Switching between the signals




I have interfaced a CPLD to a SRAM. The SRAM has 19 bit of address bus

and 18 bit of data bus. I am using 14 bit of Address bus and 14 bit of

data bus. I am having problem implementing the following algorithm

I have to generate a 14 bit address from the CPLD and retrived the 14
bit data

After getting the data, I have to copy or replace the data with the
address bus

and then retrieve new data and send it out of the CPLD. I have to
switch between

Address and data buses. Switching between the buses is the main

I used multiplexer but its not working for me. Please Advice me some
other techniques or

i am also attaching the code that What I did..


--Mian Sequential Machine


C0: counter port map ( counter_A_data,
equalsignalc, eq_signal,Reset_A);
CB: counter_b port map ( countb_mux_datain, DPR_CLK,
CC: counter_cport map (
countc_mux_datain,equalsignalB,equalsignalc, Reset_C );
M: MUX port map (
M14: multiplexer port map(
sel_14bit_mux,"00000000000000",Data, Address_bus(18 downto 5)
L : Latch_chip port map(
Data_Bus,Data,Latch_signal, xyz,Data_out_bus(13 downto 0));

Output_Enable <= '0';
CE0 <= '0';
CE1 <= '1';
Read_write <= '1';
Latch <= sel_14bit_mux;
--Latch_signal <= not sel_14bit_mux;

Process ( State_A )


Case State_A is

When A0 =>
If ( input_signal ='1' ) Then

incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '1';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '0';
nextstate_A <= A1;

Else If ( input_signal ='0' ) Then
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '1';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '0';
nextstate_A <= A0;

End If;
End If;

When A1 =>
-- First Address get Valid --
incr_B <= '1';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '1';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '0';

nextstate_A <= A2;

When A2 =>
-- Data is valid on the Bus --
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '0';
UBL <= '0';
sel_14bit_mux <= '1';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '0';

nextstate_A <= A3;

When A3 =>
-- Data becomes Address --
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '0';
Latch_signal <= '1';
xyz <= '0';

nextstate_A <= A4;

When A4 =>
-- Data gets valid again --
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '0';
Latch_signal <= '1';
xyz <= '0';

nextstate_A <= A5;

When A5 =>
-- Data is out --
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '0';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '1';

nextstate_A <= A6;

When A6 =>
-- Data is out --
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '0';
UBL <= '0';
sel_14bit_mux <= '0';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '1';
--Data_out_bus(13 downto 0) <= Data;

nextstate_A <= A1;

When others =>

nextstate_A <= A0;
End Case;
End Process;

-- DPR Process
Process ( DPR_CLK )


If ( DPR_CLK 'event And DPR_CLK = '1') Then

State <= nextstate;
State_A <= nextstate_A;

End If;
End Process;



ntity Latch_chip is

Port (
Data_in: inout unsigned( 13 downto 0);
Data_out: out unsigned( 13 downto 0);
Select_pin: in std_logic;
Clock: in std_logic;
out_data: out unsigned ( 13 downto 0)


End Latch_chip;

Architecture Latch1 of Latch_chip is


Process (Data_in, Clock, Select_pin)

variable latched_value: unsigned (13 downto 0);

If ( Select_pin ='1' ) Then

latched_value := Data_in;
out_data <= Data_in;
End If;

If ( Clock ='1') Then

Data_out <= latched_value;

Data_out <= NULL;

End If;

End process;

End Latch_chip;


Entity multiplexer is

Port (

Sel_line : in std_logic;
data_in_counter : in unsigned ( 13 downto 0);
data_in_data_bus : in unsigned ( 13 downto 0);
data_out_mux : inout unsigned ( 13 downto 0);
Clk : in std_logic

End multiplexer;

Architecture muxq of multiplexer is


data_out_mux <= data_in_counter When Sel_line = '1'



Process ( Sel_line )
End process;
End muxq;

Paul Uiterlinden

john said:
I used multiplexer but its not working for me. Please Advice me some
other techniques

Please read http://www.designabstraction.co.uk/HTML/articles.htm,
especally the part about unecesary levels of hierarchy and splitting
data- and control-path. Don't write your code as if you're wiring a
board full of standard logical components from the 7400 TTL family.
i am also attaching the code that What I did..

It is very hard to read, not only by the coding style. What editor did
you use? I see a lot of space characters with their MSB set (hex value
A0 in stead of 20).

One thing I noticed is that somewhere you assign NULL to a signal,
presumably to describe that the signal should not change. In that case,
just leave out the assignment all together.




I tried to fix the Reading problem of the code. i hope that It will be
allright now! I read the literature u mentioned but could not apply it
to my problem. Where am I am misusing the hirarchery or mixing control
and data path. You are right that I designed it like connecting the
74LS00 chips on the circuit board but I do not understand whats wrong
with that! Would you please give me some simple examples or mistake in
my code so that I can fix the problem...

I have interfaced a CPLD to a SRAM. The SRAM has 19 bit of address bus
and 18 bit of data bus. I am using 14 bit of Address bus and 14 bit of
data bus. I am having problem implementing the following algorithm

I have to generate a 14 bit address from the CPLD and retrived the 14
bit data, After getting the data, I have to copy or replace the data
with the address busand then retrieve new data and send it out of the
CPLD. I have to
switch between Address and data buses. Switching between the buses is
the main problem!!

I used multiplexer but its not working for me. Please Advice me some
other techniques or i am also attaching the code that What I did..


--Mian Sequential Machine


C0: counter port map ( counter_A_data,equalsignalc,

CB: counter_b port map( countb_mux_datain, DPR_CLK,

CC: counter_cport map(countc_mux_datain,equalsignalB,equalsignalc,
Reset_C );

M: MUX port map

M14: multiplexer port map ( sel_14bit_mux,"00000000000000",Data,
Address_bus(18 downto 5),DPR_CLK);

L : Latch_chip port
map(Data_Bus,Data,Latch_signal,xyz,Data_out_bus(13 downto 0));

Output_Enable <= '0';
CE0 <= '0';
CE1 <= '1';
Read_write <= '1';
Latch <= sel_14bit_mux;

Process ( State_A )


Case State_A is

When A0 =>
If ( input_signal='1' ) Then

incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux<= '1';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '0';
nextstate_A <= A1;

Else If ( input_signal ='0' ) Then
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '1';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '0';
nextstate_A <= A0;

End If;
End If;

When A1=>
-- First Address get Valid --
incr_B <= '1';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '1';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '0';

nextstate_A <= A2;

When A2 =>
-- Data is valid on the Bus --
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '0';
UBL <= '0';
sel_14bit_mux <= '1';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '0';
nextstate_A <= A3;

When A3 =>
-- Data becomes Address --
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '0';
Latch_signal <= '1';
xyz <= '0';

nextstate_A <= A4;

When A4 =>
-- Data gets valid again --
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '0';
Latch_signal <= '1';
xyz <= '0';
nextstate_A <= A5;

When A5 =>
-- Data is out --
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '1';
UBL <= '1';
sel_14bit_mux <= '0';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '1';
nextstate_A <= A6;

When A6 =>
-- Data is out --
incr_B <= '0';
LBL <= '0';
UBL <= '0';
sel_14bit_mux <= '0';
Latch_signal <= '0';
xyz <= '1';

nextstate_A <= A1;

When others =>
nextstate_A <= A0;

End Case;
End Process;

-- DPR Process


If (DPR_CLK 'event And DPR_CLK = '1') Then

State <= nextstate;
State_A <= nextstate_A;

End If;
End Process;



Entity Latch_chip is

Port (

Data_in: inout unsigned( 13 downto 0);
Data_out: out unsigned( 13 downto 0);
Select_pin:in std_logic;
Clock: in std_logic;
out_data: out unsigned ( 13 downto 0)


End Latch_chip;

Architecture Latch1 of Latch_chip is

Process (Data_in, Clock, Select_pin)

variable latched_value: unsigned (13 downto 0);

If ( Select_pin ='1') Then

latched_value := Data_in;
out_data <= Data_in;
End If;

If (Clock ='1') Then

Data_out <= latched_value;

Data_out <= NULL;
End If;
End process;

End Latch_chip;


Entity multiplexer is

Port (

Sel_line : in std_logic;
data_in_counter : in unsigned ( 13 downto 0);
data_in_data_bus : in unsigned ( 13 downto 0);
data_out_mux : inout unsigned ( 13 downto 0);
Clk : in std_logic

End multiplexer;

Architecture muxq of multiplexer is


data_out_mux <= data_in_counter When Sel_line = '1' Else

Process (Sel_line)
End process;

Paul Uiterlinden

john said:

I tried to fix the Reading problem of the code. i hope that It will be
allright now!

Don't just hope. Simulate! Check the functionality of your code by
applying stimuli and check the result against your requirements.
I read the literature u mentioned but could not apply it
to my problem.

Read the part about the UART design again.
Where am I am misusing the hirarchery or mixing control
and data path. You are right that I designed it like connecting the
74LS00 chips on the circuit board but I do not understand whats wrong
with that!

You're code will be hard to understand and hard to maintain. The
intention of the code is not obvious.

And if you do need a latch, a simple process will suffice. There's no
need to create a separate entity for that.
Would you please give me some simple examples or mistake in
my code so that I can fix the problem...

I still think you should read
http://www.designabstraction.co.uk/Articles/Advanced Synthesis Techniques.htm
once again. The example is quite simple (UART design) yet not too
trivial to make the point. The point being: "Many HDL Designers write
RTL code at a much lower level of abstraction than is actually necessary
to achieve the desired end".



Well, I should develop a serial port interface.
I have to receive one block of (32+32+3)bit, and after 1ms I have to
send one block of 32bit. I work with spartanII board.

Do anyone can help me?


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