64-bit KISS RNGs



Richard Bos said:
Which, in practice, is all the time. I mean, have _you_ ever spoken to a
customer who knew what he wanted, completely, correctly, and up front?

Yes. Of course, what he wanted wasn't what he actually needed....


Which, in practice, is all the time. I mean, have _you_ ever spoken to a
customer who knew what he wanted, completely, correctly, and up front?
I know I haven't.


I did. It was wonderful. The University Registrar's Office. My boss
had grown up with punchcards and chewed JCL and MARKIV (now called, I
think, Vision:Builder) in her sleep. My job was to run database
queries to make
address labels. NAME STREET APT CITY ST ZIP.
Lovely. First I made a WinBatch front-end to automate
the TN3270 emulator (hit TAB once instead of 7 times, etc.), then I
made a Macro-processor to translate
a more sensible query language to MARKIV, then I made
a compiler to MARKIV. As long as the labels kept flowing,
I basically optimized my job away (but I got to stay,
just with massive amounts of paid time).



blargg said:
In my view Pierre L'Ecuyer is the leading expert on this area active
today[*]. I would do so were I still active in this area myself; it
would unquestionably pass most of them, as I have tried. I have some
other tests, one of which is harsh enough that it is one of very few
that will fail most of Marsaglia's;

You are only guessing.
Until you have actually run all such tests, your post is just hype.

Back under your bridge with you!

And take your nonsense about imagined results possibly differing from
actual ones with you. Good programmers don't even need to profile/test
their code; they just know!

There's no substitute for rigorous testing.

Nor is there any excuse for denigrating an expert's work
-- as Maclaren has done --
without having done a single test.


RNGs> > Consistent with the Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) principle,> I
have previously suggested 32-bit KISS Random Number> Generators (RNGs)
that seem to have been frequently adopted.> > Having had requests for
64-bit KISSes, and now that> 64-bit integers are becoming more
available, I will> describe here a 64-bit KISS RNG, with comments on>
implementation for various languages, speed, periods> and performance
after extensive tests of randomness.> > This 64-bit KISS RNG has three
components, each nearly> good enough to serve alone.    The components
are:> Multiply-With-Carry (MWC), period (2^121+2^63-1)> Xorshift
(XSH), period 2^64-1> Congruential (CNG), period 2^64> > Compact C and
Fortran listings are given below.  They> can be cut, pasted, compiled
and run to see if, after> 100 million calls, results agree with that
provided> by theory, assuming the default seeds.> > Users may want to
put the content in other forms, and,> for general use, provide means
to set the 250 seed bits> required in the variables x,y,z (64 bits)
and c (58 bits)> that have been given default values in the test
versions.> > The C version uses #define macros to enumerate the few>
instructions that MWC, XSH and CNG require.   The KISS> macro adds MWC
+XSH+CNG mod 2^64, so that KISS can be> inserted at any place in a C
program where a random 64-bit> integer is required.> Fortran's
requirement that integers be signed makes the> necessary code more
complicated, hence a function KISS().> > C version; test by invoking
macro KISS 100 million times>
#include <stdio.h>> > static unsigned long long>
y=362436362436362436ULL,z=1066149217761810ULL,t;> > #define MWC (t=
(x<<58)+c, c=(x>>6), x+=t, c+=(x<t), x)> #define XSH ( y^=(y<<13), y^=
(y>>17), y^=(y<<43) )> #define CNG ( z=6906969069LL*z+1234567 )>
#define KISS (MWC+XSH+CNG)> >  int main(void)>  {int i;>   for
(i=0;i<100000000;i++) t=KISS;>   (t==1666297717051644203ULL) ?>  
printf("100 million uses of KISS OK"):>   printf("Fail");>  }> >
Fortran version; test by calling KISS() 100 million times>
 program testkiss>  implicit integer*8(a-z)>  do i=1,100000000; t=KISS
(); end do>  if(t.eq.1666297717051644203_8) then>  print*,"100 million
calls to KISS() OK">  else; print*,"Fail">  end if; end> >  function
KISS()>  implicit integer*8(a-z)>  data x,y,z,c /
1234567890987654321_8, 362436362436362436_8,&>  1066149217761810_8,
123456123456123456_8/>  save x,y,z,c>   m(x,k)=ieor(x,ishft(x,k))  !
statement function>   s(x)=ishft(x,-63)             !statement
function>  t=ishft(x,58)+c>  if(s(x).eq.s(t)) then; c=ishft(x,-6)+s(x)
      else; c=ishft(x,-6)+1-s(x+t); endif>  x=t+x>  y=m(m(m(y,
13_8),-17_8),43_8)>  z=6906969069_8*z+1234567>  KISS=x+y+z>  return;
end> --------------------------------------------------------------->
Output from using the macro KISS or the function KISS() is> MWC+XSH
+CNG mod 2^64.> > CNG is easily implemented on machines with 64-bit
integers,> as arithmetic is automatically mod 2^64, whether integers>
are considered signed or unsigned.   The CNG statement is>    
z=6906969069*z+1234567.> When I established the lattice structure of
congruential> generators in the 60's, a search produced 69069 as an
easy-> to-remember multiplier with nearly cubic lattices in 2,3,4,5->
space, so I tried concatenating, using 6906969069 as> my first test
multiplier. Remarkably---a seemingly one in many> hundreds chance---it
turned out to also have excellent lattice> structure in 2,3,4,5-space,
so that's the one chosen.> (I doubt if lattice structure of CNG has
much influence on the> composite 64-bit KISS produced via MWC+XSH+CNG
mod 2^64.)> > XSH, the Xorshift component, described in>    
 www.jstatsoft.org/v08/i14/paper> uses three invocations of an integer
"xor"ed with a shifted> version of itself.> The XSH component used for
this KISS is, in C notation:>    y^=(y<<13); y^=(y>>17); y^=(y<<43)>
with Fortran equivalents y=ieor(y,ishft(y,13)), etc., although> this
can be effected by a Fortran statement function:>      f(y,k)=ieor
(y,ishft(y,k))>      y=f(f(f(y,13),-17),43)> As with lattice
structure, choice of the triple 13,-17,43 is> probably of no
particular importance; any one of the 275 full-> period triples listed
in the above article is likely to provide> a  satisfactory component
XSH for the composite MWC+XSH+CNG.> > The choice of multiplier 'a' for
the multiply-with-carry (MWC)> component of KISS is not so easily
made.  In effect, a multiply-> with-carry sequence has a current value
x and current "carry" c,> and from each given x,c a new x,c pair is
constructed by forming>   t=a*x+c, then x=t mod b=2^64 and c=floor(t/
b).> This is easily implemented for 32-bit computers that permit>
forming a*t+c in 64 bits, from which the new x is the bottom and> the
new c the top 32-bits.> > When a,x and c are 64-bits, not many
computers seem to have an easy> way to form t=a*x+c in 128 bits, then
extract the top and bottom> 64-bit segments.  For that reason, special
choices for 'a' are> needed among those that satisfy the general
requirement that> p=a*b-1 is a prime for which b=2^64 has order (p-1)/
2.> > My choice---and the only one of this form---is a=2^58+1. Then
the> top 64 bits of an imagined 128-bit t=a*x+c may be obtained as>
(using C notation)  (x>>6)+ 1 or 0, depending> on whether the 64-bit
parts of (x<<58)+c+x cause an overflow.> Since (x<<58)+c cannot itself
cause overflow (c will always be <a),> we get the carry as c=(x>>6)
plus overflow from (x<<58)+x.> > This is easily done in C with
unsigned integers, using  a different> kind of 't':   t=(x<<58)+c; c=
(x>>6); x=t+x; c=c+(x<t);> For Fortran and others that permit only
signed integers, more work> is needed.> Equivalent mod 2^64 versions
of t=(x<<58)+c and c=(x>>6) are easy,> and if s(x) represents (x>>63)
in C or ishft(x,-66) in Fortran,> then for signed integers, the new
carry c comes from the rule>  if s(x) equals s(t) then c=(x>>6)+s(x)
else c=(x>>6)+1-s(x+t)> > Speed:> A C version of this KISS RNG takes
18 nanosecs for each> 64-bit random number on my desktop (Vista) PC,
thus> producing KISSes at a rate exceeding 55 million per second.>
Fortran or other integers-must-be-signed compilers might get> "only"
around 40 million per second.> > Setting seeds:> Use of KISS or KISS()
as a general 64-bit RNG requires specifying> 3*64+58=250 bits for
seeds, 64 bits each for x,y,z and 58 for c,> resulting in a composite
sequence with period around 2^250.> The actual period is>  
(2^250+2^192+2^64-2^186-2^129)/6 ~= 2^(247.42)  or 10^(74.48).> We
"lose" 1+1.58=2.58 bits from maximum possible period, one bit> because
b=2^64, a square, cannot be a primitive root of p=ab-1,> so the best
possible order for b is (p-1)/2.> The periods of MWC and  XSH have gcd
3=2^1.58, so another  1.58> bits  are "lost" from the best possible
period we could expect> from 250 seed bits.> > Some users may think
250 seed bits are an unreasonable requirement.> A good seeding
 procedure might be to assume the default seed> values then let the
user choose none, one, two,..., or all> of x,y,z, and c to be
reseeded.> > Tests:> Latest tests in The Diehard Battery, available
at>    http://i.cs.hku.hk/~diehard/> were applied extensively. Those
tests that specifically required> 32-bit integers were applied to the
leftmost 32 bits> (e,g, KISS>>32;), then to the middle 32-bits
((KISS<<16)>>32;)> then to the rightmost 32 bits, ( (KISS<<32)>>32).>
There were no extremes in the more than 700 p-values returned> by the
tests, nor indeed for similar tests applied to just two of the> KISS
components: MWC+XSH, then MWC+CNG, then XSH+CNG.> > The simplicity,
speed, period around 2^250 and performance on> tests of randomness---
as well as ability to produce exactly> the same 64-bit patterns,
whether considered signed or unsigned> integers---make this 64-bit
KISS well worth considering for> adoption or adaption to languages
other than C or Fortran,> as has been done for 32-bit KISSes.> >
George MarsagliaAssembling a as an equality function is a fairly
appliable algorithm method.It appears stalworth.  The seed appears
indivisible in code.  Memory overuns cause inability to address
memory.z= f(z) is in there.  Please consider taking it out.  Running
through all random numbers by using f(z) is possible.It is a simple
function that can map seed to series. Z= F(seed) WAS NOT TO BE NOT
USED.Is it critical to the whole series?

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