Dear all,
It been more than 3 days I am trying to debug this program, I
interpret it using activePerl and it is giving (perl -wc
code_process.pl) no error syntax but when I put it online, change to
the appropriate mode and test the html form it gave me an 500 internel
server error.
I really need it to be done soon, I would not post here before I test
it as much as I can,
In case you would like to check the html too, please let me know.
$forward_url_eng = 'www.anything.com/eng/formsent.html';
$forward_url_fra = 'www.anything.com/fra/formsentf.html';
$htmlbody="<body bgcolor=\"#F2F6E9\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#8B2833\"
vlink=\"#000000\" alink=\"#FF0000\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\"
rightmargin=\"0\" bottommargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\"
# Parse Form Contents
# Generate ID
# Return HTML Page
# Send E-Mail
#================================ Parse Form
sub parse_form {
# Get the input
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
# Split the name-value pairs
@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
if ($name eq 'required') {@required = split(/,/,$value);}
elsif ($name eq 'env_report') {@env_report = split(/,/,$value);}
else {
if ($FORM{$name} && ($value)) {$FORM{$name} = "$FORM{$name},
elsif ($value) {$FORM{$name} = $value;
#================================ Generate ID
sub generate_id
$random = int(rand( $upper-$lower+1 ) ) + $lower;
@f = (localtime)[3..5]; # grabs day/month/year values
$DD = ($f[1] + 1);
if ($DD < 10) {$DD = 0 . $DD};
$MM = $f[0];
if ($MM < 10) {$MM = 0 . $MM};
$ID = $DD . "-" . $MM . "-" . substr(($f[2] + 1900),2,2) . "-" .
#================================ Return HTML
sub return_html {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML>";
print "<HEAD>";
if ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'English') {print "<META
CONTENT=\"0; URL=$forward_url_eng\">\n";}
elsif ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'French') {print "<META
CONTENT=\"0; URL=$forward_url_fra\">\n";}
print "</HEAD>";
print "$htmlbody\n ";
print "</body>\n</html>";
print "</HTML>";
#======================================== Send mail
sub send_mail {
# ==== Next three lines for Unix
$mail_path = "/usr/sbin";
$mail_prog = "sendmail";
$mail_temp_path = "/tmp";
# ====== Send mail to ILS ======
do {$mail_file=int(rand(99999999)) . ".txt";} until !(-e
$mail_command = "$mail_path/$mail_prog -F \"$FORM{'email'}\"
< $mail_temp_path/$mail_file";
open (MAIL,">$mail_temp_path/$mail_file") || die "CANT OPEN
$mail_command = "$mail_path$mail_prog -CGI -s\"Application Form
-f$FORM{'email'} < $mail_temp_path\\$mail_file";
open (MAIL,">$mail_temp_path/$mail_file") || die "CANT OPEN
&mail_to_ILS; # Compose mail to be sent to ILS
close (MAIL);
system ("$mail_command");
#====== Send mail to Applicant ======
do {$mail_file=int(rand(99999999)) . ".txt";} until !(-e
open (MAIL,">$mail_temp_path/$mail_file") || die "CANT OPEN
if ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'English')
$mail_command = "$mail_path/$mail_prog -F \"$FORM{'recipient'}\"
< $mail_temp_path/$mail_file";
# $mail_command = "$mail_path$mail_prog -CGI -s\"
Application Form\" -f$FORM{'recipient'} $FORM{'email'} <
&mail_to_applicant_eng; # Compose mail to be sent to applicant
elsif ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'French')
$mail_command = "$mail_path/$mail_prog -F \"$FORM{'recipient'}\"
< $mail_temp_path/$mail_file";
# $mail_command = "$mail_path$mail_prog -CGI -s\"Inscription \"
-f$FORM{'recipient'} $FORM{'email'} < $mail_temp_path\\$mail_file";
&mail_to_applicant_fra; # Compose mail to be sent to applicant
close (MAIL);
system ("$mail_command");
#======================================== Mail to ILS
sub mail_to_ILS {
print MAIL "Reply-To: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Application Form ($ID)\n";
print MAIL "From: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Application Form, ID: ($ID)\n";
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "Language: $FORM{'formlang'}\n";
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "1. Personal Information:\n";
print MAIL " Family name(s): $FORM{'lname'}\n";
print MAIL " Given name(s): $FORM{'fname'}\n";
print MAIL " Employee Number: $FORM{'num_employe'}\n";
print MAIL " Other Contact Information:\n";
if ($FORM{'phonehome'} ne '') {print MAIL " Telephone numbers
if ($FORM{'phonework'} ne '') {print MAIL " Telephone numbers
print MAIL " E-mail: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "2. I am a member of:\n";
print MAIL " The faculty of : $FORM{'faculte'}\n";
if ($FORM{'faculte'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'faculte'}\n";};
print MAIL " Departement: $FORM{'departement'}\n";
if ($FORM{'departement'} ne '') {print MAIL "
print MAIL " Unit: $FORM{'unite'}\n";
if ($FORM{'unit'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'unite'}\n";};
print MAIL " I am a : $FORM{'job'}\n";
print MAIL " My status is : $FORM{'status'}\n";
#if ($FORM{'statut-autre'} ne '') {print MAIL " Year:
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "3. I wish to enroll in the following course(s) and
if ($FORM{'a1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a6'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a6'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i3'}\n";};
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "4. How do you intend to be classified?\n";
print MAIL " Answer: $FORM{'test'}\n";
#if ($FORM{'date_test'} ne '') {print MAIL " Year:
#if ($FORM{'resultat_test'} ne '') {print MAIL " Year:
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
#======================================== Mail to Applicant (English)
sub mail_to_applicant_eng {
print MAIL "Reply-To: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Application Form\n";
print MAIL "From: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "To: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Dear $FORM{'fname'} $FORM{'lname'},\n\n";
print MAIL "Thank you for choosing the
print MAIL "Your reference number is \"$ID\". Please use this number
when you write
to us ";
print MAIL "You indicated your intention to enroll in the following
course(s) and session(s):\n";
if ($FORM{'a1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a6'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a6'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i3'}\n";};
print MAIL "We look forward to your arrival and wish you an enjoyable
and rewarding
experience .\n\n";
print MAIL "We invite you to read our Privacy Policy at: ";
print MAIL "We would be pleased to answer any questions you
#======================================== Mail to Applicant (French)
sub mail_to_applicant_fra {
print MAIL "Reply-To: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Inscription\n";
print MAIL "From: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "To: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Bonjour $FORM{'fname'} $FORM{'lname'},\n\n";
print MAIL "Nous vous remercions d'avoir choisi
print MAIL "Le numéro de référence qui vous a été attribué est le
\"$ID\". Nous vous
serions reconnaissants de ";
print MAIL "bien vouloir rappeler ce numéro sur toute
print MAIL "Vous avez indiqué votre intention de poursuivre dans les
cours suivants:\n";
if ($FORM{'a1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a6'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a6'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i3'}\n";};
print MAIL "Nous nous réjouissons de bientôt pouvoir vous accueillir
et nous
espérons que votre séjour parmi nous ";
print MAIL "sera à la fois une expérience agréable et
print MAIL "Nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance de notre
Politique de
protection de la confidentialité à : ";
print MAIL "merci\n\n";
print MAIL "Nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à toute question
que vous
pourriez vouloir nous poser.\n\n";
print MAIL "Nous vous prions d'agréer nos salutations
It been more than 3 days I am trying to debug this program, I
interpret it using activePerl and it is giving (perl -wc
code_process.pl) no error syntax but when I put it online, change to
the appropriate mode and test the html form it gave me an 500 internel
server error.
I really need it to be done soon, I would not post here before I test
it as much as I can,
In case you would like to check the html too, please let me know.
$forward_url_eng = 'www.anything.com/eng/formsent.html';
$forward_url_fra = 'www.anything.com/fra/formsentf.html';
$htmlbody="<body bgcolor=\"#F2F6E9\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#8B2833\"
vlink=\"#000000\" alink=\"#FF0000\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\"
rightmargin=\"0\" bottommargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\"
# Parse Form Contents
# Generate ID
# Return HTML Page
# Send E-Mail
#================================ Parse Form
sub parse_form {
# Get the input
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
# Split the name-value pairs
@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
if ($name eq 'required') {@required = split(/,/,$value);}
elsif ($name eq 'env_report') {@env_report = split(/,/,$value);}
else {
if ($FORM{$name} && ($value)) {$FORM{$name} = "$FORM{$name},
elsif ($value) {$FORM{$name} = $value;
#================================ Generate ID
sub generate_id
$random = int(rand( $upper-$lower+1 ) ) + $lower;
@f = (localtime)[3..5]; # grabs day/month/year values
$DD = ($f[1] + 1);
if ($DD < 10) {$DD = 0 . $DD};
$MM = $f[0];
if ($MM < 10) {$MM = 0 . $MM};
$ID = $DD . "-" . $MM . "-" . substr(($f[2] + 1900),2,2) . "-" .
#================================ Return HTML
sub return_html {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML>";
print "<HEAD>";
if ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'English') {print "<META
CONTENT=\"0; URL=$forward_url_eng\">\n";}
elsif ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'French') {print "<META
CONTENT=\"0; URL=$forward_url_fra\">\n";}
print "</HEAD>";
print "$htmlbody\n ";
print "</body>\n</html>";
print "</HTML>";
#======================================== Send mail
sub send_mail {
# ==== Next three lines for Unix
$mail_path = "/usr/sbin";
$mail_prog = "sendmail";
$mail_temp_path = "/tmp";
# ====== Send mail to ILS ======
do {$mail_file=int(rand(99999999)) . ".txt";} until !(-e
$mail_command = "$mail_path/$mail_prog -F \"$FORM{'email'}\"
< $mail_temp_path/$mail_file";
open (MAIL,">$mail_temp_path/$mail_file") || die "CANT OPEN
$mail_command = "$mail_path$mail_prog -CGI -s\"Application Form
-f$FORM{'email'} < $mail_temp_path\\$mail_file";
open (MAIL,">$mail_temp_path/$mail_file") || die "CANT OPEN
&mail_to_ILS; # Compose mail to be sent to ILS
close (MAIL);
system ("$mail_command");
#====== Send mail to Applicant ======
do {$mail_file=int(rand(99999999)) . ".txt";} until !(-e
open (MAIL,">$mail_temp_path/$mail_file") || die "CANT OPEN
if ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'English')
$mail_command = "$mail_path/$mail_prog -F \"$FORM{'recipient'}\"
< $mail_temp_path/$mail_file";
# $mail_command = "$mail_path$mail_prog -CGI -s\"
Application Form\" -f$FORM{'recipient'} $FORM{'email'} <
&mail_to_applicant_eng; # Compose mail to be sent to applicant
elsif ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'French')
$mail_command = "$mail_path/$mail_prog -F \"$FORM{'recipient'}\"
< $mail_temp_path/$mail_file";
# $mail_command = "$mail_path$mail_prog -CGI -s\"Inscription \"
-f$FORM{'recipient'} $FORM{'email'} < $mail_temp_path\\$mail_file";
&mail_to_applicant_fra; # Compose mail to be sent to applicant
close (MAIL);
system ("$mail_command");
#======================================== Mail to ILS
sub mail_to_ILS {
print MAIL "Reply-To: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Application Form ($ID)\n";
print MAIL "From: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Application Form, ID: ($ID)\n";
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "Language: $FORM{'formlang'}\n";
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "1. Personal Information:\n";
print MAIL " Family name(s): $FORM{'lname'}\n";
print MAIL " Given name(s): $FORM{'fname'}\n";
print MAIL " Employee Number: $FORM{'num_employe'}\n";
print MAIL " Other Contact Information:\n";
if ($FORM{'phonehome'} ne '') {print MAIL " Telephone numbers
if ($FORM{'phonework'} ne '') {print MAIL " Telephone numbers
print MAIL " E-mail: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "2. I am a member of:\n";
print MAIL " The faculty of : $FORM{'faculte'}\n";
if ($FORM{'faculte'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'faculte'}\n";};
print MAIL " Departement: $FORM{'departement'}\n";
if ($FORM{'departement'} ne '') {print MAIL "
print MAIL " Unit: $FORM{'unite'}\n";
if ($FORM{'unit'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'unite'}\n";};
print MAIL " I am a : $FORM{'job'}\n";
print MAIL " My status is : $FORM{'status'}\n";
#if ($FORM{'statut-autre'} ne '') {print MAIL " Year:
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "3. I wish to enroll in the following course(s) and
if ($FORM{'a1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a6'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a6'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i3'}\n";};
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "4. How do you intend to be classified?\n";
print MAIL " Answer: $FORM{'test'}\n";
#if ($FORM{'date_test'} ne '') {print MAIL " Year:
#if ($FORM{'resultat_test'} ne '') {print MAIL " Year:
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
#======================================== Mail to Applicant (English)
sub mail_to_applicant_eng {
print MAIL "Reply-To: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Application Form\n";
print MAIL "From: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "To: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Dear $FORM{'fname'} $FORM{'lname'},\n\n";
print MAIL "Thank you for choosing the
print MAIL "Your reference number is \"$ID\". Please use this number
when you write
to us ";
print MAIL "You indicated your intention to enroll in the following
course(s) and session(s):\n";
if ($FORM{'a1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a6'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a6'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i3'}\n";};
print MAIL "We look forward to your arrival and wish you an enjoyable
and rewarding
experience .\n\n";
print MAIL "We invite you to read our Privacy Policy at: ";
print MAIL "We would be pleased to answer any questions you
#======================================== Mail to Applicant (French)
sub mail_to_applicant_fra {
print MAIL "Reply-To: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Inscription\n";
print MAIL "From: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "To: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Bonjour $FORM{'fname'} $FORM{'lname'},\n\n";
print MAIL "Nous vous remercions d'avoir choisi
print MAIL "Le numéro de référence qui vous a été attribué est le
\"$ID\". Nous vous
serions reconnaissants de ";
print MAIL "bien vouloir rappeler ce numéro sur toute
print MAIL "Vous avez indiqué votre intention de poursuivre dans les
cours suivants:\n";
if ($FORM{'a1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a6'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a6'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i3'}\n";};
print MAIL "Nous nous réjouissons de bientôt pouvoir vous accueillir
et nous
espérons que votre séjour parmi nous ";
print MAIL "sera à la fois une expérience agréable et
print MAIL "Nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance de notre
Politique de
protection de la confidentialité à : ";
print MAIL "merci\n\n";
print MAIL "Nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à toute question
que vous
pourriez vouloir nous poser.\n\n";
print MAIL "Nous vous prions d'agréer nos salutations