Emailing me personally is entirely proper! Feel free to contact me whenever
you want.
I love the link you sent:
When I created my image manipulation project I was looking for a multi
browser compatible way of delivering an image to a page dynamically and came
across another sample project that showed how to do so. (I don't recall the
link.) The link you sent looks like a much better way to do so! I'll
probably convert mine to use it.
I'm confused on how 'ImageDelivery.aspx' got a reference to the image and
also I'm not clear on exactly what it's needed for.
ImageDelivery.aspx is being sent an image id in the query string: Dim
ImageGuid As String = Request.QueryString("id")
The Guid is being used when the image is stored in the datatable as the row
key. And that is what is used to retrieve the data and send the changed
image to the page display.
One confusing part of the query string may be the random number I'm tacking
on to it. Internet Explorer on the Mac caches images and doesn't check if
the image has changed from one post to another even if caching is turned
off. So I'm adding on the random number just to change the image's url
enough so that IE on the MAC reloads the new image.
When posting back the page, isn't there a way to set the image url to a
variable holding the image data?
It looks like you answered this one yourself with the link you sent me.
Also, I'm using a dataset to hold various session data. Could I just use
this dataset to hold the image data in the same way you used the
application.item datatable?
I didn't see any binary data types in the dataset and noticed that you
defined the datatable column like this: ImageTable.Columns.Add(New
DataColumn("OptimizedImage", GetType(Object))) I'm not sure how that would
translate to a strongly typed dataset column.
Technically this column is a strongly typed data column. It's just of the
top type "Object". You could easily change this to be of type stream or
image. I just wanted the flexibility to store most anything in the column
because when I created this project I wasn't positive which I'd be storing
S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer / Programmer
"Out of chaos comes order."
moondaddy said:
Nice sample project Justin. I have a few questions though. I'm confused on
how 'ImageDelivery.aspx' got a reference to the image and also I'm not clear
on exactly what its needed for. When posting back the page, isn't there a
way to set the image url to a variable holding the image data? Also, I'm
using a dataset to hold various session data. Could I just use this dataset
to hold the image data in the same way you used the application.item
(e-mail address removed)
S. Justin Gengo said:
System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnail is what you need. If you want more detail,
I have an ASP.NET v.1.1 project you can download from my website that
couple of pages to allow a user to upload an image, resize it, and set it's
quality. It does a lot more than what you need here, but if you take a look
at the code you'll see how I'm resizing images and setting their quality
which you can then use to create your thumbnails. All the code on my