Determine if a character string is palindromic

  • Thread starter lovecreatesbeauty
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Simon Biber

Richard said:
Simon Biber said:

They are palindromes.

Sure, but the original program did not claim to detect palindromes. It
claimed to detect palindromic strings. :)
And when were you planning on fixing the bug? :)

Apart from the failure to include <ctype.h>, was there a bug in my code?


Richard Heathfield

Simon Biber said:
Apart from the failure to include <ctype.h>, was there a bug in my code?

Yep. Here's a hint. The name of the function gives the intent, but the code
does not meet that intent. You have forgotten something rather important,
as a result of which disaster could well strike. In fact, it's a terminal

Simon Biber

Richard said:
Simon Biber said:

Yep. Here's a hint. The name of the function gives the intent, but the code
does not meet that intent. You have forgotten something rather important,
as a result of which disaster could well strike. In fact, it's a terminal

Ah, yes. I am getting sloppy!

Insert a line
*destination = 0;
as the last line of the function.

I will admit that I had not tested the function the first time I posted
it. I did test it after your comment about a bug, but unfortunately it
worked fine. There must have been a serendipitous null byte in my array.

Chris F.A. Johnson

My news reader provides such indentation sufficient unto my needs. I
could probably configure it to provide more if I so desired. This does
not require that you indent your text.

Personally I find shells don't have a problem with white space before
the commands.

It would if the command, intending IFS to contain a single newline,


I have the same problem if I have my newsreader do the indentation.

Keith Thompson

Chris F.A. Johnson said:
It would if the command, intending IFS to contain a single newline,


I have the same problem if I have my newsreader do the indentation.

Since you're the only person I know of who does this, it makes your
posts, and posts that quote them, slightly more difficult to read.
I suggest not indenting your text and finding some other way to mark

It's not a huge deal, and I don't plan to bring it up again. Sorry
for the digression.

Denis Kasak

Vladimir said:
Apart from the fact that it doesn't work, it looks fairly good.
Did you consider upper/lower case? Try: "Ana voli Milovana".
Or, alternatively, you need to define "palindrome" more precisely.

After seeing this example, I'm curious; where are you from?

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