Perl - Form handler



Dear all,

It been more than 3 days I am trying to debug this program, I
interpret it using activePerl and it is giving (perl -wc no error syntax but when I put it online, change to
the appropriate mode and test the html form it gave me an 500 internel
server error.

I really need it to be done soon, I would not post here before I test
it as much as I can,

In case you would like to check the html too, please let me know.



$forward_url_eng = '';
$forward_url_fra = '';

$htmlbody="<body bgcolor=\"#F2F6E9\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#8B2833\"
vlink=\"#000000\" alink=\"#FF0000\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\"
rightmargin=\"0\" bottommargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\"

# Parse Form Contents

# Generate ID

# Return HTML Page

# Send E-Mail

#================================ Parse Form

sub parse_form {

# Get the input
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
# Split the name-value pairs
@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);

foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;

if ($name eq 'required') {@required = split(/,/,$value);}
elsif ($name eq 'env_report') {@env_report = split(/,/,$value);}
else {
if ($FORM{$name} && ($value)) {$FORM{$name} = "$FORM{$name},
elsif ($value) {$FORM{$name} = $value;

#================================ Generate ID

sub generate_id
$random = int(rand( $upper-$lower+1 ) ) + $lower;
@f = (localtime)[3..5]; # grabs day/month/year values
$DD = ($f[1] + 1);
if ($DD < 10) {$DD = 0 . $DD};
$MM = $f[0];
if ($MM < 10) {$MM = 0 . $MM};
$ID = $DD . "-" . $MM . "-" . substr(($f[2] + 1900),2,2) . "-" .

#================================ Return HTML

sub return_html {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML>";
print "<HEAD>";
if ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'English') {print "<META
CONTENT=\"0; URL=$forward_url_eng\">\n";}
elsif ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'French') {print "<META
CONTENT=\"0; URL=$forward_url_fra\">\n";}

print "</HEAD>";
print "$htmlbody\n ";
print "</body>\n</html>";
print "</HTML>";

#======================================== Send mail

sub send_mail {

# ==== Next three lines for Unix
$mail_path = "/usr/sbin";
$mail_prog = "sendmail";
$mail_temp_path = "/tmp";

# ====== Send mail to ILS ======

do {$mail_file=int(rand(99999999)) . ".txt";} until !(-e

$mail_command = "$mail_path/$mail_prog -F \"$FORM{'email'}\"
< $mail_temp_path/$mail_file";
open (MAIL,">$mail_temp_path/$mail_file") || die "CANT OPEN

$mail_command = "$mail_path$mail_prog -CGI -s\"Application Form
-f$FORM{'email'} < $mail_temp_path\\$mail_file";
open (MAIL,">$mail_temp_path/$mail_file") || die "CANT OPEN

&mail_to_ILS; # Compose mail to be sent to ILS

close (MAIL);
system ("$mail_command");

#====== Send mail to Applicant ======

do {$mail_file=int(rand(99999999)) . ".txt";} until !(-e
open (MAIL,">$mail_temp_path/$mail_file") || die "CANT OPEN

if ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'English')
$mail_command = "$mail_path/$mail_prog -F \"$FORM{'recipient'}\"
< $mail_temp_path/$mail_file";
# $mail_command = "$mail_path$mail_prog -CGI -s\"
Application Form\" -f$FORM{'recipient'} $FORM{'email'} <
&mail_to_applicant_eng; # Compose mail to be sent to applicant

elsif ($FORM{'formlang'} eq 'French')
$mail_command = "$mail_path/$mail_prog -F \"$FORM{'recipient'}\"
< $mail_temp_path/$mail_file";
# $mail_command = "$mail_path$mail_prog -CGI -s\"Inscription \"
-f$FORM{'recipient'} $FORM{'email'} < $mail_temp_path\\$mail_file";
&mail_to_applicant_fra; # Compose mail to be sent to applicant

close (MAIL);
system ("$mail_command");

#======================================== Mail to ILS

sub mail_to_ILS {
print MAIL "Reply-To: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Application Form ($ID)\n";
print MAIL "From: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Application Form, ID: ($ID)\n";
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "Language: $FORM{'formlang'}\n";
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "1. Personal Information:\n";
print MAIL " Family name(s): $FORM{'lname'}\n";
print MAIL " Given name(s): $FORM{'fname'}\n";
print MAIL " Employee Number: $FORM{'num_employe'}\n";
print MAIL " Other Contact Information:\n";
if ($FORM{'phonehome'} ne '') {print MAIL " Telephone numbers
if ($FORM{'phonework'} ne '') {print MAIL " Telephone numbers
print MAIL " E-mail: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "2. I am a member of:\n";
print MAIL " The faculty of : $FORM{'faculte'}\n";
if ($FORM{'faculte'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'faculte'}\n";};
print MAIL " Departement: $FORM{'departement'}\n";
if ($FORM{'departement'} ne '') {print MAIL "
print MAIL " Unit: $FORM{'unite'}\n";
if ($FORM{'unit'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'unite'}\n";};
print MAIL " I am a : $FORM{'job'}\n";
print MAIL " My status is : $FORM{'status'}\n";
#if ($FORM{'statut-autre'} ne '') {print MAIL " Year:
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "3. I wish to enroll in the following course(s) and

if ($FORM{'a1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a6'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a6'}\n";};

if ($FORM{'h1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h5'}\n";};

if ($FORM{'i1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i3'}\n";};

print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print MAIL "4. How do you intend to be classified?\n";
print MAIL " Answer: $FORM{'test'}\n";
#if ($FORM{'date_test'} ne '') {print MAIL " Year:
#if ($FORM{'resultat_test'} ne '') {print MAIL " Year:
print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";

#======================================== Mail to Applicant (English)
sub mail_to_applicant_eng {
print MAIL "Reply-To: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Application Form\n";
print MAIL "From: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "To: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Dear $FORM{'fname'} $FORM{'lname'},\n\n";
print MAIL "Thank you for choosing the
print MAIL "Your reference number is \"$ID\". Please use this number
when you write
to us ";
print MAIL "You indicated your intention to enroll in the following
course(s) and session(s):\n";

if ($FORM{'a1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a6'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a6'}\n";};

if ($FORM{'h1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h5'}\n";};

if ($FORM{'i1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i3'}\n";};

print MAIL "We look forward to your arrival and wish you an enjoyable
and rewarding
experience .\n\n";
print MAIL "We invite you to read our Privacy Policy at: ";

print MAIL "We would be pleased to answer any questions you


#======================================== Mail to Applicant (French)
sub mail_to_applicant_fra {
print MAIL "Reply-To: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Inscription\n";
print MAIL "From: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
print MAIL "To: $FORM{'email'}\n";
print MAIL "Bonjour $FORM{'fname'} $FORM{'lname'},\n\n";
print MAIL "Nous vous remercions d'avoir choisi
print MAIL "Le numéro de référence qui vous a été attribué est le
\"$ID\". Nous vous
serions reconnaissants de ";
print MAIL "bien vouloir rappeler ce numéro sur toute
print MAIL "Vous avez indiqué votre intention de poursuivre dans les
cours suivants:\n";

if ($FORM{'a1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a5'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'a6'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'a6'}\n";};

if ($FORM{'h1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h3'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h4'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h4'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'h5'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'h5'}\n";};

if ($FORM{'i1'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i1'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i2'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i2'}\n";};
if ($FORM{'i3'} ne '') {print MAIL " $FORM{'i3'}\n";};

print MAIL "Nous nous réjouissons de bientôt pouvoir vous accueillir
et nous
espérons que votre séjour parmi nous ";
print MAIL "sera à la fois une expérience agréable et
print MAIL "Nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance de notre
Politique de
protection de la confidentialité à : ";
print MAIL "merci\n\n";
print MAIL "Nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre à toute question
que vous
pourriez vouloir nous poser.\n\n";
print MAIL "Nous vous prions d'agréer nos salutations


Gunnar Hjalmarsson

John said:
It been more than 3 days I am trying to debug this program, I
interpret it using activePerl and it is giving (perl -wc no error syntax but when I put it online, change
to the appropriate mode and test the html form it gave me an 500
internel server error.

What does the server's error log tell you? If you can't access it, you
can add this line in the beginning of the script so as to have fatal
errors printed to the screen:

use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
In case you would like to check the html too, please let me know.

To be honest, I don't want to dig into the details in that program,
since it's old and not very good according to today's standards.

Jim Gibson

John said:
Dear all,

It been more than 3 days I am trying to debug this program, I
interpret it using activePerl and it is giving (perl -wc no error syntax but when I put it online, change to
the appropriate mode and test the html form it gave me an 500 internel
server error.

I really need it to be done soon, I would not post here before I test
it as much as I can,

In case you would like to check the html too, please let me know.

I can give you the standard advice for these types of problems:

1. Run the CGI on the command-line (but you have already done this).
2. Look at the server error logs; what do they say?
3. Use the CGI module; don't try to parse form input yourself.
4. Put "use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';" in your program (after doing
5. Minimize your program to attempt to isolate the problem and post
that minimal program, what it is doing, what the server logs say, if
anything, and what you expect it to be doing that it is not.

FYI: this newsgroup is defunct; try comp.lang.perl.misc in the future.


thank you Gunnar Hjalmarsson, I will keep searching to solve the bug.


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