lost gems - path problem?


Tom Cloyd

I'm a little unsure where to ask this question. If I need to go
elsewhere, tell me and a I get movin'.

I'm over at the #kubuntu irc channel, but it's not helpful right now,
and this IS a rubygems questions, sort of. I'm running Kubuntu Linux
7.10, and I'm trying to get the radiant cms running. It's installed, but
I cannot get a good response to "radiant....." commands.

I was told that it appears that somehow my path/ENV is messed up. I've
install the radiant rubygem, but the OS can't seem to find it when I
issue "$: radiant...." commands. I honestly have NO idea how to fix
this. My rubygems look OK - I see them in /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/, but...

$ gem list --local
/usr/bin/gem:23: uninitialized constant Gem::GemRunner (NameError)

shows that the gems are lost to the system. Would appreciate any help.



Tom Cloyd

Tom said:
I'm a little unsure where to ask this question. If I need to go
elsewhere, tell me and a I get movin'.

I'm over at the #kubuntu irc channel, but it's not helpful right now,
and this IS a rubygems questions, sort of. I'm running Kubuntu Linux
7.10, and I'm trying to get the radiant cms running. It's installed,
but I cannot get a good response to "radiant....." commands.

I was told that it appears that somehow my path/ENV is messed up. I've
install the radiant rubygem, but the OS can't seem to find it when I
issue "$: radiant...." commands. I honestly have NO idea how to fix
this. My rubygems look OK - I see them in /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/, but...

$ gem list --local
/usr/bin/gem:23: uninitialized constant Gem::GemRunner (NameError)

shows that the gems are lost to the system. Would appreciate any help.


I just tried a sqlite3 demo program I've been writing, and got this upon
launch -

`gem_original_require': no such file to load -- sqlite3 (LoadError)
/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `require'
from sqlite-sequel-demo.rb:80
from sqlite-sequel-demo.rb:80:in `each'
from sqlite-sequel-demo.rb:80

Again, everything looks OK in the gems dir, but it can't be found by
ruby. I have NO idea what's going on. The only clue I can offer is that
earlier this evening I installed the radiant gem. I then was unable to
set up radiant because "radiant..." commands all errorred off.

I hope this all give additional helpful information to someone.


Todd Benson

I just tried a sqlite3 demo program I've been writing, and got this upon
launch -

`gem_original_require': no such file to load -- sqlite3 (LoadError)
/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `require'
from sqlite-sequel-demo.rb:80
from sqlite-sequel-demo.rb:80:in `each'
from sqlite-sequel-demo.rb:80

Are you using require 'rubygems' first?


Tom Cloyd

Fair question, to which the answer is yes, sadly. All indicators are
that my rubygems installation has somehow good bad. I'm preparing to
remove and reinstall.


Tom Cloyd

Well, reinstalling (after a purge) didn't do the trick at all. I'm a bit
stumped at this point.


Todd Benson

Well, reinstalling (after a purge) didn't do the trick at all. I'm a bit
stumped at this point.


There is no such thing as the 'sqlite3' gem that I'm aware of. The
'sqlite' gem exists, though.


Todd Benson

There is no such thing as the 'sqlite3' gem that I'm aware of. The
'sqlite' gem exists, though.

There is an sqlite3.rb file, so radiant probably can't find that. Do
you have sqlite3 correctly installed? Are there configuration options
for radiant?

I personally don't care for sqlite, but I suppose it works for some purposes.


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