Dynamically creating properties?


Andy Dingley

I have some XML, with a variable and somewhat unknown structure. I'd
like to encapsulate this in a Python class and expose the text of the
elements within as properties.

How can I dynamically generate properties (or methods) and add them to
my class? I can easily produce a dictionary of the required element
names and their text values, but how do I create new properties at run


John Gordon

In said:
How can I dynamically generate properties (or methods) and add them to
my class? I can easily produce a dictionary of the required element
names and their text values, but how do I create new properties at run

You can set dynamic attributes on class objects without any special
processing at all. Just do it, like so:

class X(object):

myx = X()

myx.color = 'red'
myx.food = 'french fries'
myx.lucky_number = 7

Or, if you don't know the attribute name beforehand:

setattr(myx, 'occupation', 'programmer')

For methods, use an existing method name (without the trailing parentheses)
as the attribute value, like so:

myx.method = float # assigns the built-in method float()


I have some XML, with a variable and somewhat unknown structure. I'd
like to encapsulate this in a Python class and expose the text of the
elements within as properties.

How can I dynamically generate properties (or methods) and add them to
my class?  I can easily produce a dictionary of the required element
names and their text values, but how do I create new properties at run


class MyX(object):
myx = myx()

xml_tag = parse( file.readline() )

# should be a valid python named-reference syntax,
# although any object that can be a valid dict key is allowed.
# generally valid python named reference would be the answer to
your question
attribute = validate( xml_tag )

# dynamicly named property
setattr( myx, attribute, property(get_func, set_func, del_func,
attr_doc) )

# "dynamicly named method"
# really should be a valid python named-reference syntax
myfunc_name = validate(myfunc_name)

def somefunc(x):
return x+x
# or
somefunc = lambda x: x + x

setattr( myx, myfunc_name, somefunc )

So beaware of:
# \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
setattr(myx, '1', 'one')

File "<input>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

# \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
File "<input>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

# \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
x.__dict__['1'] # returns

x.__dict__ # returns
{'1': 'one'}

So you should validate your variable names if you are getting them
from somewhere.


Personally I like to use this function instead of a "try: except:"
because try-except will allow names like __metaclass__.

Remember, setattr(obj, attr_name, value) allows attr_name to be any
valid str().
For example: '!@kdafk11', or '1_1', '1e-20', '0.0', '*one', '\n%%',

def isvalid_named_reference( astring ):
# "varible name" is really a named_reference
# import string # would be cleaner

valid_first_char =
valid_rest =

# I think it's ok here for the rare type-check
# as unicode named-references are not allowed
if type(astring) is not str: return False

if len(astring) == 0: return False

if astring[0] not in valid_first_char: return False

for c in astring[1:]:
if c not in valid_rest: return False

# Python keywords not allowed as named references (variable names)
for astr in ['and', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue',
'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'exec',
'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if',
'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'not', 'or',
'pass', 'print', 'raise', 'return', 'try',
'while', 'yield',]:
if astring == astr: return False

# valid names but bad idea
if astring == '__builtins__': return None
if astring == '__metaclass__': return None
for astr in dir(__builtins__):
if astring == astr: return None # use None as a warning

# there might be more like __slots__, and other
# module level effecting special names like '__metaclass__'

return True

Also when using dynamically created "varible names" to check if your
objects have an attribute with that name already.


Second error

def isvalid_named_reference( astring ):
# "varible name" is really a named_reference
import __builtin__ # add line

Lie Ryan

I have some XML, with a variable and somewhat unknown structure. I'd
like to encapsulate this in a Python class and expose the text of the
elements within as properties.

How can I dynamically generate properties (or methods) and add them to
my class? I can easily produce a dictionary of the required element
names and their text values, but how do I create new properties at run


class MyX(object):
myx = myx()

xml_tag = parse( file.readline() )

# should be a valid python named-reference syntax,
# although any object that can be a valid dict key is allowed.
# generally valid python named reference would be the answer to
your question
attribute = validate( xml_tag )

# dynamicly named property
setattr( myx, attribute, property(get_func, set_func, del_func,
attr_doc) )

# "dynamicly named method"
# really should be a valid python named-reference syntax
myfunc_name = validate(myfunc_name)

def somefunc(x):
return x+x
# or
somefunc = lambda x: x + x

setattr( myx, myfunc_name, somefunc )

So beaware of:
# \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
setattr(myx, '1', 'one')

File "<input>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

# \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
File "<input>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

# \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
x.__dict__['1'] # returns

x.__dict__ # returns
{'1': 'one'}

So you should validate your variable names if you are getting them
from somewhere.

XML does not allow attribute names to start with a number, so I doubt
you need to worry about that. In addition, if you also need to
dynamically access attributes and you have zero control of the name, you
can use getattr().

Steven D'Aprano

def isvalid_named_reference( astring ):
# "varible name" is really a named_reference
# import string # would be cleaner

I don't understand the comment about "variable name".
valid_first_char =
valid_rest =

This would be better:

import string
valid_first_char = '_' + string.ascii_letters
valid_rest = string.digits + valid_first_char

# I think it's ok here for the rare type-check
# as unicode named-references are not allowed
if type(astring) is not str: return False

In Python 3 they are:


if len(astring) == 0: return False
if astring[0] not in valid_first_char: return False
for c in astring[1:]:
if c not in valid_rest: return False

# Python keywords not allowed as named references (variable names)
for astr in ['and', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue',
'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'exec',
'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import',
'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'print',
'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'yield',]:
if astring == astr: return False

You missed 'as' and 'with'. And 'nonlocal' in Python 3. Possibly others.

Try this instead:

from keywords import iskeyword
if iskeyword(astring): return False


To be honest, I was hoping someone would have posted a link to a well
known and tested recipe. You'd think this function would be in the
standard library or a specific Exception tied directly with setattr()
and getattr() (and possibly __getattr__(), __getattribute__(),

The main thing I wanted to point out though is when you start using
dynamically named references, there's more to it then just letting a
dynamic file define it.

If there's a way to reference a set of data, it really shouldn't be
with a "dynamically named reference" too often.

Databases are a good example. Perhaps this is a better way for
example: If you have a bunch of tables in your DB -is- it better to
get the table def and create a Python class with dynamically named

Or is it better to create a Table class with name attribute and a
Field class with a name attribute (named "name")

SO instead of :
field_name = xml_parse.get_next_field_name(xml_table_definition)
my_table = Table()
setattr(my_table, field_name,

field_name = xml_parse.get_next_field_name(xml_table_definition)
my_table = Table()
my_table.fields[field_name] =
# or
my_table.add_field( Field(field_name) )

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