Case statement issue



I am trying to display records with ASP and page thru a defined number of
The records are dynamic and reside in a SQL 2000 enterprise database,
Windows enterprise 2003 OS with IIS version 6 on the server.
These are all on the same box during development
I have taken the sample of paging using a stored procedure from the website
I have modified the code and the stored procedures to work with data and my
I modified to include dynamic code that works on a non-paging page.
(This page displays all of the records. It uses a stored procedure)
There is more dynamic code that reads a variable (mvar)and then goes thru a
case statement to determine
what type of element to build. Then a stored procedure call that will
assign a description
to all of the checkboxes or radio buttons as required based on variable
This case statement is where the problem happens when.

This is the error message:
ADODB.Field error '80020009'
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.
Requested operation requires a current record

The data is ok if it falls thru the case statement. When the data matches a
case statement, then the error message.

The for loop also seems to be a problem. The loop will not work in this for
loop. The code works fine in another page setup:

This is the error message for the second stored procedure.
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bcd'
Either BOF or EOF is True

I hope this is enough good information but any help or comments are


<!--#include file=inc.asp-->
<!--#include file=topSP1.asp-->

set rs = rs.NextRecordset()

if not rs.eof then

Dim mvar
Dim gr
Dim rs2

gr = rs.GetRows()
rstop = PerPage - 1
if rstop > ubound(gr, 2) then rstop = ubound(gr, 2)
response.write "<table border=0 cellpadding=5>"

for i = 0 to rstop

artist = gr(0, i)
title = gr(1, i)
description = gr(2, i)
question = gr(3, i)
[id] = gr(4, i)
[type] = gr(5, i)

if artist <> prevArtist then
prevArtist = artist
response.write "<tr><td class=n>"
response.write artist & "</td>"
response.write "<td class=n>"
response.write "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>"
end if
Response.Write "<tr><td> &nbsp; </td><td>"
response.write title & "</td><td>"
Response.Write description & "</td><td>"
Response.Write question & "</td><td>"
Response.Write [id] & "</td><td>"
Response.Write [Type] & "</td><td>"
Response.Write mvar & "</td><i>"

mvar = gr(5, i)
mvar2 = gr(4, i)

Response.Write mvar2 & "</td><td><b>"
Response.Write mvar & "</b></td></i></tr>"

Select Case mvar

Case 4
response.write "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=750 border=0>"
response.write "<TR>"
response.write "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=750 border=0>"
response.write "<TBODY>"
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD vAlign=top align=center nowrap=true colspan=2><B> "
response.Write "</B></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "

response.write "<TR>"
response.write "<TD class=quest width=715 align=center colSpan=2> "
response.write "</TD> "
response.write "<TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "<TR align=left> "
response.write "<TD width=35></TD> "
response.write "<TD width=715> "
response.write "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0> "
response.write "<TBODY> "

Set cnnStoredProc2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnnStoredProc2.Open "DSN=test1;"
Set paramId2 = cmdStoredProc.CreateParameter("@testNumb", adInteger,
adParamInput, , mvar2)
set rs2 = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
cnnStoredProc2.GetQuestionsMultiChoice paramID2, rs2

Do While Not rs2.eof
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD vAlign=top><INPUT type=radio value= "
response.write "name=survey2></TD> "
response.write "<TD class=subquest> "
Response.Write "</TD> "
response.write "</TR> "

Response.Write "<tr><td>no more records</tr></td>"

response.write "</TBODY>"
response.write "</TABLE>"
response.write "</TD>"
response.write "</TR><!-- end of radio button -->"
response.write "</TBODY>"
response.write "</TABLE>"
response.write "</TR>"
response.write "<TR align=center>"
response.write "<TD width=715>"
response.write "</TD>"
response.write "</TR>"
response.write "</TABLE>"
response.write "<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=700;>"
response.write "<TR>"
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top WIDTH=66% colSpan=2>Extra
Comments</TD> "
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top WIDTH=33% colSpan=2>Extra Comment
2</TD> "
response.write " </TR> "
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD align=center vAlign=top WIDTH=66% colSpan=2> "
response.write "<INPUT type=text value=1 size=30 name=survey2></TD> "

response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top WIDTH=33% colSpan=2> "
response.write "<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=survey33 VALUE=IncludeMonthEnd
/></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "</TABLE> "
response.write "<P> "
response.write "<P> "
response.write "<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=700;> "

response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=top colSpan=3 WIDTH=33 "
response.write "<SPAN ID=Browse CLASS=button "
response.write "align=left "
response.write "STYLE=position:left; "
response.write "onclick=document.frmRecordAdd.submit()> "
response.write "<IMG SRC=images/tealarrow.gif WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=16 ALIGN=left>
response.write "Next Record "
response.write "</SPAN> "

case else
Response.write "<tr><td> Exit </td><td><b>"
Response.Write [id] & "</b></td></tr>"

end select

Response.Write "next"

response.write "No rows found."
end if

<!--#include file=foot.asp-->

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\) [MVP]

You need to find the offending line of code. Most likely you have already
cursed through the RS and you are attempting to do one last thing afterward.
That would cause a bomb, except with a cursor other than the default
(forward-only) cursor. You can set the cursor type and then use
RS.MoveFirst. This will bomb with a default cursor.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think outside the box!
Tom said:
I am trying to display records with ASP and page thru a defined number of
The records are dynamic and reside in a SQL 2000 enterprise database,
Windows enterprise 2003 OS with IIS version 6 on the server.
These are all on the same box during development
I have taken the sample of paging using a stored procedure from the website
I have modified the code and the stored procedures to work with data and my
I modified to include dynamic code that works on a non-paging page.
(This page displays all of the records. It uses a stored procedure)
There is more dynamic code that reads a variable (mvar)and then goes thru a
case statement to determine
what type of element to build. Then a stored procedure call that will
assign a description
to all of the checkboxes or radio buttons as required based on variable
This case statement is where the problem happens when.

This is the error message:
ADODB.Field error '80020009'
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.
Requested operation requires a current record

The data is ok if it falls thru the case statement. When the data matches a
case statement, then the error message.

The for loop also seems to be a problem. The loop will not work in this for
loop. The code works fine in another page setup:

This is the error message for the second stored procedure.
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bcd'
Either BOF or EOF is True

I hope this is enough good information but any help or comments are


<!--#include file=inc.asp-->
<!--#include file=topSP1.asp-->

set rs = rs.NextRecordset()

if not rs.eof then

Dim mvar
Dim gr
Dim rs2

gr = rs.GetRows()
rstop = PerPage - 1
if rstop > ubound(gr, 2) then rstop = ubound(gr, 2)
response.write "<table border=0 cellpadding=5>"

for i = 0 to rstop

artist = gr(0, i)
title = gr(1, i)
description = gr(2, i)
question = gr(3, i)
[id] = gr(4, i)
[type] = gr(5, i)

if artist <> prevArtist then
prevArtist = artist
response.write "<tr><td class=n>"
response.write artist & "</td>"
response.write "<td class=n>"
response.write "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>"
end if
Response.Write "<tr><td> &nbsp; </td><td>"
response.write title & "</td><td>"
Response.Write description & "</td><td>"
Response.Write question & "</td><td>"
Response.Write [id] & "</td><td>"
Response.Write [Type] & "</td><td>"
Response.Write mvar & "</td><i>"

mvar = gr(5, i)
mvar2 = gr(4, i)

Response.Write mvar2 & "</td><td><b>"
Response.Write mvar & "</b></td></i></tr>"

Select Case mvar

Case 4
response.write "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=750 border=0>"
response.write "<TR>"
response.write "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=750 border=0>"
response.write "<TBODY>"
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD vAlign=top align=center nowrap=true colspan=2><B> "
response.Write "</B></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "

response.write "<TR>"
response.write "<TD class=quest width=715 align=center colSpan=2> "
response.write "</TD> "
response.write "<TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "<TR align=left> "
response.write "<TD width=35></TD> "
response.write "<TD width=715> "
response.write "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0> "
response.write "<TBODY> "

Set cnnStoredProc2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnnStoredProc2.Open "DSN=test1;"
Set paramId2 = cmdStoredProc.CreateParameter("@testNumb", adInteger,
adParamInput, , mvar2)
set rs2 = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
cnnStoredProc2.GetQuestionsMultiChoice paramID2, rs2

Do While Not rs2.eof
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD vAlign=top><INPUT type=radio value= "
response.write "name=survey2></TD> "
response.write "<TD class=subquest> "
Response.Write "</TD> "
response.write "</TR> "

Response.Write "<tr><td>no more records</tr></td>"

response.write "</TBODY>"
response.write "</TABLE>"
response.write "</TD>"
response.write "</TR><!-- end of radio button -->"
response.write "</TBODY>"
response.write "</TABLE>"
response.write "</TR>"
response.write "<TR align=center>"
response.write "<TD width=715>"
response.write "</TD>"
response.write "</TR>"
response.write "</TABLE>"
response.write "<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=700;>"
response.write "<TR>"
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top WIDTH=66% colSpan=2>Extra
Comments</TD> "
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top WIDTH=33% colSpan=2>Extra Comment
2</TD> "
response.write " </TR> "
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD align=center vAlign=top WIDTH=66% colSpan=2> "
response.write "<INPUT type=text value=1 size=30 name=survey2></TD> "

response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top WIDTH=33% colSpan=2> "
response.write "<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=survey33 VALUE=IncludeMonthEnd
/></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "</TABLE> "
response.write "<P> "
response.write "<P> "
response.write "<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=700;> "

response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=top colSpan=3 WIDTH=33 "
response.write "<SPAN ID=Browse CLASS=button "
response.write "align=left "
response.write "STYLE=position:left; "
response.write "onclick=document.frmRecordAdd.submit()> "
response.write "<IMG SRC=images/tealarrow.gif WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=16 ALIGN=left>
response.write "Next Record "
response.write "</SPAN> "

case else
Response.write "<tr><td> Exit </td><td><b>"
Response.Write [id] & "</b></td></tr>"

end select

Response.Write "next"

response.write "No rows found."
end if

<!--#include file=foot.asp-->


Thanks Greg
That was one of the issues and when changed it allowed me to find another
Thanks for taking the time!

in message You need to find the offending line of code. Most likely you have already
cursed through the RS and you are attempting to do one last thing afterward.
That would cause a bomb, except with a cursor other than the default
(forward-only) cursor. You can set the cursor type and then use
RS.MoveFirst. This will bomb with a default cursor.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think outside the box!
Tom said:
I am trying to display records with ASP and page thru a defined number of
The records are dynamic and reside in a SQL 2000 enterprise database,
Windows enterprise 2003 OS with IIS version 6 on the server.
These are all on the same box during development
I have taken the sample of paging using a stored procedure from the website
I have modified the code and the stored procedures to work with data and my
I modified to include dynamic code that works on a non-paging page.
(This page displays all of the records. It uses a stored procedure)
There is more dynamic code that reads a variable (mvar)and then goes thru a
case statement to determine
what type of element to build. Then a stored procedure call that will
assign a description
to all of the checkboxes or radio buttons as required based on variable
This case statement is where the problem happens when.

This is the error message:
ADODB.Field error '80020009'
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.
Requested operation requires a current record

The data is ok if it falls thru the case statement. When the data matches a
case statement, then the error message.

The for loop also seems to be a problem. The loop will not work in this for
loop. The code works fine in another page setup:

This is the error message for the second stored procedure.
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bcd'
Either BOF or EOF is True

I hope this is enough good information but any help or comments are


<!--#include file=inc.asp-->
<!--#include file=topSP1.asp-->

set rs = rs.NextRecordset()

if not rs.eof then

Dim mvar
Dim gr
Dim rs2

gr = rs.GetRows()
rstop = PerPage - 1
if rstop > ubound(gr, 2) then rstop = ubound(gr, 2)
response.write "<table border=0 cellpadding=5>"

for i = 0 to rstop

artist = gr(0, i)
title = gr(1, i)
description = gr(2, i)
question = gr(3, i)
[id] = gr(4, i)
[type] = gr(5, i)

if artist <> prevArtist then
prevArtist = artist
response.write "<tr><td class=n>"
response.write artist & "</td>"
response.write "<td class=n>"
response.write "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>"
end if
Response.Write "<tr><td> &nbsp; </td><td>"
response.write title & "</td><td>"
Response.Write description & "</td><td>"
Response.Write question & "</td><td>"
Response.Write [id] & "</td><td>"
Response.Write [Type] & "</td><td>"
Response.Write mvar & "</td><i>"

mvar = gr(5, i)
mvar2 = gr(4, i)

Response.Write mvar2 & "</td><td><b>"
Response.Write mvar & "</b></td></i></tr>"

Select Case mvar

Case 4
response.write "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=750 border=0>"
response.write "<TR>"
response.write "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=750 border=0>"
response.write "<TBODY>"
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD vAlign=top align=center nowrap=true colspan=2><B> "
response.Write "</B></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "

response.write "<TR>"
response.write "<TD class=quest width=715 align=center colSpan=2> "
response.write "</TD> "
response.write "<TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "<TR align=left> "
response.write "<TD width=35></TD> "
response.write "<TD width=715> "
response.write "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0> "
response.write "<TBODY> "

Set cnnStoredProc2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnnStoredProc2.Open "DSN=test1;"
Set paramId2 = cmdStoredProc.CreateParameter("@testNumb", adInteger,
adParamInput, , mvar2)
set rs2 = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
cnnStoredProc2.GetQuestionsMultiChoice paramID2, rs2

Do While Not rs2.eof
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD vAlign=top><INPUT type=radio value= "
response.write "name=survey2></TD> "
response.write "<TD class=subquest> "
Response.Write "</TD> "
response.write "</TR> "

Response.Write "<tr><td>no more records</tr></td>"

response.write "</TBODY>"
response.write "</TABLE>"
response.write "</TD>"
response.write "</TR><!-- end of radio button -->"
response.write "</TBODY>"
response.write "</TABLE>"
response.write "</TR>"
response.write "<TR align=center>"
response.write "<TD width=715>"
response.write "</TD>"
response.write "</TR>"
response.write "</TABLE>"
response.write "<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=700;>"
response.write "<TR>"
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top WIDTH=66% colSpan=2>Extra
Comments</TD> "
response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top WIDTH=33% colSpan=2>Extra Comment
2</TD> "
response.write " </TR> "
response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD align=center vAlign=top WIDTH=66% colSpan=2> "
response.write "<INPUT type=text value=1 size=30 name=survey2></TD> "

response.write "<TD align=left vAlign=top WIDTH=33% colSpan=2> "
response.write "<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=survey33 VALUE=IncludeMonthEnd
/></TD> "
response.write "</TR> "
response.write "</TABLE> "
response.write "<P> "
response.write "<P> "
response.write "<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=700;> "

response.write "<TR> "
response.write "<TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=top colSpan=3 WIDTH=33 "
response.write "<SPAN ID=Browse CLASS=button "
response.write "align=left "
response.write "STYLE=position:left; "
response.write "onclick=document.frmRecordAdd.submit()> "
response.write "<IMG SRC=images/tealarrow.gif WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=16 ALIGN=left>
response.write "Next Record "
response.write "</SPAN> "

case else
Response.write "<tr><td> Exit </td><td><b>"
Response.Write [id] & "</b></td></tr>"

end select

Response.Write "next"

response.write "No rows found."
end if

<!--#include file=foot.asp-->

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