Email regular expression validator


Linus Nikander

Could someone give me a java-based code example of an email validator using
regular expressions ?

I know that following the RFC to the letter will result in a very
complicated expression. I'm not looking for that I only want to validate
e-mails that "most of us" use.

//linus nikander - (e-mail address removed)

Christophe Vanfleteren

Linus said:
Could someone give me a java-based code example of an email validator
using regular expressions ?

I know that following the RFC to the letter will result in a very
complicated expression. I'm not looking for that I only want to validate
e-mails that "most of us" use.

//linus nikander - (e-mail address removed)

something like the following handles a lot of the cases (all the numbers are
for handling of ip-adresses, eg. user@[], which are valid, but
very rare cases):


You'd use it like this:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);

if(pattern.matcher(email).matches()) {
//adress is valid

you should also check out , it is a good resource for

Roedy Green

I know that following the RFC to the letter will result in a very
complicated expression. I'm not looking for that I only want to validate
e-mails that "most of us" use.
package com.mindprod.bulk;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;

* Validate syntax of email addresses.
* Does not probe to see if mailserver exists in DNS or online.
* See MailProber for that.
* See ValidateEmailFile for an example of how to use this class.
* @author Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products
* @version 1.0
* to do: check validity of & in first part of email address. Appears
in practice.
public class EmailSyntaxValidator
private static boolean debugging = false;

* Check how likely an email address is to be valid.
* The higher the number returned, the more likely the address is
* This method does not probe the internet in any way to see if
* the corresponding mail server or domain exists.
* @param email bare computer email address.
* e.g. (e-mail address removed)
* No "Roedy Green" <[email protected]> style
* No local addresses, eg. roedy.
* @return 0 = email address is definitely malformed, e.g. missing
* ends in .invalid
* <br>
* 1 = address does not meet one of the valid patterns
* It still might be ok according to some obscure rule
in RFC 822
* Java InternetAddress accepts it as valid.
* <br>
* 2 = unknown top level domain.
* <br>
* 3 = dots at beginning or end, doubled in name.
* <br>
* 4 = address of form xxx@[] using IP
* <br>
* 5 = address of form (e-mail address removed) Dots _ or
- in first part of name
* <br>
* 6 = addreess of form (e-mail address removed) rare, but known,
* <br>
* 7 = address of form (e-mail address removed) or any national
* <br>
* 8 = address of form (e-mail address removed) the matching this
national suffix,
* e.g. .ca in Canada, .de in Germany
* <br>
* 9 = address of form (e-mail address removed) .org .net .edu .gov -- official domains
public static int howValid(String email)
if ( email == null )
return 0;
email = email.trim().toLowerCase();
int dotPlace = email.lastIndexOf('.');
if ( 0 < dotPlace && dotPlace < email.length()-1 )
/* have at least x.y */
String tld = email.substring(dotPlace+1);
if ( badTLDs.contains(tld) )
/* deliberate invalid address */
return 0;
// make sure none of fragments start or end in _ or -
String[] fragments = splitter.split(email);
boolean clean = true;
for ( int i=0; i<fragments.length; i++ )
if ( fragments.startsWith("_") ||
fragments.endsWith("_") ||
fragments.startsWith("-") ||
fragments.endsWith("-") )
clean = false;
} // end for
if ( clean )
Matcher m9 = p9.matcher(email);
if ( m9.matches() )
if ( officialTLDs.contains(tld) ) return 9;
else if ( thisCountry.equals(tld) ) return 8;
else if ( nationalTLDs.contains(tld) ) return 7;
else if ( rareTLDs.contains(tld) ) return 6;
else return 3; /* unknown tld */
// allow dots in name
Matcher m5 = p5.matcher(email);
if ( m5.matches() )
if ( officialTLDs.contains(tld) ) return 5;
else if ( thisCountry.equals(tld) ) return 5;
else if ( nationalTLDs.contains(tld) ) return 5;
else if ( rareTLDs.contains(tld) ) return 5;
else return 2; /* unknown tld */

// IP
Matcher m4 = p4.matcher(email);
if ( m4.matches() ) return 4; /* can't tell TLD */

// allow even lead/trail dots in name, except at start of
Matcher m3 = p3.matcher(email);
if ( m3.matches() )
if ( officialTLDs.contains(tld) ) return 3;
else if ( thisCountry.equals(tld) ) return 3;
else if ( nationalTLDs.contains(tld) ) return 3;
else if ( rareTLDs.contains(tld) ) return 3;
else return 2; /* unknown domain */
} // end if clean
// allow even unclean addresses, and addresses without a TLD to
have a whack at passing RFC:822

/* see if InternetAddress likes it, it follows RFC:822. It
will names without domains though. */
InternetAddress.parse(email, true /* strict */);
// it liked it, no exception happened. Seems very sloppy.
return 1;
catch ( AddressException e )
// it did not like it
return 0;

// allow _ - in name, lead and trailing ones are filtered later, no
static Pattern p9 =

// to split into fields
static Pattern splitter = Pattern.compile("[@\\.]");

// to allow - _ dots in name, no +
static Pattern p5 =

// IP style names, no +
static Pattern p4 =

// allow dots anywhere, but not at start of domain name, no +
static Pattern p3 =

* build a HashSet from a array of String literals.
* @param list array of strings
* @return HashSet you can use to test if a string is in the set.
static HashSet hmaker(String[] list)
HashSet map = new HashSet(Math.max((int) (list.length/.75f) + 1,
for ( int i=0; i<list.length; i++ )
return map;

static final String thisCountry =

static final HashSet officialTLDs =
hmaker(new String[]

static final HashSet rareTLDs =
hmaker(new String[]

static final HashSet nationalTLDs =
hmaker(new String[]

static final HashSet badTLDs =
hmaker(new String[]

public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println(howValid("[email protected]"));
} // end class EmailSyntaxValidator

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