vhdl for implementing pre-fetch and an instruction cache


Eqbal Z


I am trying to implement a 4 word (64 bit) pre-fetch queue and an
instruction cache (4 x 64) to a 16 bit 5 stage pipeline processor. I
have no idea where to begin, as I am very new to vhdl. I have done
some vhdl coding like prior to this I added data forwarding to the
pipeline processor etc.

Can someone help me with some simple description on what I should look
at doing?
I guess I have to start with thiking about what inputs and outputs I
would want and then go onto what do each of these units do with these
input and outputs. I am kind of stuck here.

The code that I already have is a 5 stage pipeline processor with
interface to a ROM (which now needs to interface with i-cache).

Renaud Pacalet

Eqbal Z a écrit :

I am trying to implement a 4 word (64 bit) pre-fetch queue and an
instruction cache (4 x 64) to a 16 bit 5 stage pipeline processor. I
have no idea where to begin, as I am very new to vhdl. I have done
some vhdl coding like prior to this I added data forwarding to the
pipeline processor etc.

Can someone help me with some simple description on what I should look
at doing?
I guess I have to start with thiking about what inputs and outputs I
would want and then go onto what do each of these units do with these
input and outputs. I am kind of stuck here.

The code that I already have is a 5 stage pipeline processor with
interface to a ROM (which now needs to interface with i-cache).

You could have a look at LEON (http://www.gaisler.som/). It will give you an
example of VHDL RTL model of a Sparc V8, including caches.

Renaud Pacalet, GET/ENST/COMELEC/LabSoC
Institut Eurecom BP 193, 2229 route des Cretes
F-06904 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex
Tel : +33 (0) 4 9300 2770
Fax : +33 (0) 4 9300 2627
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Eqbal Z

Renaud Pacalet said:
Eqbal Z a écrit :

You could have a look at LEON (http://www.gaisler.som/). It will give you an
example of VHDL RTL model of a Sparc V8, including caches.


I looked at the code there. And frankly it is too complicated for a
beginner like me. I need something simpler.
Anyways, I have started thinking about vhdl for prefetch and here is
what I am planning to implement. My prefetch queue is 4 words long. So
it has 4 instructions. I output the instructions based on the last two
bits of the address I get from the cpu and on the last iteration (i.e.
when last bits are 11) I also want to send a signal to the cache to
send the next set of instructions). What do I do for the first time
when prefetch is empty? Should I implement a hit/miss, valid bit thing
for prefetch queue as well?

As for the instruction cache, I am declaring a record to contain the
valid bit, the tag and the instructions (cache line) and then I will
have an array of the record (4 line cache). I am wondering now if I
will always get a miss for cache since instruction address are going
to be sequential (except for branches) and prefetch is consuming 4
instructions at a time in any case?

Anyhow I might post some code as I progress along.


Ok, so I am trying to write code for prefetch and I am kind of stuck.
What do I need to do when there is a branch? Do I need to bring in the
branch enable line to prefetch and flush it? Or I was thinking about
checking if present address is sequential with previous one, if not
then assume its a branch?

Here is a code I have written so far. Please remember that I know very
little vhdl still. Any help is greatly appreciated:
use STD.standard.all;
use STD.textio.all;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity prefetch64 is
CLK : in std_logic;
CEN : in std_logic;
A : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
iadsin : in std_logic;
aout : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
iadsout : out std_logic;
din : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
rdyin : in std_logic;
irdy : out std_logic;
Q : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));
end prefetch64;

architecture prefetch_arc of prefetch64 is
-- declare signals
signal line : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);

signal empty : boolean := true;

--signal prev_addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

variable prev_addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) :=

if (prev_addr = "") then -- ? shall I compare the prev addr here?
empty <= true;
irdy <= '0';
iadsout <= '1';
if (rdyin = '1') then
if (empty) then
line <= din;
empty <= false;
iadsout <= '0'; irdy <= '0';
elsif (cen = '0') then
if (empty) then
irdy <= '0'; iadsout <= '1';
if (iadsin = '1') then
case A(1 downto 0) is
when "00" => -- send request to cache
Q <= din(15 downto 0);
irdy <= '1'; iadsout <= '0';
when "01" =>
--irdy <= '0';
Q <= din(31 downto 16);
irdy <= '1'; iadsout <= '0';
when "10" =>
--irdy <= '0';
Q <= din(47 downto 32);
irdy <= '1'; iadsout <= '0';
when "11" =>
--irdy <= '0';
Q <= din(63 downto 48);
irdy <= '1'; iadsout <= '0'; empty <= true;
when others =>
Q <= (others => 'Z');
irdy <= '0'; iadsout <= '0';
end case;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
prev_addr := a;
end process;
end prefetch_arc;

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