displaying an e-mail address


Jukka K. Korpela

This file

shows some text I want to display on a page;

You should post the text instead of linking to a page that contains the
text as an image.
I am not using css but it will be preformated <pre>

You should post the markup you are using, together with the sample text
When I code this though all I get is


can't find any special codes for this, so can anyone help?

Apparently you have something like

From: <[email protected]>

This won't work in HTML content, because "<" will be taken as starting a
tag. Instead, use

From: &lt;[email protected]>

P.S. Using <pre> probably makes sense *if* you are actually displaying
E-mail message headers, as it seems. Generally, it's a clumsy device.

Tim Streater

thedarkman said:
Sorry, the text I want to display is:

From: <[email protected]> 
Date: 2007/04/12 Thu AM 10:53:55 BST

but what I get is

Date: 2007/04/12 Thu AM 10:53:55 BST

Yucca already told you what to do. You make it be:

From: &lt;[email protected]>

In PHP you can use htmlentities() to effect this conversion.

Tim Streater

thedarkman said:
Can't understand him. Or you. Thanks anyway.

What's so fucking hard to understand about the instruction to replace
the < in the email address with &lt; ??


Got it, it works. Magic! Thanks.

What's so fucking hard to understand about the instruction to replace

the < in the email address with &lt; ??


"That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed,

nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted" -- Bill of Rights 1689

Denis McMahon

What's so fucking hard to understand about the instruction to replace
the < in the email address with &lt; ??

Remember this is the bloke that interleaved several thousand bold and
font elements to the point that firefox (I think, might have been
something else) just gave up trying to render his page.

And despite us telling him several times that what he should do was
replace his multiple nested styling elements with a single class styled hn
or p to make the page load and render faster and get rid of the errors, I
don't think he ever did so.


This file

shows some text I want to display on a page; I am not using css but it will be preformated <pre>

When I code this though all I get is


can't find any special codes for this, so can anyone help?


I don't get this.
Now here's a guy (thedarkman) who has been a total ignorant fool for years.
How many times has he posted nearly this same question?
Why isn't he bashed around the same way I am?
You guys bash me for asking a simple quesiton, yet give this guy answers he
never uses?
He will be back in 3 months with either the same question or something


richard said:
I don't get this.
Now here's a guy (thedarkman) who has been a total ignorant fool for years.
How many times has he posted nearly this same question?
Why isn't he bashed around the same way I am?
You guys bash me for asking a simple quesiton, yet give this guy answers he
never uses?
He will be back in 3 months with either the same question or something

He pays. Yes, he pays us, and it comes to quite a bit even when
divided. It is often the case that deep mysteries like this have the
simplest and most banal answers.

Denis McMahon

Why isn't he bashed around the same way I am?

He gets the same sort of responses as you do. But he doesn't try and tell
us that he knows more about the subject than we do, or call us idiots.

Tim Streater

I don't get this.
Now here's a guy (thedarkman) who has been a total ignorant fool for years.
How many times has he posted nearly this same question?
Why isn't he bashed around the same way I am?

Yucca (IIRC) gave him the answer which he didn't grasp. I had to
rephrase the answer in words of one syllable until he did - and I
bashed him in the process.

What you do is never to check your PHP before posting, thus boring us
with the same trivial errors time after time, or fail to do a bit of
basic homework before posting. Expect more bashing until you get it.

I find that almost all questions I have can be answered by typing the
question into giggle and reading through the results.

Doug Miller

I don't get this.
Now here's a guy (thedarkman) who has been a total ignorant fool for years.
How many times has he posted nearly this same question?
Why isn't he bashed around the same way I am?
You guys bash me for asking a simple quesiton, yet give this guy answers he
never uses?
He will be back in 3 months with either the same question or something

Speaking for myself only... I don't bash him anymore (I used to) because I have him killfiled,
and I never see his idiotic posts except when someone else quotes him.

And the reason that I have him killfiled, and not you, is that while both you and he ask
numerous stupid questions, *you* also give stupid and incorrect answers to other people's
questions -- which he does not. In other words, *you* are a font of misinformation which
needs correcting.

Denis McMahon

And the reason that I have him killfiled, and not you, is that while
both you and he ask numerous stupid questions, *you* also give stupid
and incorrect answers to other people's questions -- which he does not.
In other words, *you* are a font of misinformation which needs


And lets be honest this is a big reason for the richard bashing, it's at
it's most vehement when he posts a load of crap in response to someone
elses question.

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