data access for a hash inside a Perl object




Inside my Perl Object, I use a hash to store all the data.

I want to access the data inside the hash using accessors. If I had an
array, I would provided methods to return the size of the array and
then a method for getting the i'th data i.e.

# $obj is an object of my class
my $size = $obj->get_size_of_array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; ++$i) {
my $value = $obj->get_value($i); # i would return array[$i]

How can I create accessors for the data inside a hash? Or can I return
a constant reference to the hash (like in C++)?


Tad J McClellan


Inside my Perl Object, I use a hash to store all the data.

I want to access the data inside the hash using accessors. If I had an
array, I would provided methods to return the size of the array and
then a method for getting the i'th data i.e.

Even better, you could provide a method that simply returns
the data without needing to know the size of the data structure
or needing to compute indexes (ie. an "iterator"):

while ( my $value = $obj->iterate_array() ) {

or worse, return a list of all of the values:

foreach my $value ( $obj->get_array_values() ) {

# $obj is an object of my class
my $size = $obj->get_size_of_array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; ++$i) {

These 2 lines of code provide the subscript into the array...

my $value = $obj->get_value($i); # i would return array[$i]

How can I create accessors for the data inside a hash?

.... by providing subscripts (keys) into the hash:

foreach my $key ( $obj->return_hash_keys() ) {
my $value = $obj->return_hash_value($key);

or, using an iterator

while ( my $value = $obj->iterate_hash_values() ) {


Hi Ted,

Can you pl provide some more info on how to implement '$obj-

Your suggestion got me to think about creating a separate iterator
class that saves the state of the iteration. However, I am not sure
what/how to save the state between each hash table iteration? For an
array/list, I can save the current index being processed and increment
until the end of the list.




Inside my Perl Object, I use a hash to store all the data.

I want to access the data inside the hash using accessors. If I had an
array, I would provided methods to return the size of the array and
then a method for getting the i'th data i.e.

# $obj is an object of my class

Yes it is, try to print the object: print $obj,"\n";
What does it tell you?
my $size = $obj->get_size_of_array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; ++$i) {
my $value = $obj->get_value($i); # i would return array[$i]

How can I create accessors for the data inside a hash? Or can I return
a constant reference to the hash (like in C++)?


You can return anything you want. Whats an accessor? Its a million dollar
word only used in beginner object oriented programming books.

"Get/Set" object oriented programming and accessors are an illusion,
even in C++... void ** is real.

As far as OOP in Perl, you can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig.




I have found a nice way of providing an iterator access to the data
inside my object using 'closures'. The advantage of an iterator-based
approach is seen with this solution.

---- ----

BEGIN { # add the location to where '' is stored

use strict; # comment out these two
use diagnostics; # and '-w' switch, once testing is over
use hash_access;

# hash_access is my test class. create an object of that class
my $obj = hash_access->new();

# call a function to populate the hash inside the object

# get the iterator to the data inside the hash
my $it = $obj->get_iterator();
while (my ($key,$value) = $it->()) {
print "key = $key value = $value\n";
---------- end ---------

--------- ----------
# this is my class containing a hash to store some data
package hash_access;

sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $self = {};
$self->{data_} = {}; # initialize the internal hash
return $self;

sub populate_hash {
my $self = shift;

# populate the hash with some test data
$self->{data_}->{'a'} = 'b';
$self->{data_}->{'b'} = 'c';
$self->{data_}->{'c'} = 'd';

sub get_iterator {
my $self = shift;

# using a 'closure' to call the 'each' function for the hash data
return sub {
return each(%{$self->{data_}});
----------- end --------------


Tad J McClellan

use diagnostics; # and '-w' switch, once testing is over

That should be:

use diagnostics; # and 'use warnings', once testing is over

See the "What's wrong with -w and $^W" section in

perldoc perllexwarn

Ilya Zakharevich

[A complimentary Cc of this posting was sent to
Tad J McClellan
use diagnostics; # and 'use warnings', once testing is over

See the "What's wrong with -w and $^W" section in

perldoc perllexwarn

I prefer -w. IMO, perllexwarn.pod should be corrected:

-w is very useful, the major advantage with using -w on the command
line to enable warnings is that it is all or nothing. Take the
typical scenario when you ... etc...

Hope this helps,


Thanks for your suggestions Ted, Ilya.

This is the first time I've read "perllexwarn.pod". It says that '-w'
switch switches on the warnings in all modules. This might not be
helpful if I am including third-party modules. Since all the modules
in my Perl project are written from scratch (using modules from the
standard Perl installation), I feel that that '-w' switch is the one I
should use.


Ilya Zakharevich

[A complimentary Cc of this posting was sent to
(e-mail address removed)
This is the first time I've read "perllexwarn.pod". It says that '-w'
switch switches on the warnings in all modules. This might not be
helpful if I am including third-party modules.

In my experience, the only situation when -w is not helpful is if both
of the following conditions hold:

a) I trust the 3rd party module writers that their code is correct;
b) I know that the code of these modules is wrong (at least warning-wise).

Given that these restriction are more or less contradictory, I do not
encounter this situation often...

I see a lot of use for `no warnings "foo"'. I see very little use for
`use warnings' (only inside modules to enable warnings "no matter what";
but this may be too offensive when user's interests taken into account...).

Hope this helps,

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