ANN: StringTemplate View and Transform Library for Maverick.NET now available


Kunle Odutola

We have just released a beta version of Maverick.View.StringTemplate. This
library adds a StringTemplate.NET View and Transform to the Maverick.NET MVC
framework. It basically allows Maverick.NET views to be developed as
StringTemplate.NET template files. Maverick.View.StringTemplate is developed
in C#, it can be used with projects developed in other .NET languages such
as VB.NET, C++.NET, JScript.NET and J#.

Maverick.NET (or MavNet) is a lightweight, Model-View-Controller (MVC)
framework for web applications on the .NET and Mono platforms. It is a
minimalist MVC framework because it concentrates on the management of MVC
workflow in web applications. Consequently, it's basic usage can be learned
in only a few hours. Paradoxically, Maverick.NET is highly configurable
and - most relevant to us here - is entirely agnostic of view templating

StringTemplate.NET (or ST#) is an MVC templating library for structured text
output. It is designed help designers and development with the task of
creating dynamically-generated text output such as web pages. Use of ST# in
web applications ensures the application's business logic is separated from
it's presentation because ST# strictly enforces Model-View separation. This
helps to promote modularity, reuse of system components and results in
systems that are more flexible and easy to change.

Maverick.View.StringTemplate, Maverick.NET and StringTemplate.NET all run on
the C#/CLI platform (i.e Microsoft .NET, Novell Mono, and dotGNU). Although
Maverick.View.StringTemplate has only been tested on the Microsoft .NET
platform, it should work with little or no change on the others.
Maverick.View.StringTemplate is feature-complete.

Maverick.View.StringTemplate is available from this page on the
StringTemplate website:

Maverick.NET is at:
StringTemplate.NET is at:



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