C++ Primer ex 9.34, using a Stack



All I was able to come up with is this code. I am get confused on how to
solve this problem provided a very small amount of Stack operations.

/* C++ Primer - 4/e
* Exercise 9.42
* Use a stack to process parenthesized expressions. When you see an
open parenthesis, note that it was seen. When you see a close
parenthesis after an open parenthesis, pop elements down to and
including the open parenthesis off the stack. push a value onto the
stack to indicate that a parenthesized expression was replaced.

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>

int main()
std::stack<char> strStack;
bool P_ON = false;
char in_char;
while( std::cin >> in_char )
if( in_char == '(' )
P_ON = true;

if ( in_char == ')')
P_ON = false;

if( P_ON == false )
strStack.push( in_char );

/* print the stack with desired elements removed*/
std::cout << "\n------------ STACK after elements removed
while( strStack.empty() == false )
std::cout << strStack.top();

std::cout << std::endl;

return 0;

========= OUTPUT ===============
~/programming/C++ $ g++ -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wextra ex_09.43.cpp
~/programming/C++ $ ./a.out

------------ STACK after elements removed ---------------
~/programming/C++ $


All I was able to come up with is this code. I am get confused on how to
solve this problem provided a very small amount of Stack operations.

/* C++ Primer - 4/e
* Exercise 9.42
* Use a stack to process parenthesized expressions. When you see an
open parenthesis, note that it was seen. When you see a close
parenthesis after an open parenthesis, pop elements down to and
including the open parenthesis off the stack. push a value onto the
stack to indicate that a parenthesized expression was replaced.

The easiest way to note that an opening parenthesis was seen is to push
is onto the stack. Then when you read in a closing parenthesis you start
poping until you find an opening one.

The below code will replace all parenthesised expressions with 5 (even
nested parentheses (I wrote it really quick, so it might contain bugs).

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>

int main()
std::stack<char> stack;

char c;
while ( std::cin >> c )
if ( c != ')' )

char p;
do {
p = stack.top();
} while ( p != '(' );


while ( !stack.empty() )
std::cout << stack.top() << "\n";

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