cosine function returning long double (high resolution)



Currently using cosine function in math.h

Currently I get:

1 = cos(1e^-7)

Is there another way for cos to return value of high accuracy say:

0.999999 = cos(1e^-7)

jacob navia

Currently using cosine function in math.h

Currently I get:

1 = cos(1e^-7)

Is there another way for cos to return value of high accuracy say:

0.999999 = cos(1e^-7)

If you use the lcc-win compiler you get

using the extra precision floating point (qfloat).

In standard C the biggest floating point type is long double.

No way to do that in standard C.

jacob navia

jacob said:
If you use the lcc-win compiler you get


using the extra precision floating point (qfloat).

In standard C the biggest floating point type is long double.

No way to do that in standard C.



This is .00000000000000499999999999999, a number that is bigger than

MAYBE your problem is a printing problem?

Which format did you use to print it?

jacob navia

Currently using cosine function in math.h

Currently I get:

1 = cos(1e^-7)

Is there another way for cos to return value of high accuracy say:

0.999999 = cos(1e^-7)

This program:
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)


Richard Tobin

Currently I get:

1 = cos(1e^-7)

Is there another way for cos to return value of high accuracy say:

0.999999 = cos(1e^-7)

cos(1e-7) is roughly 1 - 1e-14 / 2, which is closer to 1 than to
0.999999. It should be distinguishable from 1 as an IEEE double,
but not as a float.

-- Richard

jacob navia

Richard said:
cos(1e-7) is roughly 1 - 1e-14 / 2, which is closer to 1 than to
0.999999. It should be distinguishable from 1 as an IEEE double,
but not as a float.

And surely as a long double. I think the OP has a
printing precision problem, i.e. has written

Micah Cowan

jacob navia said:


This is .00000000000000499999999999999, a number that is bigger than

MAYBE your problem is a printing problem?

Which format did you use to print it?

That's rather what I was thinking.

$ cat foo.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
double foo = 0.999999999;
printf("foo = %f\n", foo);
printf("foo = %.9f\n", foo);
return 0;
$ make foo
cc foo.c -o foo
$ ./foo
foo = 1.000000
foo = 0.999999999

Micah Cowan

jacob navia said:
And surely as a long double. I think the OP has a
printing precision problem, i.e. has written

Note that the C standard only requires accuracy up to 10 decimal
digits (including for long double). That's why Richard took care to
qualify his statement as "IEEE double".

Martin Ambuhl

Currently using cosine function in math.h

Currently I get:

1 = cos(1e^-7)

Is there another way for cos to return value of high accuracy say:

0.999999 = cos(1e^-7)

That is a grossly inaccurate value. Higher precision is not high accuracy:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>

int main(void)
int i;
double x = 1.0e-7, y = cos(x);
printf("With default precisions, cos(%g) is shown as:\n"
" (%%f) %f, (%%g) %g, (%%e) %e\n\n", x, y, y, y);
printf("With various precision up to DBL_DIG (%d), cos(%g) is\n",
DBL_DIG, x);
for (i = 0; i <= DBL_DIG; i++)
printf(" precision = %d, %.*f, %.*g, %.*e\n",
i, i, y, i, y, i, y);

x = acos(0.999999);
y = cos(x);
printf("\nWith default precisions, cos(%g) is shown as:\n"
" (%%f) %f, (%%g) %g, (%%e) %e\n\n", x, y, y, y);
printf("With various precision up to DBL_DIG (%d), cos(%g) is\n",
DBL_DIG, x);
for (i = 0; i <= DBL_DIG; i++)
printf(" precision = %d, %.*f, %.*g, %.*e\n",
i, i, y, i, y, i, y);

return 0;

With default precisions, cos(1e-07) is shown as:
(%f) 1.000000, (%g) 1, (%e) 1.000000e+00

With various precision up to DBL_DIG (15), cos(1e-07) is
precision = 0, 1, 1, 1e+00
precision = 1, 1.0, 1, 1.0e+00
precision = 2, 1.00, 1, 1.00e+00
precision = 3, 1.000, 1, 1.000e+00
precision = 4, 1.0000, 1, 1.0000e+00
precision = 5, 1.00000, 1, 1.00000e+00
precision = 6, 1.000000, 1, 1.000000e+00
precision = 7, 1.0000000, 1, 1.0000000e+00
precision = 8, 1.00000000, 1, 1.00000000e+00
precision = 9, 1.000000000, 1, 1.000000000e+00
precision = 10, 1.0000000000, 1, 1.0000000000e+00
precision = 11, 1.00000000000, 1, 1.00000000000e+00
precision = 12, 1.000000000000, 1, 1.000000000000e+00
precision = 13, 1.0000000000000, 1, 1.0000000000000e+00
precision = 14, 1.00000000000000, 1, 9.99999999999995e-01
precision = 15, 0.999999999999995, 0.999999999999995,

With default precisions, cos(0.00141421) is shown as:
(%f) 0.999999, (%g) 0.999999, (%e) 9.999990e-01

With various precision up to DBL_DIG (15), cos(0.00141421) is
precision = 0, 1, 1, 1e+00
precision = 1, 1.0, 1, 1.0e+00
precision = 2, 1.00, 1, 1.00e+00
precision = 3, 1.000, 1, 1.000e+00
precision = 4, 1.0000, 1, 1.0000e+00
precision = 5, 1.00000, 1, 9.99999e-01
precision = 6, 0.999999, 0.999999, 9.999990e-01
precision = 7, 0.9999990, 0.999999, 9.9999900e-01
precision = 8, 0.99999900, 0.999999, 9.99999000e-01
precision = 9, 0.999999000, 0.999999, 9.999990000e-01
precision = 10, 0.9999990000, 0.999999, 9.9999900000e-01
precision = 11, 0.99999900000, 0.999999, 9.99999000000e-01
precision = 12, 0.999999000000, 0.999999, 9.999990000000e-01
precision = 13, 0.9999990000000, 0.999999, 9.9999900000000e-01
precision = 14, 0.99999900000000, 0.999999, 9.99999000000000e-01
precision = 15, 0.999999000000000, 0.999999, 9.999990000000000e-01


Currently using cosine function in math.h. Currently I get:

1 = cos(1e^-7)

Is there another way for cos to return value of high accuracy say:

0.999999 = cos(1e^-7)

Most math function packages evaluate cos (or sin) via fairly long
approximation formula, involving several multiplications and
additions, maybe divisions. If the designer is smart he designs
sin to:

double sin(double x) {
if (x < MAGICVALUE) return x;
else return sinfunction(x);

and cos(y) just returns sin(PI/2 - y). Suitable mods for quadrants
needed. Note that MAGICVALUE depends on the actual approximation
etc. used.


Currently using cosine function in math.h

Currently I get:

1 = cos(1e^-7)

Is there another way for cos to return value of high accuracy say:

0.999999 = cos(1e^-7)

/* BEGIN new.c output */

LDBL_EPSILON is 2.220446e-016

fs_cosl(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-3540)) - 0.5 is 9.992007e-016

fs_cosl(1.0 / 10000000) - 1.0 is -4.996004e-015
fs_cosl(1.0 / 1000000) - 1.0 is -5.000445e-013
fs_cosl(1.0 / 100000) - 1.0 is -5.000000e-011
fs_cosl(1.0 / 10000) - 1.0 is -5.000000e-009
fs_cosl(1.0 / 100) - 1.0 is -4.999958e-005

/* END new.c output */

/* BEGIN new.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>

#include "fs_cosl.h"

#define DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(A) ((A) * atan(1) / 45)

int main(void)
puts("/* BEGIN new.c output */\n");
printf("LDBL_EPSILON is %Le\n\n",
printf("fs_cosl(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-3540)) - 0.5 is %Le\n\n",
fs_cosl(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-3540)) - 0.5);
printf("fs_cosl(1.0 / 10000000) - 1.0 is %Le\n",
fs_cosl(1.0 / 10000000) - 1.0);
printf("fs_cosl(1.0 / 1000000) - 1.0 is %Le\n",
fs_cosl(1.0 / 1000000) - 1.0);
printf("fs_cosl(1.0 / 100000) - 1.0 is %Le\n",
fs_cosl(1.0 / 100000) - 1.0);
printf("fs_cosl(1.0 / 10000) - 1.0 is %Le\n",
fs_cosl(1.0 / 10000) - 1.0);
printf("fs_cosl(1.0 / 100) - 1.0 is %Le\n\n",
fs_cosl(1.0 / 100) - 1.0);
puts("/* END new.c output */");
return 0;

/* END new.c */

/* BEGIN fs_cosl.h */
** Portable freestanding code.
#ifndef H_FS_COSL_H
#define H_FS_COSL_H

long double fs_cosl(long double x);
long double fs_sqrtl(long double x);
long double fs_fmodl(long double x, long double y);


/* END fs_cosl.h */

/* BEGIN fs_cosl.c */

#include <float.h>

#include "fs_cosl.h"
** pi == (atan(1.0 / 3) + atan(1.0 / 2)) * 4
static long double fs_pil(void);

long double fs_cosl(long double x)
long unsigned n;
int negative, sine;
long double a, b, c;
static long double pi, two_pi, half_pi, third_pi;
static int initialized;

if (0 > x) {
x = -x;
if (LDBL_MAX >= x) {
if (!initialized) {
initialized = 1;
pi = fs_pil();
two_pi = 2 * pi;
half_pi = pi / 2;
third_pi = pi / 3;
if (x > two_pi) {
x = fs_fmodl(x, two_pi);
if (x > pi) {
x = two_pi - x;
if (x > half_pi) {
x = pi - x;
negative = 1;
} else {
negative = 0;
if (x > third_pi) {
x = half_pi - x;
sine = 1;
} else {
sine = 0;
c = x * x;
x = n = 0;
a = 1;
do {
b = a;
a *= c;
a /= ++n;
a /= ++n;
b -= a;
a *= c;
a /= ++n;
a /= ++n;
x += b;
} while (b > LDBL_EPSILON / 2);
if (sine) {
x = fs_sqrtl((1 - x) * (1 + x));
if (negative) {
x = -x;
} else {
x = -LDBL_MAX;
return x;

long double fs_sqrtl(long double x)
long int n;
long double a, b;

if (x > 0 && LDBL_MAX >= x) {
for (n = 0; x > 2; x /= 4) {
while (0.5 > x) {
x *= 4;
a = x;
b = (1 + x) / 2;
do {
x = b;
b = (a / x + x) / 2;
} while (x > b);
while (n > 0) {
x *= 2;
while (0 > n) {
x /= 2;
} else {
if (x != 0) {
return x;

long double fs_fmodl(long double x, long double y)
long double a, b;
const long double c = x;

if (0 > c) {
x = -x;
if (0 > y) {
y = -y;
if (y != 0 && LDBL_MAX >= y && LDBL_MAX >= x) {
while (x >= y) {
a = x / 2;
b = y;
while (a >= b) {
b *= 2;
x -= b;
} else {
x = 0;
return 0 > c ? -x : x;

static long double fs_pil(void)
long unsigned n;
long double a, b;
static long double p;
static int initialized;

if (!initialized) {
initialized = 1;
n = 1;
a = 3;
do {
a /= 9;
b = a / n;
n += 2;
a /= 9;
b -= a / n;
n += 2;
p += b;
} while (b > LDBL_EPSILON / 4);
n = 1;
a = 2;
do {
a /= 4;
b = a / n;
n += 2;
a /= 4;
b -= a / n;
n += 2;
p += b;
} while (b > LDBL_EPSILON / 2);
p *= 4;
return p;

/* END fs_cosl.c */

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