Decoding Base64 and Saving to a file - HELP!



Hey Peeps,

Ok here is my situation.. I have a Java applet which allows the user to select files and upload them to the server. The
applet converts the file to Base64 and then POSTS the data to an ASP page.

The ASP code I have is:

Base64Chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"

Public Function Base64Decode(sBase64)
For i = 1 To Len(sBase64) Step 4
w1 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i, 1))
w2 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i + 1, 1))
w3 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i + 2, 1))
w4 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i + 3, 1))
If (w2 >= 0) Then ByteArray = ByteArray & chrB((w1 * 4 + Int(w2 / 16)) And 255)
If (w3 >= 0) Then ByteArray = ByteArray & chrB((w2 * 16 + Int(w3 / 4)) And 255)
If (w4 >= 0) Then ByteArray = ByteArray & chrB((w3 * 64 + w4) And 255)
Base64Decode = ByteArray
End Function

Private Function FindPos(sChar)
If (Len(sChar) = 0) Then
FindPos = -1
FindPos = InStr(Base64Chars, sChar) - 1
End If
End Function

Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
oStream.Type = 1
oStream.Write Base64Decode(Request.Form("file"))
oStream .SaveToFile "c:\file.dat"
Set oStream = Nothing

I am receving the following error:

ADODB.Stream error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/upload/upload.asp, line 29

Any ideas?? This is all new to me.. any help would be much appreciated!!

Thanks in advance!



Hey Peeps,

Ok here is my situation.. I have a Java applet which allows the user to
select files and upload them to the server. The
applet converts the file to Base64 and then POSTS the data to an ASP page.

The ASP code I have is:

Base64Chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"

Public Function Base64Decode(sBase64)
For i = 1 To Len(sBase64) Step 4
w1 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i, 1))
w2 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i + 1, 1))
w3 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i + 2, 1))
w4 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i + 3, 1))
If (w2 >= 0) Then ByteArray = ByteArray & chrB((w1 * 4 + Int(w2 / 16)) And 255)
If (w3 >= 0) Then ByteArray = ByteArray & chrB((w2 * 16 + Int(w3 / 4)) And 255)
If (w4 >= 0) Then ByteArray = ByteArray & chrB((w3 * 64 + w4) And 255)
Base64Decode = ByteArray
End Function

Private Function FindPos(sChar)
If (Len(sChar) = 0) Then
FindPos = -1
FindPos = InStr(Base64Chars, sChar) - 1
End If
End Function

Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
oStream.Type = 1
oStream.Write Base64Decode(Request.Form("file"))
oStream .SaveToFile "c:\file.dat"
Set oStream = Nothing

I am receving the following error:

ADODB.Stream error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/upload/upload.asp, line 29

Any ideas?? This is all new to me.. any help would be much appreciated!!

Thanks in advance!


Try it without oStream to see what you get:

WScript.Echo Base64Decode(Request.Form("file"))

Here's an alternative:

Encode and Decode Base64 Files

Option Explicit
Dim objWSS
Set objWSS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objWSS.Run "%comspec% /C base64.exe -d encoded.txt decoded.txt", 1, True
Set objWSS = Nothing

Egbert Nierop \(MVP for IIS\)

Hey Peeps,

Ok here is my situation.. I have a Java applet which allows the user to
select files and upload them to the server. The
applet converts the file to Base64 and then POSTS the data to an ASP page.

The ASP code I have is:

Base64Chars =

Public Function Base64Decode(sBase64)
For i = 1 To Len(sBase64) Step 4
w1 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i, 1))
w2 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i + 1, 1))
w3 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i + 2, 1))
w4 = FindPos(Mid(sBase64, i + 3, 1))
If (w2 >= 0) Then ByteArray = ByteArray & chrB((w1 * 4 + Int(w2 / 16)) And
If (w3 >= 0) Then ByteArray = ByteArray & chrB((w2 * 16 + Int(w3 / 4)) And
If (w4 >= 0) Then ByteArray = ByteArray & chrB((w3 * 64 + w4) And 255)
Base64Decode = ByteArray
End Function

Private Function FindPos(sChar)
If (Len(sChar) = 0) Then
FindPos = -1
FindPos = InStr(Base64Chars, sChar) - 1
End If
End Function

Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
oStream.Type = 1
oStream.Write Base64Decode(Request.Form("file"))
oStream .SaveToFile "c:\file.dat"
Set oStream = Nothing

I am receving the following error:

ADODB.Stream error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in
conflict with one another.

/upload/upload.asp, line 29

Any ideas?? This is all new to me.. any help would be much appreciated!!

Put this code in a COM object in VB6.
Compile with 'ignore integer overflow'.

Private Enum baseFlag
End Enum

' based on atlenc.h
' Warning! You cannot run this function in debug mode
' it only works in compiled mode
' we got stunning speed in VB6, in compare with the
' 'other' sucking Chr() and Asc() routines which might be 100x slower than
' this version. The drawback is that we must compile with
' -ignore integer overflow- which is not a drawback for me anyway.
PUblic Function btFromBase64(ByRef sBaseEncodedBLOB As String) As Byte()
'// walk the source buffer
'// each four character sequence is converted to 3 bytes
'// CRLFs and =, and any characters not in the encoding table
'// are skiped

Dim dx As Long
Dim cx As Long
Dim dwCurr As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim nSrcLen As Long

nSrcLen = LenB(sBaseEncodedBLOB)
If nSrcLen = 0 Then Exit Function

Dim nBits As Long
Dim nch As Byte
Dim pbDest() As Byte
' copy our string to a fast loopable byte array
' this array is also our target array
' it is possible because the read pointer goes 'faster' than the write
pbDest() = sBaseEncodedBLOB
' no need for this memory waste anymore
sBaseEncodedBLOB = vbNullString

dwCurr = 0
nBits = 0
For i = 3 To 0 Step -1
If cx >= nSrcLen Then Exit For
nch = pbDest(cx)
cx = cx + 2
If nch >= 65 And nch <= 90 Then
nch = nch - 65 ' // 0 range starts at 'A'
ElseIf nch >= 97 And nch <= 122 Then
nch = nch - 71 '(97 - 26) ' - 'a' + 26, Byte) ' // 26
range starts at 'a'
ElseIf nch >= 48 And nch <= 57 Then
nch = nch + 4 '- '0' + 52; // 52 range starts at '0'
ElseIf nch = 43 Then
nch = 62
ElseIf nch = 47 Then
nch = 63
nch = &HFF
'// skip this char
i = i + 1
End If
If nch <> &HFF Then
dwCurr = dwCurr * &H40 Or nch
nBits = nBits + 6
End If
'// dwCurr has the 3 bytes to write to the output buffer
'// left to right
dwCurr = dwCurr * IntPower(24 - nBits)
For i = nBits \ 8 - 1 To 0 Step -1
pbDest(dx) = (dwCurr And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
dx = dx + 1
dwCurr = dwCurr * &H100
Loop While cx < nSrcLen
ReDim Preserve pbDest(dx - 1)
btFromBase64 = pbDest

End Function

' this function is much better than using the ^ operator
' since that operator is using slow floating point code ops
Private Function IntPower(ByVal pwr As Long) As Long

IntPower = 1

For pwr = 1 To pwr
IntPower = IntPower * 2

End Function

Public Function Base64EncodeGetRequiredLength(ByVal nSrcLen As Integer,
Optional ByVal dwFlags As baseFlag = baseFlag.ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NONE) As Long

Dim nRet As Long
nRet = (nSrcLen * 4) \ 3

If ((dwFlags And baseFlag.ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOPAD) = 0) Then
nRet = nRet + nSrcLen Mod 3
End If

Dim nCRLFs As Long
nCRLFs = nRet \ 76 + 1
Dim nOnLastLine As Long
nOnLastLine = nRet Mod 76

If (nOnLastLine > 0) Then

If (nOnLastLine Mod 4) > 0 Then
nRet = nRet + 4 - (nOnLastLine Mod 4)
End If
End If

nCRLFs = nCRLFs * 2

If ((dwFlags And baseFlag.ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOCRLF) = 0) Then
nRet = nRet + nCRLFs
End If

Base64EncodeGetRequiredLength = nRet
End Function

Public Function ByteToBase64Array(ByRef pbSrcData() As Byte, ByRef szDest()
As Byte, ByVal nSrcLen As Long, Optional ByVal dwFlags As baseFlag =
baseFlag.ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NONE) As Long
Static base(63) As Byte
Dim cx As Long, x As Long
For x = 65 To 90
base(cx) = x
cx = cx + 1
For x = 97 To 122
base(cx) = x
cx = cx + 1
For x = 48 To 57
base(cx) = x
cx = cx + 1
base(cx) = 43
cx = cx + 1
base(cx) = 47

Debug.Assert (UBound(szDest) >= Base64EncodeGetRequiredLength(nSrcLen,
cx = 0
Dim nLen1 As Long
nLen1 = (nSrcLen \ 3) * 4
Dim nLen2 As Long
nLen2 = nLen1 \ 76
Dim nLen3 As Long
nLen3 = 19
Dim i As Long

Dim dx As Long
'Dim b As Long
Dim dwCurr As Long

Dim k As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim nDestLen As Long
nDestLen = UBound(szDest)
' for each line of 76 chars
For i = 0 To nLen2
If i = nLen2 Then nLen3 = (nLen1 Mod 76) \ 4

'for this line
For j = 0 To nLen3 - 1
dwCurr = 0
For n = 2 To 0 Step -1
dwCurr = dwCurr Or pbSrcData(cx)
cx = cx + 1
dwCurr = dwCurr * &H100
For k = 3 To 0 Step -1
szDest(dx) = base((dwCurr \ &H4000000) And &H3F)
dx = dx + 1
dwCurr = dwCurr * &H40
If (dwFlags And baseFlag.ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOCRLF) = 0 Then
szDest(dx) = 13
dx = dx + 1 ' '\r';
szDest(dx) = 10
dx = dx + 1
End If

If (dx > 0 And (dwFlags And baseFlag.ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOCRLF) = 0) Then
dx = dx - 2
End If
Dim nPad As Long
nPad = nSrcLen Mod 3
If nLen2 <> nPad Then
nLen2 = nPad + 1
nLen2 = 0
End If

If nLen2 > 0 Then
dwCurr = 0
For n = 0 To 2
If n < nPad Then
dwCurr = dwCurr Or pbSrcData(cx)
cx = cx + 1
End If
dwCurr = dwCurr * &H100

For k = nLen2 - 1 To 0 Step -1
'&H3F repairs negative signed longs
szDest(dx) = base((dwCurr \ &H4000000) And &H3F)
dx = dx + 1
dwCurr = dwCurr * &H40
If (dwFlags And baseFlag.ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOPAD) = 0 Then
If nLen3 <> nLen2 Then
nLen3 = 4 - nLen2
nLen3 = 0
End If

For j = nLen3 - 1 To 0 Step -1
If dx >= nDestLen Then Exit For
szDest(dx) = 61 ''=';
dx = dx + 1
End If
End If
ByteToBase64Array = dx

End Function

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