I created a class that implements. The class is defines as:
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data
Public Class CRTItemTemplate
Implements ITemplate
Dim TemplateType As ListItemType
Dim xmlFile As String
Dim displayAL, dbAL As ArrayList
Dim lc As Literal
Dim ds As DataSet
Dim len As Integer
Shared panCount As Integer
Shared cbCount As Integer
Dim WithEvents pan As Panel
Sub New(ByVal type As ListItemType, ByVal xmlFile As String)
TemplateType = type
Me.xmlFile = xmlFile
Call Open()
panCount = 0
cbCount = 0
End Sub
Sub New(ByVal type As ListItemType, ByVal xmlFile As String, ByVal ds As
TemplateType = type
Me.xmlFile = xmlFile
Me.ds = ds
Call Open()
panCount = 0
cbCount = 0
End Sub
'Extract the column names from DataSet columns collection
Sub Open()
If xmlFile.Equals(String.Empty) Then Exit Sub
'set the number of columns
len = ds.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
'Extract the column names from the DataSet and store into an ArrayList
Dim dc As DataColumn
displayAL = New ArrayList(13)
For Each dc In ds.Tables(0).Columns
End Sub
Sub CreateHeader(ByVal container As Control)
Dim t As Table = New Table
t.ID = "DLTable"
t.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left
Dim row As TableRow = New TableRow
row.BackColor = Color.SteelBlue
Dim o As Object
For Each o In displayAL
Dim cell As TableCell = New TableCell
cell.Text = CType(o, String)
cell.ForeColor = Color.Black
cell.Font.Bold = True
End Sub
Sub AddItem(ByVal bgColor As Color, ByVal container As Control)
Dim row As TableRow = New TableRow
row.BackColor = bgColor
Dim cell As TableCell = New TableCell
Dim cb As CheckBox = New CheckBox
cb.ID = "cb" & cbCount.ToString
cb.ToolTip = "Check to add to Population"
Dim lb As LinkButton = New LinkButton
'Add one cell with a label insde for each column (not counting the
first) in the DataSet
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To len
cell = New TableCell
cell.ForeColor = Color.Black
cell.Controls.Add(New Label)
End Sub
Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As Control) _
Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
If xmlFile.Equals(String.Empty) Then Exit Sub
pan = New Panel
pan.ID = "panel" & panCount.ToString
If TypeOf (container) Is WebControl Then
Dim wc As WebControl = DirectCast(container, WebControl)
pan.Width = wc.Width
pan.Height = wc.Height
End If
Select Case TemplateType
Case ListItemType.Header
Call CreateHeader(container)
Case ListItemType.Item
AddItem(Color.White, container)
panCount += 1
Case ListItemType.AlternatingItem
AddItem(Color.LightGray, container)
panCount += 1
Case ListItemType.SelectedItem
End Select
'panCount += 1
End Sub
Private Sub Pan_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles pan.DataBinding
Dim data As Object
If TypeOf (pan.NamingContainer) Is DataListItem Then
data = DirectCast(pan.NamingContainer, DataListItem).DataItem
End If
' assumption is DataRowView since we're dealing with a DataList and
not a DataReader
Dim drv As DataRowView = DirectCast(data, DataRowView)
Select Case TemplateType
Case ListItemType.Header
'if this is a header do nothing since the header has already
been created within the CreateHeader() procedure.
Case ListItemType.Footer
'if this is a footer do nothing
Case ListItemType.SelectedItem
'handle selection
Case ListItemType.EditItem
Case ListItemType.Pager
Case ListItemType.Separator
Case Else
Dim o As Object
Dim i As Integer
For Each o In pan.Controls
If TypeOf o Is TableRow Then
Dim tr As TableRow = DirectCast(o, TableRow)
Dim cell As TableCell
For Each cell In tr.Cells
'get what is inside the cell
Dim cellobject As Object
For Each cellobject In cell.Controls
If TypeOf cellobject Is LinkButton Then
Dim lb As LinkButton =
DirectCast(cellobject, LinkButton)
lb.Text = drv(i)
lb.CommandName = "select"
i = i + 1
ElseIf TypeOf cellobject Is Label Then
Dim l As Label = DirectCast(cellobject,
l.Text = drv(i)
i = i + 1
End If
End If
End Select
End Sub
End Class
In my code-behind page, I assigned the class to the DataList like so:
DataList1.DataSource = ds
DataList1.HeaderTemplate = New CRTItemTemplate(ListItemType.Header,
QueryPath, ds)
DataList1.ItemTemplate = New CRTItemTemplate(ListItemType.Item, QueryPath, ds)
DataList1.AlternatingItemTemplate = New
CRTItemTemplate(ListItemType.AlternatingItem, QueryPath, ds)
where ds = the DataSet
I use a template class because I don't know what columns are being returned.
Problem: In the code-behind page, I have a button (not in the datalist)
that when pressed, I want it to iterate through the DataListItems for the
checkboxes. There should be one for each row.
As you can see from the code above, I create a Panel and add all the
controls to the Panel. However, I can't get a reference to the Panels within
the DataList. If I could, I could then iterate through the controls in the
Panel and get the CheckBoxes. Everytime I look at the controls within the
DataListItem, it returns a LiteralControl object instead of a Panel. why?
How can I get to that Panel or checkbox that's within the Panel?
-- thanks,
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data
Public Class CRTItemTemplate
Implements ITemplate
Dim TemplateType As ListItemType
Dim xmlFile As String
Dim displayAL, dbAL As ArrayList
Dim lc As Literal
Dim ds As DataSet
Dim len As Integer
Shared panCount As Integer
Shared cbCount As Integer
Dim WithEvents pan As Panel
Sub New(ByVal type As ListItemType, ByVal xmlFile As String)
TemplateType = type
Me.xmlFile = xmlFile
Call Open()
panCount = 0
cbCount = 0
End Sub
Sub New(ByVal type As ListItemType, ByVal xmlFile As String, ByVal ds As
TemplateType = type
Me.xmlFile = xmlFile
Me.ds = ds
Call Open()
panCount = 0
cbCount = 0
End Sub
'Extract the column names from DataSet columns collection
Sub Open()
If xmlFile.Equals(String.Empty) Then Exit Sub
'set the number of columns
len = ds.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
'Extract the column names from the DataSet and store into an ArrayList
Dim dc As DataColumn
displayAL = New ArrayList(13)
For Each dc In ds.Tables(0).Columns
End Sub
Sub CreateHeader(ByVal container As Control)
Dim t As Table = New Table
t.ID = "DLTable"
t.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left
Dim row As TableRow = New TableRow
row.BackColor = Color.SteelBlue
Dim o As Object
For Each o In displayAL
Dim cell As TableCell = New TableCell
cell.Text = CType(o, String)
cell.ForeColor = Color.Black
cell.Font.Bold = True
End Sub
Sub AddItem(ByVal bgColor As Color, ByVal container As Control)
Dim row As TableRow = New TableRow
row.BackColor = bgColor
Dim cell As TableCell = New TableCell
Dim cb As CheckBox = New CheckBox
cb.ID = "cb" & cbCount.ToString
cb.ToolTip = "Check to add to Population"
Dim lb As LinkButton = New LinkButton
'Add one cell with a label insde for each column (not counting the
first) in the DataSet
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To len
cell = New TableCell
cell.ForeColor = Color.Black
cell.Controls.Add(New Label)
End Sub
Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As Control) _
Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
If xmlFile.Equals(String.Empty) Then Exit Sub
pan = New Panel
pan.ID = "panel" & panCount.ToString
If TypeOf (container) Is WebControl Then
Dim wc As WebControl = DirectCast(container, WebControl)
pan.Width = wc.Width
pan.Height = wc.Height
End If
Select Case TemplateType
Case ListItemType.Header
Call CreateHeader(container)
Case ListItemType.Item
AddItem(Color.White, container)
panCount += 1
Case ListItemType.AlternatingItem
AddItem(Color.LightGray, container)
panCount += 1
Case ListItemType.SelectedItem
End Select
'panCount += 1
End Sub
Private Sub Pan_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles pan.DataBinding
Dim data As Object
If TypeOf (pan.NamingContainer) Is DataListItem Then
data = DirectCast(pan.NamingContainer, DataListItem).DataItem
End If
' assumption is DataRowView since we're dealing with a DataList and
not a DataReader
Dim drv As DataRowView = DirectCast(data, DataRowView)
Select Case TemplateType
Case ListItemType.Header
'if this is a header do nothing since the header has already
been created within the CreateHeader() procedure.
Case ListItemType.Footer
'if this is a footer do nothing
Case ListItemType.SelectedItem
'handle selection
Case ListItemType.EditItem
Case ListItemType.Pager
Case ListItemType.Separator
Case Else
Dim o As Object
Dim i As Integer
For Each o In pan.Controls
If TypeOf o Is TableRow Then
Dim tr As TableRow = DirectCast(o, TableRow)
Dim cell As TableCell
For Each cell In tr.Cells
'get what is inside the cell
Dim cellobject As Object
For Each cellobject In cell.Controls
If TypeOf cellobject Is LinkButton Then
Dim lb As LinkButton =
DirectCast(cellobject, LinkButton)
lb.Text = drv(i)
lb.CommandName = "select"
i = i + 1
ElseIf TypeOf cellobject Is Label Then
Dim l As Label = DirectCast(cellobject,
l.Text = drv(i)
i = i + 1
End If
End If
End Select
End Sub
End Class
In my code-behind page, I assigned the class to the DataList like so:
DataList1.DataSource = ds
DataList1.HeaderTemplate = New CRTItemTemplate(ListItemType.Header,
QueryPath, ds)
DataList1.ItemTemplate = New CRTItemTemplate(ListItemType.Item, QueryPath, ds)
DataList1.AlternatingItemTemplate = New
CRTItemTemplate(ListItemType.AlternatingItem, QueryPath, ds)
where ds = the DataSet
I use a template class because I don't know what columns are being returned.
Problem: In the code-behind page, I have a button (not in the datalist)
that when pressed, I want it to iterate through the DataListItems for the
checkboxes. There should be one for each row.
As you can see from the code above, I create a Panel and add all the
controls to the Panel. However, I can't get a reference to the Panels within
the DataList. If I could, I could then iterate through the controls in the
Panel and get the CheckBoxes. Everytime I look at the controls within the
DataListItem, it returns a LiteralControl object instead of a Panel. why?
How can I get to that Panel or checkbox that's within the Panel?
-- thanks,