Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?


Peng Yu

I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
handling rather than use error code.

In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning

Communications of the ACM
Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56

It says "Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If
my observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

Otherwise, could some python expert explain to me why exception is
widely used for error handling in python? Is it because the efficiency
is not the primary goal of python?

Chris Rebert

I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
handling rather than use error code.

In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning

Communications of the ACM
Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56

It says "Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If
my observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

Otherwise, could some python expert explain to me why exception is
widely used for error handling in python? Is it because the efficiency
is not the primary goal of python?

Correct; programmer efficiency is a more important goal for Python instead.
Python is ~60-100x slower than C;[1] if someone is worried by the
inefficiency caused by exceptions, then they're using completely the
wrong language.


Benjamin Kaplan

I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
handling rather than use error code.

In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning

Communications of the ACM
Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56

It says "Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If
my observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

Otherwise, could some python expert explain to me why exception is
widely used for error handling in python? Is it because the efficiency
is not the primary goal of python?

Read the quote again "Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing
exceptions *for expected outcomes*"
In Python, throwing exceptions for expected outcomes is considered
very bad form (well, except for StopIteration but that should almost
never be handled directly by the programmer).

To answer why people recommend using "Easier to Ask Forgiveness than
Permission" as opposed to "Look Before You Leap" : Because of the way
it's implemented, Python works quite differently from most languages.
An attribute look-up is rather expensive because it's a hash table
look-up at run time. Wrapping a small piece of code in a try block
however, isn't (relatively) very expensive at all in Python. It's only
catching the exception that's expensive, but if you're catching the
exception, something has gone wrong anyway and performance isn't your
biggest issue.

Steven D'Aprano

I observe that python library primarily use exception for error handling
rather than use error code.

In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning

Communications of the ACM
Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56

It says "Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

This is very, very wrong.

Firstly, notice that the author doesn't compare the same thing. He
compares "catching AND HANDLING" the exception (emphasis added) with
*only* testing a return value. Of course it is faster to test a value and
do nothing, than it is to catch an exception and then handle the
exception. That's an unfair comparison, and that alone shows that the
author is biased against exceptions.

But it's also wrong. If you call a function one million times, and catch
an exception ONCE (because exceptions are rare) that is likely to be
much, much faster than testing a return code one million times.

Before you can talk about which strategy is faster, you need to
understand your problem. When exceptions are rare (in CPython, about one
in ten or rarer) then try...except is faster than testing each time. The
exact cut-off depends on how expensive the test is, and how much work
gets done before the exception is raised. Using exceptions is only slow
if they are common.

But the most important reason for preferring exceptions is that the
alternatives are error-prone! Testing error codes is the anti-pattern,
not catching exceptions.

See, for example:


Despite the title of that last page, it has many excellent arguments for
why exceptions are better than the alternatives.

(Be warned: the c2 wiki is filled with Java and C++ programmers who
mistake the work-arounds for quirks of their language as general design
principles. For example, because exceptions in Java are evcen more
expensive and slow than in Python, you will find lots of Java coders
saying "don't use exceptions" instead of "don't use exceptions IN JAVA".)

There are many problems with using error codes:

* They complicate your code. Instead of returning the result you care
about, you have to return a status code and the return result you care
about. Even worse is to have a single global variable to hold the status
of the last function call!

* Nobody can agree whether the status code means the function call
failed, or the function call succeeded.

* If the function call failed, what do you return as the result code?

* You can't be sure that the caller will remember to check the status
code. In fact, you can be sure that the caller WILL forget sometimes!
(This is human nature.) This leads to the frequent problem that by the
time a caller checks the status code, the original error has been lost
and the program is working with garbage.

* Even if you remember to check the status code, it complicates the code,
makes it less readable, confuses the intent of the code, and often leads
to the Arrow Anti-pattern: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ArrowAntiPattern

That last argument is critical. Exceptions exist to make writing correct
code easier to write, understand and maintain.

Python uses special result codes in at least two places:

str.find(s) returns -1 if s is not in the string
re.match() returns None is the regular expression fails

Both of these are error-prone. Consider a naive way of getting the
fractional part of a float string:
s = "234.567"
print s[s.find('.')+1:]

But see:
s = "234"
print s[s.find('.')+1:]

You need something like:

p = s.find('.')
if p == -1:
print ''
print s[p+1:]

Similarly, we cannot safely do this in Python:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

You need to do this:

mo = re.match(r'\d+', '123abcd')
if mo is not None: # or just `if mo` will work

Exceptions are about making it easier to have correct code. They're also
about making it easier to have readable code. Which is easier to read,
easier to understand and easier to debug?

x = function(1, 2, 3)
if x != -1:
y = function(x, 1, 2)
if y != -1:
z = function(y, x, 1)
if z != -1:
print "result is", z
print "an error occurred"
print "an error occurred"
print "an error occurred"


x = function(1, 2, 3)
y = function(x, 1, 2)
print "result is", function(y, x, 1)
except ValueError:
print "an error occurred"

In Python, setting up the try...except block is very fast, about as fast
as a plain "pass" statement, but actually catching the exception is quite
slow. So let's compare string.find (which returns an error result) and
string.index (which raises an exception):


There's hardly any difference at all, and in fact index is slightly
faster. But what about if there's an exceptional case?

.... try:
.... p = source.index('z')
.... except ValueError:
.... pass
.... """, setup).repeat())
3.5699808597564697.... p = source.find('z')
.... if p == -1:
.... pass
.... """, setup).repeat())

So in Python, catching the exception is slower, in this case about twice
as slow. But remember that the "if p == -1" test is not free. It might be
cheap, but it does take time. If you call find() enough times, and every
single time you then test the result returned, that extra cost may be
more expensive than catching a rare exception.

The general rule in Python is:

* if the exceptional event is rare (say, on average, less than about one
time in ten) then use a try...except and catch the exception;

* but if it is very common (more than one time in ten) then it is faster
to do a test.

My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If my
observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

Otherwise, could some python expert explain to me why exception is
widely used for error handling in python? Is it because the efficiency
is not the primary goal of python?


Python's aim is to be fast *enough*, without necessarily being as fast as

Python aims to be readable, and to be easy to write correct, bug-free

Martin v. Loewis

Peng said:
I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
handling rather than use error code. [...]
It says "Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If
my observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

Your observation is not wrong, but, as Benjamin already explained,
you are misinterpreting Michi Henning's statement. He doesn't condemn
exception handling per se, but only for the handling of *expected*
outcomes. He would consider using exceptions fine for *exceptional*
output, and that is exactly the way they are used in the Python API.

Notice that in cases where the failure may be expected, Python
also offers variants that avoid the exception:
- if you look into a dictionary, expecting that a key may not
be there, a regular access, d[k], may give a KeyError. However,
alternatively, you can use d.get(k, default) which raises no
exception, and you can test "k in d" in advance.
- if you open a file, not knowing whether it will be there,
you get an IOError. However, you can use os.path.exists in
advance to determine whether the file is present (and create
it if it's not).

So, in these cases, it is a choice of the user to determine whether
the error case is exceptional or not.


Jonathan Gardner

In Python, throwing exceptions for expected outcomes is considered
very bad form [...]

Who says that?  I certainly don't.


int("asdf") is supposed to return what, exactly? Any language that
tries to return an int is horribly broken.

Andreas Waldenburger

Your observation is not wrong, but, as Benjamin already explained,
you are misinterpreting Michi Henning's statement. He doesn't condemn
exception handling per se, but only for the handling of *expected*
outcomes. He would consider using exceptions fine for *exceptional*
output, and that is exactly the way they are used in the Python API.

May I point out at this point that "exceptional" does not mean
"unexpected"? You catch exceptions, not unexpectations. An exception
is rare, but not surprising. Case in point: StopIteration.

To put it differently: When you write "catch DeadParrot", you certainly
expect to get a DeadParrot once in a while -- why else would you get it
in your head to try and catch it? An unexpected exception is the one
that crashes your program.


Steven D'Aprano

In Python, throwing exceptions for expected outcomes is considered
very bad form [...]

Who says that?  I certainly don't.


int("asdf") is supposed to return what, exactly? Any language that tries
to return an int is horribly broken.

No no, the right way to deal with that is have int("asdf") return some
arbitrary bit pattern, and expect the user to check a global variable to
see whether the function returned a valid result or not. That's much
better than catching an exception!

Steven D'Aprano

Read the quote again "Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing
exceptions *for expected outcomes*"
In Python, throwing exceptions for expected outcomes is considered very
bad form (well, except for StopIteration but that should almost never be
handled directly by the programmer).

Exceptions are *exceptional*, not "errors" or "unexpected". They are
exceptional because they aren't the "normal" case, but that doesn't mean
they are surprising or unexpected. Are you surprised that your "for x in
range(1000)" loop comes to an end? Of course you are not -- it is
completely expected, even though less than 1% of the iterations are the
last loop. The end of the sequence is EXCEPTIONAL but not UNEXPECTED.

If you program without expecting that keys can sometimes be missing from
dictionaries (KeyError), or that you might sometimes have to deal with a
list index that is out of range (IndexError), or that the denominator in
a division might be zero (ZeroDivisionError), then you must be writing
really buggy code. None of these things are unexpected, but they are all

The urllib2 module defines a HTTPError class, which does double-duty as
both an exception and a valid HTTP response. If you're doing any HTTP
programming, you better expect to deal with HTTP 301, 302 etc. codes, or
at least trust that the library you use will transparently handle them
for you.

To answer why people recommend using "Easier to Ask Forgiveness than
Permission" as opposed to "Look Before You Leap" : Because of the way
it's implemented, Python works quite differently from most languages. An
attribute look-up is rather expensive because it's a hash table look-up
at run time. Wrapping a small piece of code in a try block however,
isn't (relatively) very expensive at all in Python.

It's not just relatively inexpensive, it's absolutely inexpensive: it
costs about as much as a pass statement in CPython, which is pretty much
as cheap as it gets. (If anyone can demonstrate a cheaper operation
available from pure Python, I'd love to see it.)

It's only catching the exception that's expensive,

but if you're catching the exception,
something has gone wrong anyway and performance isn't your biggest

The second try...except clause in the urllib2 module reads:

kind = int(kind)
except ValueError:

In this case, the error is simply ignored. Nothing has gone wrong.

Here's an example from my own code: I have an API where you pass a
mapping (either a dict or a list of (key, value) tuples) to a function.
So I do this:

it = obj.iteritems()
except AttributeError:
it = obj
for key, value in it:

There's nothing wrong with catching exceptions.

Lie Ryan

I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
handling rather than use error code.

In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning

Communications of the ACM
Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56

It says "Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If
my observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

Otherwise, could some python expert explain to me why exception is
widely used for error handling in python?

Simple, when an exception is thrown and I don't catch it, the exception
terminates the program immediately and I got a traceback showing the
point of failure. When I return error value and I don't check for it, I
passed passed errors silently and gets a traceback forty-two lines later
when trying to use the resources I failed to acquire forty-two lines prior.
> Is it because the efficiency
> is not the primary goal of python?

Efficiency is not primary goal of python, but since python encourages
EAFP (Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission); the design decisions
chosen makes setting up a try-block much cheaper than a language
designed over LBYL (Look Before You Leap) and return codes.

Benjamin Kaplan

Exceptions are *exceptional*, not "errors" or "unexpected". They are
exceptional because they aren't the "normal" case, but that doesn't mean
they are surprising or unexpected. Are you surprised that your "for x in
range(1000)" loop comes to an end? Of course you are not -- it is
completely expected, even though less than 1% of the iterations are the
last loop. The end of the sequence is EXCEPTIONAL but not UNEXPECTED.

Sorry if my word choice was confusing- I was trying to point out that
in Python, you don't test errors for your typical conditions, but for
ones that you know still exist but don't plan on occurring often.


Steven said:
In Python, throwing exceptions for expected outcomes is considered
very bad form [...]

Who says that? I certainly don't.


int("asdf") is supposed to return what, exactly? Any language that tries
to return an int is horribly broken.

No no, the right way to deal with that is have int("asdf") return some
arbitrary bit pattern, and expect the user to check a global variable to
see whether the function returned a valid result or not. That's much
better than catching an exception!

Or the other way around, as in C (I suspect the original ACM article assumed
C.) Look at the legion of C library subroutines that return only 0 for good
or -1 for bad, and do all their real work in side-effects (through pointers
as function arguments.) Python is a big improvement: use the function
return values for the payload, and push the out-of-band "omyghod" response
into an Exception.


Steven D'Aprano

I was trying to point out that in
Python, you don't test errors for your typical conditions, but for ones
that you know still exist but don't plan on occurring often.

I'm sorry, but that makes no sense to me at all. I don't understand what
you are trying to say.

You do understand that exceptions aren't just for errors? They are raised
under specific circumstances. Whether that circumstance is an error or
not is entirely up to the caller.

n = mylist.index('fault')
except ValueError:
print "All is good, no fault detected"
print "Your data contains a fault in position", n

People get hung up on the idea that exceptions == errors, but they
aren't. They *may* be errors, and that is one common use, but that
depends entirely on the caller.

Martin v. Loewis

You do understand that exceptions aren't just for errors? They are raised
under specific circumstances. Whether that circumstance is an error or
not is entirely up to the caller.

I think that's a fairly narrow definition of the word error, and
probably also the source of confusion in this thread.

ISTM that there is a long tradition of giving different meaning to
the word "error" in computing. For example, the Unix man pages
list various conditions as "errors" purely by their outcome, and
completely ignoring on whether the caller would consider the result
erroneous - ISTM that a system call reports an "error" iff it is

By that (common) usage of "error", it is a condition determined by
the callee, not the caller (i.e. callee could not successfully
complete the operation). In that sense, it is indeed equivalent
to Python's usage of exceptions, which are also determined by the
callee, and typically also in cases where successful completion is
not possible. Whether these cases are "exceptional" in the word
sense (i.e. deviating from the norm) would have to be decided by
the application, again (which would set the norm).


Peng Yu

I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
handling rather than use error code.

In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning

Communications of the ACM
Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56

It says "Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If
my observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

Otherwise, could some python expert explain to me why exception is
widely used for error handling in python? Is it because the efficiency
is not the primary goal of python?

Correct; programmer efficiency is a more important goal for Python instead.
Python is ~60-100x slower than C;[1] if someone is worried by the
inefficiency caused by exceptions, then they're using completely the
wrong language.

Could somebody let me know how the python calls and exceptions are
dispatched? Is there a reference for it?


Notice that in cases where the failure may be expected, Python
also offers variants that avoid the exception:
- if you look into a dictionary, expecting that a key may not
be there, a regular access, d[k], may give a KeyError. However,
alternatively, you can use d.get(k, default) which raises no
exception, and you can test "k in d" in advance.
- if you open a file, not knowing whether it will be there,
you get an IOError. However, you can use os.path.exists in
advance to determine whether the file is present (and create
it if it's not).

But you *still* need to catch IOError: someone might delete the file
after the test. Figuring out how to deal with race conditions is one of
the main reasons Alex Martelli advocates EAFP over LBYL.

Of course, in the real world, you often end up wanting to do it both

Ulrich Eckhardt

Peng said:
Could somebody let me know how the python calls and exceptions are
dispatched? Is there a reference for it?

I'm not a Python expert, but I have read some parts of the implementation.
Hopefully someone steps up if I misrepresent things here...

In order to understand Python exception handling, take a look at various C
function implementations. You will see that they commonly return a pointer
to a Python object (PyObject*), even if it is a pointer to the 'None'
singleton. So, a function in Python _always_ returns something, even if it
is 'None'.

If, at the C level, a function doesn't return anything (i.e. a C NULL
pointer) that means that the function raised an exception. Checking this
pointer is pretty easy, typically you check that, clean up and return NULL
yourself. Further functions for manipulating the exception stack and
declarations of exception types and singletons are found in pyerrors.h (in
Python 2.5, at least).

I mentioned an "exception stack" above, though I'm not 100% sure if that is
the proper term. I think that exceptions can be stacked upon each other
(e.g. an HTTPD throwing a high-level RequestError when it encounters a low-
level IOError) and that that is also how the backtrace is implemented, but
I'm not sure about that.

Hopefully someone can confirm or correct me here and that it helped you.



Diez B. Roggisch

Peng said:
I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
handling rather than use error code.

In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning

Communications of the ACM
Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56

It says "Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If
my observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

Otherwise, could some python expert explain to me why exception is
widely used for error handling in python? Is it because the efficiency
is not the primary goal of python?
Correct; programmer efficiency is a more important goal for Python instead.
Python is ~60-100x slower than C;[1] if someone is worried by the
inefficiency caused by exceptions, then they're using completely the
wrong language.

Could somebody let me know how the python calls and exceptions are
dispatched? Is there a reference for it?

The source?


These are really deep internals that - if they really concern you - need
intensive studies, not casual reading of introductionary documents. IMHO
you shouldn't worry, but then, there's a lot things you seem to care I
wouldn't... :)


Martin v. Loewis

I mentioned an "exception stack" above, though I'm not 100% sure if that is
the proper term. I think that exceptions can be stacked upon each other
(e.g. an HTTPD throwing a high-level RequestError when it encounters a low-
level IOError) and that that is also how the backtrace is implemented, but
I'm not sure about that.

Not exactly. In this scenario, the IOError exception gets caught, its
entire traceback discarded, and an entirely new exception RequestError
gets raised (that has no connection to the original IOError anymore,
unless the httpd code explicitly links the two).

Instead, the traceback objects are created for a single exception.
They are essentially the same as the call stack, just in reverse
order (so that you get the "most recent call last" traceback output).
Each traceback links to a frame object, and a next traceback object.


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