Abstract Class versus an Interface, when no Members in Common



I have a method that needs to be able to return either of two very
different types of data, in one case a class consisting of a two-
dimensional array of <int>s accompanied by a single <byte> value, and
in the other case just a one-dimensional array of <int>s and that's
all. So I created an abstract class called <SearchResult> that has no
members, not even any constructors, and made two classes extend
<SearchResult>, the one class having the two-dimensional array and the
<byte> value, and the other having the one-dimensional array. Then I
have my method return a value of <SearchResult>.

My question is, in a situation like this where there are absolutely no
variables or methods the two classes have in common, is it better to
have an abstract class that both classes extend, or is it better to
have an interface that both classes implement? Or is there any
difference between the two approaches?

Kevin Simonson

Arne Vajhøj

I have a method that needs to be able to return either of two very
different types of data, in one case a class consisting of a two-
dimensional array of<int>s accompanied by a single<byte> value, and
in the other case just a one-dimensional array of<int>s and that's
all. So I created an abstract class called<SearchResult> that has no
members, not even any constructors, and made two classes extend
<SearchResult>, the one class having the two-dimensional array and the
<byte> value, and the other having the one-dimensional array. Then I
have my method return a value of<SearchResult>.

My question is, in a situation like this where there are absolutely no
variables or methods the two classes have in common, is it better to
have an abstract class that both classes extend, or is it better to
have an interface that both classes implement? Or is there any
difference between the two approaches?

I don't like either approach. The calling code would need
to detect what type is actually returned and that would
most likely result in some very ugly code.

Two methods in the public API:

public Typ1 returnFoobarAsTyp1();
public Typ2 returnFoobarAsTyp2();



So I created an abstract class called<SearchResult> that has no

In the real world, when there's a class like this, there's usually some
meta data that can decode which type is being returned. As Arne points
out, there's usually also a "getAsType" method. For example, the JDBC
object has various "getBoolean()" and "getBlob()" methods for accessing
database columns, as well as metadata describing the object.

While not the best over all (JPA is better, generally, than JDBC), it's
more structured that just an abstract class with no methods.

I might say that no methods = interface (called a mixin), but I think
the potential to add common methods here is high. So, use a base class
so that you don't get tripped up by Java's single inheritance. It's the
most conservative approach in this case.


markspace said:
In the real world, when there's a class like this, there's usually some
meta data that can decode which type is being returned. As Arne points
out, there's usually also a "getAsType" method. For example, the JDBC
object has various "getBoolean()" and "getBlob()" methods for accessing
database columns, as well as metadata describing the object.

While not the best over all (JPA is better, generally, than JDBC), it's
more structured that just an abstract class with no methods.

I might say that no methods = interface (called a mixin), but I think
the potential to add common methods here is high. So, use a base class
so that you don't get tripped up by Java's single inheritance. It's the
most conservative approach in this case.

The OP's approach seems somewhat hackish, based on the paucity of information provided so maybe it isn't. Would it work to make the varying type a generic parameter?


The OP's approach seems somewhat hackish, based on the paucity of
information provided so maybe it isn't. Would it work to make the
varying type a generic parameter?

He'd have to add some sort of method(s) to support the generic
parameter. Some kind of generic mix-in:

public interface MixMe<T> {}

Seems silly to me, without something specified to be done with T. Like
wise a base class with a single generic getter:

public BaseGetter<U> {
public U get();

doesn't seem any different than just making a regular non-generic
sub-class. Arne's point of just declaring the methods and return types
you need in one class seems the most straight forward.

I think he just has to be prepared to refactor a lot of code when the
right way to do it becomes apparent. What he's got right now could go
any way at all.

Roedy Green

I have a method that needs to be able to return either of two very
different types of data, i

Another way to handle it is like this:

final Calculator calc = new Calculator( a, b,c );
if ( calc.isStrange() )
final Strange strangeAnswer = calc.getStrangeAnswer();
final Ordinary ordinary = calc.getOrdinaryAnswer();

Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
Capitalism has spurred the competition that makes CPUs faster and
faster each year, but the focus on money makes software manufacturers
do some peculiar things like deliberately leaving bugs and deficiencies
in the software so they can soak the customers for upgrades later.
Whether software is easy to use, or never loses data, when the company
has a near monopoly, is almost irrelevant to profits, and therefore
ignored. The manufacturer focuses on cheap gimicks like dancing paper
clips to dazzle naive first-time buyers. The needs of existing
experienced users are almost irrelevant. I see software rental as the
best remedy.

Ian Pilcher

I have a method that needs to be able to return either of two very
different types of data, in one case a class consisting of a two-
dimensional array of <int>s accompanied by a single <byte> value, and
in the other case just a one-dimensional array of <int>s and that's
all. So I created an abstract class called <SearchResult> that has no
members, not even any constructors, and made two classes extend
<SearchResult>, the one class having the two-dimensional array and the
<byte> value, and the other having the one-dimensional array. Then I
have my method return a value of <SearchResult>.

If you *really* need to overload the return value of your method like
this (and I'm skeptical), you can put the 1-dimensional array into a 2-
dimensional array:

int[] array1D = { 1, 2, 3 };
int[][] array2D = new int[1][]; // This seems backwards to me
array2D[0] = array1D;

Robert Klemme

I have a method that needs to be able to return either of two very
different types of data,

Based on what criteria?
in one case a class consisting of a two-
dimensional array of<int>s accompanied by a single<byte> value, and
in the other case just a one-dimensional array of<int>s and that's
all. So I created an abstract class called<SearchResult> that has no
members, not even any constructors, and made two classes extend
<SearchResult>, the one class having the two-dimensional array and the
<byte> value, and the other having the one-dimensional array. Then I
have my method return a value of<SearchResult>.

My question is, in a situation like this where there are absolutely no
variables or methods the two classes have in common, is it better to
have an abstract class that both classes extend, or is it better to
have an interface that both classes implement? Or is there any
difference between the two approaches?

Since your result classes do not have anything in common you could as
well use Object as return type. From your description the caller needs
to downcast SearchResult anyway. If SearchResult does not have any
properties (methods) then the type may be superfluous altogether. There
are really only few cases where an interface without methods does make
sense (e.g. Serializable and Cloneable as tagging interfaces). In your
case the only property that could be associated with the empty interface
(or abstract class) SearchResult is that it is returned by your method
X. But that is not a property of a type; rather it is an indication of

If it's clear at call site which return type you'll get you could have a
method with a generic type parameter, e.g.

public <T> T search(...) {...}

Maybe you even have two search methods with different argument lists
each returning a specific type.

Kind regards


Daniel Pitts

I have a method that needs to be able to return either of two very
different types of data, in one case a class consisting of a two-
dimensional array of<int>s accompanied by a single<byte> value, and
in the other case just a one-dimensional array of<int>s and that's
all. So I created an abstract class called<SearchResult> that has no
members, not even any constructors, and made two classes extend
<SearchResult>, the one class having the two-dimensional array and the
<byte> value, and the other having the one-dimensional array. Then I
have my method return a value of<SearchResult>.

My question is, in a situation like this where there are absolutely no
variables or methods the two classes have in common, is it better to
have an abstract class that both classes extend, or is it better to
have an interface that both classes implement? Or is there any
difference between the two approaches?

Kevin Simonson

Sounds almost like you want a visitor pattern instead, or an
intermediate object:

public class SearchResult {
public boolean isSingleArray() { ... }
public boolean isMultipleArray() { ... }

// Throws IllegalStateException if !isSingleArray
public SingleArray getSingleArray() { ... }
// Throws IllegalStateException if !isMutipleArray
public MultipleArray getMultipleArray() { ... }


Alternatively, or conjointly, you can use the visitor pattern.

Roedy Green

One my essays that gets more than its share of hits discuses when to
use an abstract class and when an interface and when both.

see http://mindprod.com/jgloss/interfacevsabstract.html

Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
Capitalism has spurred the competition that makes CPUs faster and
faster each year, but the focus on money makes software manufacturers
do some peculiar things like deliberately leaving bugs and deficiencies
in the software so they can soak the customers for upgrades later.
Whether software is easy to use, or never loses data, when the company
has a near monopoly, is almost irrelevant to profits, and therefore
ignored. The manufacturer focuses on cheap gimicks like dancing paper
clips to dazzle naive first-time buyers. The needs of existing
experienced users are almost irrelevant. I see software rental as the
best remedy.

Daniel Pitts

That doesn't seem to be any better than the infamous instaceof-cascade -
I'd rather say it's even uglier.
Being converted to a visitor pattern would be better, granted, but the
OP was extremely vague on the requirements.

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