Dontcha Just Hate Stupid Bitches Who Don't Share?


Onideus Mad Hatter

Like this malignant **** for example:

Trying to charge $5 for a fuckin jscript bandwidth detection script.
Well, for about .083 seconds I actually considering giving this
asshole money, but then I thought...fsck that shit, I'll make my own
God damn bandwidth detection script...and then I'll share it with hell
and half of Georgia!

Here it tis in action:

Here's teh code:

: <head>
: <script language="JavaScript">
: var endtime;
: var starttime;
: function getkbps()
: {
: timer = (endtime - starttime) / 1000;
: kbps = Math.round((37.5849609375 / timer) * 8);
: display.innerText= kbps + " kbps";
: }
: </script>
: </head>
: <body bgcolor="black" text="white">
: <img name="image" src="" onload="endtime = new Date().getTime(); getkbps();">
: <script>image.src="bandwidth.jpg?" + starttime;</script>
: <div id="display" style="position:absolute; font-weight:bold; top:200px; left:235px"></div>
: <script>
: starttime = new Date().getTime();
: </script>
: </body>

Fairly straight forward, it marks a starting time, downloads an image,
then marks an end time and does some math to figure out teh bandwidth.

The 37.5849609375 number is just the size of the image (if you use
your own image you need to change it).

For practical purposes you would probably want to load the page into a
hidden iframe via an onClick event that would be triggered AFTER your
main content loaded and then have it pass the "kbps" variable into a
cookie for other use (like a website redirect, or video redirect).

Personally I'm going to use it in conjunction with streaming video, so
depending on your bandwidth it'll stream a different video.


Onideus Mad Hatter said:
Like this malignant **** for example:

Trying to charge $5 for a fuckin jscript bandwidth detection script.
Well, for about .083 seconds I actually considering giving this
asshole money, but then I thought...fsck that shit, I'll make my own
God damn bandwidth detection script...and then I'll share it with hell
and half of Georgia!

Here it tis in action:

Here's teh code:

: <head>
: <script language="JavaScript">
: var endtime;
: var starttime;
: function getkbps()
: {
: timer = (endtime - starttime) / 1000;
: kbps = Math.round((37.5849609375 / timer) * 8);
: display.innerText= kbps + " kbps";
: }
: </script>
: </head>
: <body bgcolor="black" text="white">
: <img name="image" src="" onload="endtime = new Date().getTime(); getkbps();">
: <script>image.src="bandwidth.jpg?" + starttime;</script>
: <div id="display" style="position:absolute; font-weight:bold; top:200px; left:235px"></div>
: <script>
: starttime = new Date().getTime();
: </script>
: </body>

Fairly straight forward, it marks a starting time, downloads an image,
then marks an end time and does some math to figure out teh bandwidth.

The 37.5849609375 number is just the size of the image (if you use
your own image you need to change it).

For practical purposes you would probably want to load the page into a
hidden iframe via an onClick event that would be triggered AFTER your
main content loaded and then have it pass the "kbps" variable into a
cookie for other use (like a website redirect, or video redirect).

Personally I'm going to use it in conjunction with streaming video, so
depending on your bandwidth it'll stream a different video.


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹



I don't need the script today but you can bet I'll copy it and leave it in
my arsenal.

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