Deleting an aspx panel control but online page still uses it.


John Morgan

I have done a fair amount of programming of ASP.NET 1.1 without

I am now involved in my first project with ASP.NET 2.0 and I am having
difficulties with understanding the compilation or 'build' arrangement
or perhaps I am overlooking something else.

I am developing a project using the IIS local host configuration.

My actual problem is :

I put in a panel control and used it for a while, then decided to take
it out. Having deleted the panel control in the aspx page and carried
out many further 'build' operations and at varying times 'rebuild
website' and 'build website' operations the page concerned is still
in some respects acting as if the original panel was still there. It
is as if the browser is using a different aspx page to that in the
Visual WEb Developer Express application I am using to develop the
site. Or possibly using a different compiled dll file.

I have tried looking for a bin file but there was not one there. I
have now added a bin file using the 'Add ASP.NET folder' facility but
nothing goes into it and I cannot find anything to click to include it
in the project. In VS 2003 there was such a facility.

I would be grateful for any help anyone can give,

Best wishes, John Morgan

Shailen Sukul

Firstly, there are no dll files in ASP.NET 2.0. The files under App_Code
will get dynamically compiled by IIS. If you want to do "old style" web
applications then you can download a plugin for VS 2005 from Microsoft (goto

I cannot make an educated guess on the panel control issue since I do not
have enough details.
By "taking it out" do you mean to say that you programmatically deleted it
or did you remove the control in design view? If you removed it using the
design view, then it *should* work unless you have not deployed the changed
web page to your web server.

Hope I have helped.

With Regards
Shailen Sukul
..Net Architect
Ashlen Consulting Services

Shailen Sukul

Please verify that the deleted version of the page is in the IIS directory
by checking the modified date on the file in the App_Code folder.

I still think that IIS is displaying an older page.
Also try an iisreset.
Also make sure that you are not using web controls in which case you will
need to deploy the acsx file as well.

Let us know how it goes.

With Regards
Shailen Sukul
..Net Architect
Ashlen Consulting Services


I would clarify that-- actually there "are" dll (assembly) files compiled
under ASP.NET 2.0 (Web Site project model, not Web Application Project model).
They would either end up in the bin folder, or in the Temporary ASP.NET
Files folder under the Framework directory. Yes, there is no
"myApplicationName.dll" assembly in the /bin folder as there would be under
VS.NET 2003 or the new 2005 Web Application Project model.

Short urls & more:

John Morgan

I have stopped and restarted IIS but that seems to make no difference.

I have drilled down into the ASP.NET 2.0 folder through Temporary
ASP.NET down through further directories to a file called
App_Web_fbokafxv.dll which bears the same time as I last compiled it,
just now.

Whilst following up both of your helpful messages I have discovered
that :
1. If I access the file using my local IIS address
http://jfm/orlando/webpage.aspx I seem to be accessing an older
version of the file. (Using firefox browser)

2. If I access the file using the browser icon on Visual Web Developer
then I seem to be accessing the updated file as it is responding as
expected. with no panel.

I am not sure what this implies.

I reallly am grateful to you for your help,

best wishes, John Morgan

Shailen Sukul

Seems like firefox is caching it.
Try and clear its cache.

Also try other browsers and see if you get the same behaviour.

With Regards
Shailen Sukul
..Net Architect
Ashlen Consulting Services

John Morgan

I have now tried MS Explorer and I get the expected updated modified
pages. As I said previously I also get the expected modified pages
when clicking the browser icon in Visual Web Developer.

I have cleared the cache in Firefox, cllosed the applicatio and then
reopened it and I still get the old page turning up. I have tried
entering the url that I get in the Visual Web Developer Browser
(http://localhost/....) and this too gives the old page.

I suppose I can proceed using the Visual Web Developer browser or
Explorer but it is puzzling as to Firefox behavious - and it reduces
one's conficence somewhat if one cannot get to the cause,

Anything further you can add would be appreciated but I realise you
cannot devote too much time to my own particular problem.

By the way I you mentioned earlier >> If you want to do "old style"
applications then you can download a plugin for VS 2005 from Microsoft

Do you think that would be a retrogade step? What do I lose by that?

Best wishes, John Morgan

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