ANN: Templayer 1.3 - HTML templating library


Ian Ward

Announcing Templayer 1.3

Templayer home page:


About this release:

This release includes new documentation and a new auto-reload feature
useful for mod_python and web frameworks. Also, the internal template
representation was changed to improve performance and consistency, and
the HTML generated with HTML Markup is now more standards-compliant.

New in this release:

- Added reference documentation and a new tutorial.

- Added an auto_reload parameter to Template.__init__ to make the
Template.start_file function check and reload a template if it has
been modified. This is useful for mod_python and web frameworks
with long-lived processes.

- Changed the internal representation of the templates to improve
performance for large templates and to solve an issue with
slots being filled with text that appears to contain another
slot that is being filled at the same time.

The new implementation no longer allows "%" and "{" characers in
slot and layer names.

- The Template.missing_slot function is now passed a list of
missing slots for a layer. This should improve performance when
ignoring a large number of missing slots.

- The HTML markup has been adjusted to make its use of <br> and <p>
tags more standards-compliant.

- HtmlTemplate has been renamed to HTMLTemplate and MarkupException
has been renamed to MarkupError. The old names are still
provided for backwards compatibility.

About Templayer

Templayer was created to offer an alternative to the more common ways of
generating dynamic HTML: embedding code within the HTML or embedding
HTML within code. Instead of mixing HTML and Python, two rich and
extremely expressive languages, Templayer adds a small amount of syntax
to each and keeps the two separate and coherent.

Templayer is released under the GNU LGPL.

Jarek Zgoda

Ian Ward napisa³(a):
Templayer was created to offer an alternative to the more common ways of
generating dynamic HTML: embedding code within the HTML or embedding
HTML within code. Instead of mixing HTML and Python, two rich and
extremely expressive languages, Templayer adds a small amount of syntax
to each and keeps the two separate and coherent.

Yay, this gives us $FFFF templating engines for Python, which matches
$FFFF web frameworks! I'm glad to see such great movement, we'll get
better with $FFFF O-R mappers, what we should achieve soon.

Apart from joking, it's nice to have any choice. ;)

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