Wonder how to write the following code to be synthesizable



Hi all,
I knew that my VHDL synthesizer "Synplify" does not support 2D array
declaration...thus I wonder how can my input be rewritten into 1D
array? Any feedback will be very appreciate!!!

package test is
type matrix is array(natural range<>, natural range<>) of complex;
end package test;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use work.test.all;

-- This matrix function calculates the square of each term, then
returns the
-- sum of sqared results
-- This matrix function is capable to accept any length of matrix
-- The data type can be either real or complex number (floating-point)

entity matrix_agr is
generic (args : integer :=1);
arg: in matrix(0 to args, 0 to args);
rst:in std_logic;
result:eek:ut real
end matrix_agr;

architecture beh of matrix_agr is


process (rst) is
variable temp_r,temp_i: real;


if rst='1' then

for i in 0 to args loop
for j in 0 to args loop
temp_r:=temp_r + (arg(i,j).re)**2;
temp_i:=temp_i + (arg(i,j).im)**2;

end loop;
end loop;

end if;
result<=temp_r + temp_i;

end process;

end architecture;

Nicolas Matringe

Stanley a écrit:
Hi all,
I knew that my VHDL synthesizer "Synplify" does not support 2D array
declaration...thus I wonder how can my input be rewritten into 1D
array? Any feedback will be very appreciate!!!

use ieee.math_real.all;
use work.test.all;

math_real package is not synthesizable either.

Jim Lewis

In the current revision of VHDL, passing matricies is
difficult. In VHDL-2005, features are being added to fix
this. However, if you really are only making one calculation
per clock cycle, then you can greatly simplify your design.

What you want to do is think of your matrix being stored
in a ram or register bank in a separate block of your
design. To initiate a matrix operation, have the storage
block feed your design one value at a time. This means
that your matrix calculation only needs to have the type
complex (or two floating point values) as an input rather
than having a matrix of these types.

In the storage block you will need to create your memory.
In your case a two dimensional array is appropriate, however,
given the current state of synthesis tools, you will need to
do this with arrays of arrays. Since this is entirely created
in an architecture and the type will not need to be passed
through an interface, you can use generics when you define
the matrix type. The following takes a wack at your problem.

type ComplexArray is array (natural range<>) of complex ;
type ComplexMatrix is array (0 to args) of ComplexArray(0 to args) ;

To access an element of an array of an array, you index it as
signal Matrix : ComplexMatrix ;
signal Element : complex ;

Element <= Matrix(1)(1) ; -- left index is the outermost array

When you finish your storage block, submit it to your
synthesis vendor and post it on the web. Tell them
if they implemented two dimensional arrays that this
type of problem would be easier for you. To get them
to implement new features they need compelling examples
and you probably have one. Be nice/professional about
it as they have a right to earn a living too.

As Nico mentioned, math_real is not synthesizable.
For floating point, see the proposed IEEE floating
point packages:

Two notes. First, these packages are proposals an may change
before the final version is done. Second, I don't think
anyone has create the type complex yet. You can create
your own complex type or you pass in the re and im parts

You still have lots to fill in. Hopefully this points you in
a good direction.

If you want to define your own type complex the following
is a wack at it:
type complex is array(0 to 1) of fpxx ;

where fpxx is a constrained floating point type.

However, keep in mind that you will have to create your own
functions for the type complex.

In the next language revision (VHDL-2005), we should be
able to create a more general type complex since we will
not have to constrain the floating point type.

Jim Lewis
Jim Lewis
Director of Training mailto:[email protected]
SynthWorks Design Inc. http://www.SynthWorks.com

Expert VHDL Training for Hardware Design and Verification

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