iframe link target



I have a calendar in an iframe, some of the links (such as a link to the
next month) need to target the iframe, and some links need to target the
mother page.

This confuses me. Should I specify the _parent and _self? What if there
is no parent, what happens with a target = _parent (ie using the same
code outside an iframe)?

And what about seamless? CanIUse is silent on this, how far reaches the


I have a calendar in an iframe, some of the links (such as a link to the
next month) need to target the iframe, and some links need to target the
mother page.

This confuses me. Should I specify the _parent and _self? What if there
is no parent, what happens with a target = _parent (ie using the same
code outside an iframe)?

And what about seamless? CanIUse is silent on this, how far reaches the

The iframe should be named.
Then when using target, set the target to the named frame.

<iframe name="test" src="source.php">
<a href="source.php" target="test">

I think others could help if we had a bit more informatioon to work with.


pentapus said:
I have a calendar in an iframe, some of the links (such as a link to the
next month) need to target the iframe, and some links need to target the
mother page.

This confuses me. Should I specify the _parent and _self? What if there
is no parent, what happens with a target = _parent (ie using the same
code outside an iframe)?

Why are you using an iFrame exactly? You have a home page, it has an
iframe on it? You want links in the iFrame? You want links in the
iFrame to reload the iFrame with new sources? You want some links to
give you back your home page? Why don't you just load the source html
that went into the iFrame on the home page back from the same link you
used on the home page to populate the iFrame there? Or is the home or
mother page not one that contains an iframe?

Show the structure you want and you will receive help.
And what about seamless? CanIUse is silent on this, how far reaches the

There was a thread on this on this group recently. see it.


Why are you using an iFrame exactly?

Simpler than writing it as javascript widget.

You have a home page, it has an
iframe on it? You want links in the iFrame? You want links in the
iFrame to reload the iFrame with new sources?

See line about next month.

You want some links to
give you back your home page?

No. I want them to go to a listing for that date.

Why don't you just load the source html
that went into the iFrame on the home page back from the same link you
used on the home page to populate the iFrame there? Or is the home or
mother page not one that contains an iframe?

Show the structure you want and you will receive help.

I have this roughed in. I did not write the template for this site. Nor
have I added the content.


You'll see a link to some test data on March 20. Calendar is in bottom
left column.

I'm doubtful about the help.


pentapus said:
Simpler than writing it as javascript widget.

Your URL below and seeing the context tells me why you might want an
iframe, that's fair enough.
You have a home page, it has an

See line about next month.

Going back and forth from month to month is simple to do (the links
are or should be *inside* the source of iframe for this and the iframe
will simply change its source when the links are clicked, no need for
anything fancy, not even name or id) but that seems not to be your
You want some links to

No. I want them to go to a listing for that date.

Why don't you just load the source html

I have this roughed in. I did not write the template for this site. Nor
have I added the content.


You'll see a link to some test data on March 20. Calendar is in bottom
left column.

Yes, the calendar is there plainly, but I don't see the link to "some
test data on March 20"? Not obvious to me on the page I am getting.
I'm doubtful about the help.

Are you now? Charming! Still, there are a few more clues now and maybe
you are asking how you can change the source (the src) of the iframe
from a link on the page, the link being outside the iframe? Is this
what you want to know?

Your "some links need to target the mother page" suggest you want the
home button to go to the page as it appeared the first time a visitor
visited before the visitor fiddles with the links within the iframe
(changing it to another month from the present May).

See if


helps. Visit the page and change the month to March from the link
within the iframe. Then go to the link outside the iframe and see if
that restores the original page you visited (the February one).

No comment on this? Not even, "Yes, I found it but it was not much
help" or "it was helpful, more reliable is CSS as mentioned there" or
"I don't know how to find it, can you help?"?


pentapus said:
I have a calendar in an iframe, some of the links (such as a link to the
next month) need to target the iframe, and some links need to target the
mother page

No target at all
Remove it from Mother Links only
This confuses me. Should I specify the _parent and _self?

Yes with Frame and Ifame not the Some

_parent and _self is
For <Frame> Only
Not be use out side of
A Frameset
What if there is no parent, what happens with a target = _parent (ie using
the same code outside an iframe)?

..Chrome 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
..Firefox 1, 2, 3
..Internet Explorer 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
..Netscape 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
..Opera 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
..Safari 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Look for it seeing a Error
Who knows no Browser
Acts the same you
Will have to test is

And what about seamless?

The Seamless Attribute is Used
with These Tags:
The Seamless Attribute Contains:
The seamless attribute is a boolean attribute.
This means that it has no contents.
If it is present in the element,
it is applied, otherwise not.

Here is an example of
an IFRAME with a seamless attribute.

<iframe seamless>
Your browser does not support iframes.
If the document is XHTML,
then you need to include a value of seamless.
For example:

<iframe seamless="seamless">
Seamless Default Value:
The seamless attribute is boolean
and doesn't have any value.

Seamless is Valid in HTML Versions:

Seamless Attribute DTD:HTML5
Can I Use is silent on this,
how far reaches the support?


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