it be possible to code the whole thing as a single
regular expression... I'm pretty sure it could be done as a sed or awk
script, but I'm insufficiently expert in either to do the job.

Did you notice the excessive crosspost? Please do not feed the troll.

In the classical sense is not possible, as classical regular expressions
have no concept of recursion. Indeed, matching brackets are a textbook
example for a non-regular¹ context-free language L = {a^n b^n; n > 0} that
can only be recognized by a pushdown automaton (PDA). (Finite automata
"cannot count".)

However, it is possible (and done) to use classical regular expressions or
non-recursive Regular Expressions (note the different character case) to
match tokens more efficiently with a PDA implementation. This is commonly
called a parser. (Programming languages tend to be specified in terms of a
context-free grammar – they tend to be context-free languages –, which is
why a parser is a part of a compiler or interpreter. See for example

It is possible, with Perl-compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE), provided
that you have enough memory, to use such an extended Regular Expression (not
to be confused with EREs³)â´:


However, even Python 3.2 does not support those expressions (although it
supports some other PCRE patterns, like named subexpressions)âµ, neither do
standard and forked versions of sed(1) (BREs, EREs, using an NFA) nor awk
(EREs, using a DFA or NFA). [That is not to say it would not be possible
with Python, or sed or awk (both of which are off-topic here), but that more
than a Regular Expression would be required.]

On this subject, I recommend reading the preview chapters of the second and
third editions, respectively, of Jeffrey E. F. Friedl's "Mastering Regular
Expressions", which are available online for free at O'Reilly.comâ¶.


¹ because it can be proved that the pumping lemma for regular languages
does not apply to it; see also
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chomsky_hierarchy> pp.
² <http://docs.python.org/reference/>
³ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression>
â´ Cf. <http://php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.recursive.php>
âµ <http://docs.python.org/library/re.html>

gene heskett


folks, this one will be interesting one.

the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
(and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

• The files will be utf-8 encoded (unix style line ending).

• If a file has mismatched matching-pairs, the script will display the
file name, and the line number and column number of the first
instance where a mismatched bracket occures. (or, just the char number
instead (as in emacs's “pointâ€))

• the matching pairs are all single unicode chars. They are these and
nothing else: () {} [] “†‹› «» ã€ã€‘ 〈〉 《》 「〠『ã€
Note that ‘single curly quote’ is not consider matching pair here.

• You script must be standalone. Must not be using some parser tools.
But can call lib that's part of standard distribution in your lang.

Here's a example of mismatched bracket: ([)], (“[[â€), ((, 】etc. (and
yes, the brackets may be nested. There are usually text between these

I'll be writing a emacs lisp solution and post in 2 days. Ι welcome
other lang implementations. In particular, perl, python, php, ruby,
tcl, lua, Haskell, Ocaml. I'll also be able to eval common lisp
(clisp) and Scheme lisp (scsh), Java. Other lang such as Clojure,
Scala, C, C++, or any others, are all welcome, but i won't be able to
eval it. javascript implementation will be very interesting too, but
please indicate which and where to install the command line version.

I hope you'll find this a interesting “challengeâ€. This is a parsing
problem. I haven't studied parsers except some Wikipedia reading, so
my solution will probably be naive. I hope to see and learn from your
solution too.

i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.


This is a very old solution, some of it nearly 30 years old.
Written in C, the trick is in doing it in python I guess.
======================begin cntx.c=======================
..fb^k^s^b Cntx.c, page #^k^s^b
* *
* CC (C Checker) *
* *
* C Source Brackets, Parenthesis, brace, *
* quote and comment Checker *
* *
* T. Jennings -- Sometime in 1983 *
* Slightly tweaked and renamed MINILINT *
* KAB Aug 84 *
* Ported to OS9 and further tweaked *
* Brian Paquette March 91 *
* Brackets, single, double quote counters added *
* & renamed Cntx 04/09/91 *
* by Gene Heskett *
* *
* some additional code for ignoring "syntax" chars inside of *
* double quoted strings added 3/21/93 by Gene Heskett *
* same for single quoted stuffs 7/10/93 by Gene Heskett *
* And long lines handling ability added too. *
* Adding tab ignorers and a counter to tally how many 11/21/93 *
#define OS9 /* used for nested comment handling*/
/* comment out for non OS9/6809*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

#ifdef OS9
#define NO " No "
#define YES " Yes "
char *cmnt;

/* Very crude but very effective C source debugger. Counts the numbers of
matching braces, parentheses and comments, and displays them at the left
edge of the screen. The best way to see what it does is to do it; try

cntx -v cntx.c

Properly handles parens and braces inside comments; they are ignored.
Also ignores single quotes if doubles are odd number, so singles
can be used in a printf string for punctuation. IF you see the doubles
are odd at line end (the printout tally), all bets are OFF!
Enter cntx on the command line by itself for a usage note.

int argc;
char *argv[];
FILE *f;
char c,secnd_c,lastc;
int bracket,parens,braces,squote,dquote,comments;
int perr,bkerr,brerr,sqerr,dqerr;
int verbose,okay;
int filearg = 0;
int line, col, tabc;

if ((argc < 2)||(argc > 3)) getout(0);
if (argc == 3)
verbose = TRUE; /* already tested for -v switch */
if((argv[1][0] == '-') && (toupper(argv[1][1]) == 'V'))
filearg = 2; /*file name pointed to by argv[2] */
if((argv[2][0] == '-') && (toupper(argv[2][1]) == 'V'))
filearg = 1;
if(!filearg) getout(192);
verbose = FALSE;
filearg = 1;
if ((f = fopen(argv[filearg],"r")) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr,"Cntx: can't open '%s'\n",argv[1]);
bracket= braces= parens= comments= squote= dquote= 0;
perr= bkerr= brerr= sqerr= dqerr= 0;
line= col= tabc= 0;
secnd_c= lastc= '\0';

while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF)
while(c==0x09) /* ignore, but tally the count */

/* print running tally if in verbose mode and at beginning of line*/
/* OS9 version prints status of whether or not one is in a comment rather*/
/* than a count, as the Microware C compiler does not nest comments*/

if ((col == 0) && verbose )
#ifdef OS9
if (comments)
cmnt = YES;
else cmnt = NO;
printf("%d: [%d] {%d} (%d) \'%d\' \"%d\" /*%s*/
printf("%d: [%d] {%d} (%d) \'%d\' \"%d\" /*%d*/\n\n",

/* additions to help tally squote & dquote errors at line end,
squotes and dquotes should match if we don't count those squotes
present when dquotes are odd number as in inside a printf or
puts statement. Also if they are part of an escape sequence,
don't count */

if (col == 0 && (squote % 2) ) ++sqerr;
if (col == 0 && (dquote % 2) ) ++dqerr;
if (col == 0 && bracket ) ++bkerr;

/* now clears the error to get back in step */
if (col == 0) squote=dquote=0;

/* Don't count parens and braces that are inside comments. This of course
assumes that comments are properly matched; in any case, that will be the
first thing to look for. */

if (comments <= 0)
{ /* 3/20/93, 7/10/93 taking sensitivity out of quoted stuffs */
/* here, do ++dquote if its not a char constant like this
if ( c == '"' ) ++dquote; /* a little simpler */

if ( !(dquote & 1) ) /* was the && of those */
if (c == '{' ) ++braces;
if (c == '(' ) ++parens;
if (lastc != '\'' && secnd_c == '[' && c != '\'' ) ++bracket;
/* here, skip squotes in a "text string's" */
if ( secnd_c != '\\' && c== '\'' && !(dquote) ) ++squote;
if ( lastc == '\\' && secnd_c == '\\' && c == '\'' ) ++squote;
if (c == '}' ) --braces;
if (c == ')' ) --parens;
if (lastc != '\'' && secnd_c == ']' && c != '\'' ) --bracket;

/* Now do comments. This properly handles nested comments;
whether or not the compiler does is your responsibility */

#ifdef OS9

/* The Microware C compiler for OS9 does NOT nest comments. */
/* The comment-close-mark (asterisk-backslash) will terminate */
/* (see K & R) a comment no matter how many '/*' come before it*/

if ((c == '/') && (secnd_c == '*'))
comments = 0;
if ((c == '*') && (secnd_c == '/') && (comments == 0))
if ( (c == '/' ) && (secnd_c == '*' ) ) --comments;
if ( (c == '*' ) && (secnd_c == '/' ) ) ++comments;
if (c == '\n' && secnd_c != '\\' )
{ /* non-escaped newline == New Line */
col= 0; /* set column 0 */
if (verbose)
putchar(c); /* display text */
lastc= secnd_c; /* update last char */
secnd_c= c;
if (verbose)
#ifdef OS9
if (comments)
cmnt = YES;
else cmnt = NO;
printf("EOF: [%d] {%d} (%d) \'%d\' \"%d\" /*%s*/\n",
printf("EOF: [%d] {%d} (%d) \'%d\' \"%d\" /*%d*/\n",
okay = TRUE;
if (bracket||bkerr) puts("Unbalanced brackets\n"), okay = FALSE;
if (braces) puts("Unbalanced braces\n"),okay = FALSE;
if (parens) puts("Unbalanced parentheses\n"),okay = FALSE;
if (sqerr||(squote%2)) puts("Unmatched single quotes\n"),okay=FALSE;
if (dqerr||(dquote%2)) puts("Unmatched double quotes\n"),okay=FALSE;
if (comments) puts("Unbalanced comments\n"),okay = FALSE;
if (okay) puts("No errors found\n");
int errex;
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: Cntx [-v] <filename> [-v]\n");
fprintf(stderr," -v = verbose mode \n");
=====================end cntx.c====================
=================begin cntx.hlp====================
This "Cntx" is based rather loosely on the previously uploaded
file called MINILINT, in that if you use the -v option, it will
show you the file and its report on a line by line basis as
MINILINT did. Cntx however will also check for use and misuse of
more of the usual "C" punctuation. Its smart enough to ignore an
"escaped" character, or those buried in a text string inside a
printf("[[{{'etc"); statement. The basic organization is from
"MINILINT", but much expanded in checking scope. It still is NOT
a "lint" which is why I didn't call it that, but it has turned out
to be awfully handy. Ported to the Amiga, it found some stuff in
the code I was feeding DICE that I had totally missed, and which
was not being properly reported by DICE either, the errors it was
spitting out made no sense whatsoever. I had somehow lost a
terminating "}" in one of the PRINTFORM files in the translation
to a C that required proto statements. Cntx found it, even if
Dillons Integrated C Environments "dcc" didn't. But it still isn't
a "lint", not yet.

Usage: cntx [-v] filename

Without the -v, it rapidly scans the whole source file and gives
only a final report of "no errors found" or "mismatched brackets",

Added 3/20/93 MEH: One more conditional test now causes it to skip
thru any parens, braces or brackets found within a double quoted
string such as the format string for printf. As the tally needs
to be reset at the start of a new line to maintain the error
checking phasing in case there is an error, the total double
quote count for the whole file is no longer kept. Only the error
tally now shows at the end of a file scan. So to see the line
with the error, you must use the -v option, preferably on a
pauseing screen so that one screen full of data can be seen at a
time. I liked the totals myself, but this does work better. Now
Edition 4.

Added 7/10/93 MEH: Essentially the same as the above paragraph but
for stuff inside a pair of single quotes, so now *any* character
can be single quoted without being an error. Now Edition 5.
===================end cntx.hlp=====================

Sometimes this list is hilarious with its re-inventions of the wheel. :)

The above code isn't the final version, I had it running on linux too, but
one of fedoras (or W.D.s pissy drives) infamous crashes caused that version
to come up missing, forgotten when I was doing the salvage operation to a
new hard drive.

Cheers, gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
A holding company is a thing where you hand an accomplice the goods while
the policeman searches you.

Thomas Jollans


folks, this one will be interesting one.

the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
(and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

• The files will be utf-8 encoded (unix style line ending).

• If a file has mismatched matching-pairs, the script will display the
file name, and the  line number and column number of the first
instance where a mismatched bracket occures. (or, just the char number
instead (as in emacs's “pointâ€))

• the matching pairs are all single unicode chars. They are theseand
nothing else: () {} [] “†‹› «»ã€ã€‘ 〈〉 《》 「〠『ã€
Note that ‘single curly quote’ is not consider matching pair here.

• You script must be standalone. Must not be using some parser tools.
But can call lib that's part of standard distribution in your lang.

Here's a example of mismatched bracket: ([)], (“[[â€), ((,】etc. (and
yes, the brackets may be nested. There are usually text between these

I'll be writing a emacs lisp solution and post in 2 days. Ι welcome
other lang implementations. In particular, perl, python, php, ruby,
tcl, lua, Haskell, Ocaml. I'll also be able to eval common lisp
(clisp) and Scheme lisp (scsh), Java. Other lang such as Clojure,
Scala, C, C++, or any others, are all welcome, but i won't be able to
eval it. javascript implementation will be very interesting too, but
please indicate which and where to install the command line version.

I hope you'll find this a interesting “challengeâ€. This is a parsing
problem. I haven't studied parsers except some Wikipedia reading, so
my solution will probably be naive. I hope to see and learn from your
solution too.

i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.

I thought I'd have some fun with multi-processing:


Thomas Boell

I'm new to Python. I think I'd have done it in a similar way (in any
language). Your use of openers/closers looks nice though. In the
initialization of openers, I guess you implicitly create a kind of
hash, right? Then the 'in' operator checks for the keys. That is elegant
because you have the openers and closers right next to each other, not
in separate lists.

But why do you enumerate with start=1? Shouldn't you start with index 0?

Robert Klemme

Am 17.07.2011 15:20, schrieb Robert Klemme:

I acutally don't know Ruby that well, but it looks like your program
recognizes "[(])" as correct although it is not, because you translate
"[(])" to "(())" (which is indeed correct, but does not resemble the
input correctly anymore).

Right you are. The optimization breaks the logic. Good catch!

Kind regards


Robert Klemme

Am 17.07.2011 15:20, schrieb Robert Klemme:
On 07/17/2011 11:48 AM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.


Ruby solution: https://gist.github.com/1087583

I acutally don't know Ruby that well, but it looks like your program
recognizes "[(])" as correct although it is not, because you translate
"[(])" to "(())" (which is indeed correct, but does not resemble the
input correctly anymore).

Right you are. The optimization breaks the logic. Good catch!

Turns out with a little possessiveness I can fix my original approach
which has the added benefit of not needing three passes through the file
(the two #tr's are obsolete now).




Raymond Hettinger

But why do you enumerate with start=1? Shouldn't you start with index 0?

The problem specification says that the the char number should match
the emacs goto-char function which is indexed from one, not from
zero. This is testable by taking the output of the program and
running it through emacs to see that the cursor gets moved exactly to
the location of the mismatched delimiter.


Raymond Hettinger

Did you notice the excessive crosspost?  Please do not feed the troll.

IMO, this was a legitimate cross post since it is for a multi-language
programming challenge and everyone can learn from comparing the


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Raymond said:
IMO, this was a legitimate cross post since it is for a multi-language
programming challenge and everyone can learn from comparing the

Even if so (which I seriously doubt, see also my sig), you cannot reasonably
deny that "Xah Lee" is a well-known Usenet troll, and that this "challenge"
is nothing more than yet another sophisticated attempt at trolling. Please
do not feed.


Thomas Jollans

Even if so (which I seriously doubt, see also my sig), you cannot reasonably
deny that "Xah Lee" is a well-known Usenet troll, and that this "challenge"
is nothing more than yet another sophisticated attempt at trolling. Please
do not feed.

You know what you're doing? You're feeding the troll.

Yes, I know Xah Lee. Yes, he is known for trolling. So what? That alone
does not mean that every single thing he posts has to be bad. I'm all
with Raymond here.

There's nothing wrong with this post. This is the one time when it's
okay to feed the troll: reinforce good behaviour.

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Thomas said:
It is possible [to parse the parentheses language], with Perl-compatible
Regular Expressions (PCRE), provided that you have enough memory, to use
such an extended Regular Expression (not to be confused with EREs³)â´:


However, even Python 3.2 does not support those expressions (although it
supports some other PCRE patterns, like named subexpressions)âµ, neither do
standard and forked versions of sed(1) (BREs, EREs, using an NFA) nor awk
(EREs, using a DFA or NFA). [That is not to say it would not be possible
with Python, or sed or awk (both of which are off-topic here), but that
more than a Regular Expression would be required.]

Supplemental: Further research shows that the Python `re' module is not
going to implement (PCRE) recursive Regular Expressions. The maintainer's,
Matthew Barnett's, argument (of 2009-03-24) is that such things are better
left to modules such as `pyparsing' [1][2].

However, FWIW, here is the Python port of the start of a language parser
originally written in (and for) ECMAScript:

import re

def matchingBraces(s):
level = 0

for match in re.finditer(r'[{}]', s):
paren = match.group(0)

if paren == "{":
level += 1
if level == 0: return False
level -= 1

return level == 0

As you can see, the theoretically necessary PDA¹ implementation can be
simplified to a braces counter with range checks by iterative use of a
Regular Expression. Extensions to meet the "challenge" are left as an
exercise to the reader.

It has also occurred to me that because parentheses (`(', `)') and brackets
(`[', `]') have special meaning in Regular Expressions (grouping and
character classes, respectively), you could escape all other special
characters in a text and use the RE evaluator itself to find out whether
they are properly nested, having it evaluate one large RE. But I have not
tested this idea yet. (Obviously it cannot be used to satisfy the
"challenge"'s condition that braces – `{', `}' – and other parenthesis-like
characters are to be considered as well, and that the parenthesis-like
characters are to be printed.)

¹ Pushdown automaton

[1] <http://bugs.python.org/issue694374>
[2] <http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/>



folks, this one will be interesting one.

the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
(and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching


• You script must be standalone. Must not be using some parser tools.
But can call lib that's part of standard distribution in your lang.

I stopped reading here and did...

....and called it a day. ;-) This module is part of the stdlib (idlelib
\HyperParser) so as per your statement it is legal (may not be the
fastest solution).

Rouslan Korneychuk

I don't know why, but I just had to try it (even though I don't usually
use Perl and had to look up a lot of stuff). I came up with this:

(\()(?&matched)([\}\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(\{)(?&matched)([\)\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(\[)(?&matched)([\)\}â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(“)(?&matched)([\)\}\]›»】〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(‹)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€Â»ã€‘〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(«)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€â€ºã€‘〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(ã€)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‰ã€‹ã€ã€]|$) |
(〈)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘》ã€ã€]|$) |
(《)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘〉ã€ã€]|$) |
(「)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘〉》ã€]|$) |
\((?&matched)\) |
\{(?&matched)\} |
\[(?&matched)\] |
‹(?&matched)› |
«(?&matched)» |
ã€(?&matched)】 |
〈(?&matched)〉 |
《(?&matched)》 |

If the pattern matches, there is a mismatched bracket. $1 is set to the
mismatched opening bracket. $-[1] is its location. $2 is the mismatched
closing bracket or '' if the bracket was never closed. $-[2] is set to
the location of the closing bracket or the end of the string if the
bracket wasn't closed.

I didn't write all that manually; it was generated with this:

my @open = ('\(','\{','\[','“','‹','«','ã€','〈','《','「','『');
my @close = ('\)','\}','\]','â€','›','»','】','〉','》','ã€','ã€');

(0 .. $#open)).')(?(DEFINE)(?<matched>(?:'.join('|',map
{$open[$_].'(?&matched)'.$close[$_]} (0 ..

Stefan Behnel

Rouslan Korneychuk, 18.07.2011 09:09:
I don't know why, but I just had to try it (even though I don't usually use
Perl and had to look up a lot of stuff). I came up with this:

(\()(?&matched)([\}\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(\{)(?&matched)([\)\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(\[)(?&matched)([\)\}â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(“)(?&matched)([\)\}\]›»】〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(‹)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€Â»ã€‘〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(«)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€â€ºã€‘〉》ã€ã€]|$) |
(ã€)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‰ã€‹ã€ã€]|$) |
(〈)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘》ã€ã€]|$) |
(《)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘〉ã€ã€]|$) |
(「)(?&matched)([\)\}\]â€â€ºÂ»ã€‘〉》ã€]|$) |
\((?&matched)\) |
\{(?&matched)\} |
\[(?&matched)\] |
‹(?&matched)› |
«(?&matched)» |
ã€(?&matched)】 |
〈(?&matched)〉 |
《(?&matched)》 |

If the pattern matches, there is a mismatched bracket. $1 is set to the
mismatched opening bracket. $-[1] is its location. $2 is the mismatched
closing bracket or '' if the bracket was never closed. $-[2] is set to the
location of the closing bracket or the end of the string if the bracket
wasn't closed.

I didn't write all that manually; it was generated with this:

my @open = ('\(','\{','\[','“','‹','«','ã€','〈','《','「','『');
my @close = ('\)','\}','\]','â€','›','»','】','〉','》','ã€','ã€');

(0 .. $#open)).')(?(DEFINE)(?<matched>(?:'.join('|',map
{$open[$_].'(?&matched)'.$close[$_]} (0 ..

That's solid Perl. Both the code generator and the generated code are
unreadable. Well done!


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