Perhaps a newbie question...


Klaus Kleiner


I have a Dual Field Adder Entity, which is controlled by the control signal
fsel: If fsel is high the the
cout port is always 0 the adder performs a XOR operation, else this Adder
performs a normal addition with carry and sum.
Now i have the following problem: I have got 1 bit control signal for the
fsel. But i have to combine this 1
bit signal with a 32 bit input with a nand operation. How can i do this in
VHDL? Because for a logic operation as nand both operands need to be the
same length. Is there a trick? hope someone can give me a hint

Thanks a lot

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity dual_adder is
port (cin: in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
sin: in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
pin: in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
fsel: in std_ulogic;
cout: out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
sout: out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0)
end dual_adder;

architecture structural of dual_adder is
signal cinout : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal sinout : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal pinout : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal orout : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);

cinout <= not (cin and sin and fsel);
sinout <= cin xnor sin;
pinout <= pin nand
orout <= cinout or pinout;
cout <= orout nand cinout;
sout <= pin xnor sinout;
end structural;

Allan Herriman


I have a Dual Field Adder Entity, which is controlled by the control signal
fsel: If fsel is high the the
cout port is always 0 the adder performs a XOR operation, else this Adder
performs a normal addition with carry and sum.
Now i have the following problem: I have got 1 bit control signal for the
fsel. But i have to combine this 1
bit signal with a 32 bit input with a nand operation. How can i do this in
VHDL? Because for a logic operation as nand both operands need to be the
same length. Is there a trick? hope someone can give me a hint

foo <= not bar when fsel = '1' else (others => '1');

It's not quite nand (think about what happens when fsel is 'X') but I
think it probably does what you want.


Egbert Molenkamp

Klaus Kleiner said:

I have a Dual Field Adder Entity, which is controlled by the control signal
fsel: If fsel is high the the
cout port is always 0 the adder performs a XOR operation, else this Adder
performs a normal addition with carry and sum.
Now i have the following problem: I have got 1 bit control signal for the
fsel. But i have to combine this 1
bit signal with a 32 bit input with a nand operation. How can i do this in
VHDL? Because for a logic operation as nand both operands need to be the
same length. Is there a trick? hope someone can give me a hint

I added 4 possible solutions (functions included in a test environment).

Egbert Molenkamp

ENTITY and_bus_with_bit IS
GENERIC (buswidth : natural := 4);
PORT ( ibit : IN bit;
ibus : IN bit_vector(buswidth-1 DOWNTO 0);
obus : OUT bit_vector(buswidth-1 DOWNTO 0));
END and_bus_with_bit;

ARCHITECTURE demo1 OF and_bus_with_bit IS
FUNCTION "and" (l : IN bit; r : IN bit_vector)
RETURN bit_vector IS
VARIABLE res : bit_vector(r'RANGE);
res(i) := l AND r(i);
END "and";

FUNCTION "and" (l : IN bit_vector; r : IN bit)
RETURN bit_vector IS
RETURN r and l;
END "and";

obus <= ibus AND ibit;
END demo1;

ARCHITECTURE demo2 OF and_bus_with_bit IS
FUNCTION "and" (l : IN bit; r : IN bit_vector)
RETURN bit_vector IS
CONSTANT lvec : bit_vector(r'RANGE) := (OTHERS => l);
RETURN lvec AND r;
END "and";

FUNCTION "and" (l : IN bit_vector; r : IN bit)
RETURN bit_vector IS
RETURN r and l;
END "and";

obus <= ibus AND ibit;
END demo2;

ARCHITECTURE demo3 OF and_bus_with_bit IS
FUNCTION "and" (l : IN bit; r : IN bit_vector)
RETURN bit_vector IS
CONSTANT nul_vector : bit_vector(r'RANGE) := (OTHERS => '0');
IF l ='1'
ELSE RETURN nul_vector;
END "and";

FUNCTION "and" (l : IN bit_vector; r : IN bit)
RETURN bit_vector IS
RETURN r and l;
END "and";

obus <= ibus AND ibit;
END demo3;

ARCHITECTURE demo4 OF and_bus_with_bit IS
FUNCTION "and" (l : IN bit; r : IN bit_vector)
RETURN bit_vector IS
RETURN (r'RANGE => l) AND r;
END "and";

FUNCTION "and" (l : IN bit_vector; r : IN bit)
RETURN bit_vector IS
RETURN r and l;
END "and";

obus <= ibus AND ibit;
END demo4;

Klaus Kleiner

I added 4 possible solutions (functions included in a test environment).

Thanks a lot for your help so I have to program a litte bit to solve my
problem. I have got another question perhaps you can give me a hint here

As you can see I have got a Ripple Carry Adder Entity. Now with this entity
for 1 bit I need instances with 2 bit, 3 bit 4 bit, 5 bit, 6 bit and 7 bit.
I have added the code for the 2-bit Ripple Carry Adder which works fine. But
is it somehow possible to do this with parameters? Because else I have to
write an own architecture for each single RCA and I dont know if this is

Thanks again for your help

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity RCA is port (
x,y: in std_ulogic;
cin: in std_ulogic;
cout: out std_ulogic;
sout: out std_ulogic
end RCA;

architecture RTL of RCA is
sout <= (x xnor y) xnor cin;
cout <= (x nand y) nand ((x xnor y) or cin);
end RTL;
-- START: 2 Bit RCA
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity BIT_2_RCA is port (
x0,y0: in std_ulogic;
x1,y1: in std_ulogic;
cin: in std_ulogic;
cout: out std_ulogic;
s0,s1: out std_ulogic
end BIT_2_RCA;

architecture RTL of BIT_2_RCA is

component RCA
x,y: in std_ulogic;
cin: in std_ulogic;
cout: out std_ulogic;
sout: out std_ulogic
end component;

signal carry : std_ulogic;
signal carry1 : std_ulogic;

RCA0: RCA port map (x=>x0,y=>y0,cin=>'0',cout=>carry,sout=>s0);
RCA1: RCA port map (x=>x1,y=>y1,cin=>carry,cout=>carry1,sout=>s1);
end RTL;

Egbert Molenkamp

Klaus Kleiner said:
Thanks a lot for your help so I have to program a litte bit to solve my
problem. I have got another question perhaps you can give me a hint here

As you can see I have got a Ripple Carry Adder Entity. Now with this entity
for 1 bit I need instances with 2 bit, 3 bit 4 bit, 5 bit, 6 bit and 7 bit.
I have added the code for the 2-bit Ripple Carry Adder which works fine. But
is it somehow possible to do this with parameters? Because else I have to
write an own architecture for each single RCA and I dont know if this is

Use a generic in the entity:

GENERIC (w : integer := 8);
PORT (x,y : std_logic_vector(w-1 DOWNTO 0); etc.

In the architure you can use a GENERATE statement something like:

label_required : FOR i IN 1 TO w GENERATE
inst: RCA PORT MAP (x(i),...)

The first and last instantantiation is probable a little bit different.

However, consider NOT using this approach (except for the generic in the

There are packages available, i.e. numeric_std, that can handle your
If X and Y are vectors of type std_logic_vector you can write
unsigned(X) + unsigned (Y)
(of in case you use the synops package std_logic_unsigned, you can write: X
+ Y)
The synthesis tool will recognise the adder.

Egbert Molenkamp

Klaus Kleiner

There are packages available, i.e. numeric_std, that can handle your
If X and Y are vectors of type std_logic_vector you can write
unsigned(X) + unsigned (Y)
(of in case you use the synops package std_logic_unsigned, you can write: X
+ Y)
The synthesis tool will recognise the adder.

Thanks again for your tip, but i have to use a a Carry Select Adder which
consists of 2 2-bit Ripple Carry Adder, 2 3-bit Ripple Carry Adder, 2 4-bit
Ripple Carry Adder, 4 5-bit Ripple Carry Adder, 2 6-bit Ripple Carry Adder,
2 7-bit Ripple Carry Adder. So i cant do this with a simple adder....

Mike Treseler

Klaus said:
Thanks again for your tip, but i have to use a a Carry Select Adder which
consists of 2 2-bit Ripple Carry Adder, 2 3-bit Ripple Carry Adder, 2 4-bit
Ripple Carry Adder, 4 5-bit Ripple Carry Adder, 2 6-bit Ripple Carry Adder,
2 7-bit Ripple Carry Adder. So i cant do this with a simple adder....

What is the source of this curious constraint?

-- Mike Treseler

Steve Harrad

Curious constraints are often features of homework problems.

No it isn't a homework. Its a project and we have to build an Multiplier in
GF(2^m) for the LEON Processor. And therefore for summing up the final carry
and sum array we need a Carry Select adder which consists of different
Ripple Carry Adders

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