A little help with application architecture



I have a website that will contain several web apps at some point.
The website is actually an ASP.NET 2.0 web app. I've compiled a DLL
and have a bin folder on the web server. There is only one DLL at the
moment named mysite.dll. I will put future web apps (?) in subfolders
of this site but may later on move them into their own root folder
(once I'm on a dedicated server). I'd like recommendations for the
best way to go about setting that structure up. I'm mainly looking
for any comments and links/books that describe ASP.NET 2.0/SQL Server
2005 web app architecture. Some of the areas I'm interested in are:

- Should I compile something into a DLL that could be its own web app
or just leave aspx pages in a subfolder and compile everything into
the main website DLL (mysite.dll)

- If subfolders are created into their own web apps (DLLs), should
they remain in sub folders with their own web.config or go into their
own root folder? If they stay in subfolders, how does the root
web.config affect their state (application/session caching)?

- Methods of communicating from one web app to another

- Best performance methods for caching many controls on a page and
keeping their state when the entire page gets a refresh (user presses
F5). For example, the user has selected the 5th tab and I'd like that
tab to remain selected on an entire page refresh (probably more to do
with specific control settings). Is it necessary to load every single
control again and restore their state from some type of cache? How
can that be improved for performance?

- Methods for taking one of the web apps offline without taking down
the entire site or affecting other web apps.

The main website is where users will log into their account and update
contact info or view billing history. Once the user leaves this area
(doesn't log out) and moves into one of the web apps, I'd like to pass
their information (username, userid, firstname, etc) to the web app
(assuming it is its own DLL at this point). While in the web app,
they will have a different type of account that allows only updating
settings for that one app.

As for the database, I'll use one database and split each web app
(whether it be its own DLL or just in a sub folder) into a schema

These questions have much to do with directory structure, when should
something be its own DLL, where should config files go, and various
conflicts from this type of setup.


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