Extending Schrage Multiplication



The Schrage Method and its Limitations

Schrage's algorithm ("A More Portable Fortran Random Number
Generator." ACM Trans. Math. Software 5, 132-138, 1979.) allows a
multiplication with modulus calculation without overflow, given
certain limitations on the numbers used:

* Calculates (a * b) % m without overflow
* given certain conditions
int schrage1(int a, int b, int m) {
// Check limitations
if (b >= m - 1) { throw new RuntimeException(
"Schrage: b >= m-1."); }
if (a == 0) { return 0; }
int quot = m / a;
int rem = m % a;
if (rem >= quot) { throw new RuntimeException(
"Schrage: rem >= quot."); }

// Schrage's algorithm
int result = a * (b % quot) - rem * (b / quot);
if (result < 0) { result += m; }

return result;

The check for a == 0 is required because of the division m / a; we
need to avoid a divide by zero.

Schrage's algorithm works well, but only if the two given conditions
are met: b < m-1 and rem < quot. If either of these two is not met
then the algorithm will fail.

Since I wanted a way to multiply and mod any numbers without
overflowing I looked for a way to extend Schrage's algorithm to deal
with any positive inputs. This meant finding a way to remove the two
limitations on the parameters.

Removing the First, b < m-1, Limitation

If we have b >= m-1 then we can try to get round it by reducing the
value of b. If b is even then a * b = (a * b/2) + (a * b/2), if b is
odd then a * b = (a * b/2) + (a * b/2) + a [here b/2 is an integer
division with fractional parts ignored]. We can use this to recurse
with a reduced value of b and remove the first limitation:

* Calculates (a * b) % m without overflow
* given certain conditions
int schrage2(int a, int b, int m) {
if (a == 0) { return 0; }
if (b >= m - 1) {
int result = schrage2(a, b/2, m);
result = addMod(result, result, m);
if (b % 2 == 1) { result = addMod(result, a, m); }
return result;

// Check second limitation
int quot = m / a;
int rem = m % a;
if (rem >= quot) { throw new RuntimeException(
"Schrage: rem >= quot."); }

// Schrage's algorithm
int result = a * (b % quot) - rem * (b / quot);
if (result < 0) { result += m; }

return result;

I have moved the a == 0 check to avoid unneccessary recursion. By
halving b for each recursive call we ensure that eventually b < m
which meets the first limitation of the basic Schrage algorithm. From
that we can build up the final result as the recursion unwinds.

The addMod() function is a non-overflowing modular addition:

* Calculates (a + b) mod m without overflow.
int addMod(int a, int b, int m) {
int result;
if (b <= Integer.MAX_VALUE - a) {
result = (a + b) % m;
} else {
result = addMod(a, b/2, m);
result = addMod(result, b/2, m);
if (b % 2 == 1) { result = addMod(result, 1, m); }
return result;

This uses a similar method of recursing with a half size operand to
avoid overflow.

Removing the Second, rem < quot, Limitation

Since quot = m / a, by reducing a we increase the value of quot. We
also reduce the maximum possible value of rem, since rem = m % a.
Hence by reducing a we can bring quot and rem closer to allowed
values. If a is even then a * b = (a/2 * b) + (a/2 * b), if a is odd
then a * b = (a/2 * b) + (a/2 * b) + b [here a/2 is an integer
division with fractional parts ignored]. We can use this to recurse
with a reduced value of a and remove the second limitation:

* Calculates (a * b) % m without overflow
int schrage3(int a, int b, int m) {
if (a == 0) { return 0; }
if (b >= m - 1) {
int result = schrage3(a, b/2, m);
result = addMod(result, result, m);
if (b % 2 == 1) { result = addMod(result, a, m); }
return result;
int quot = m / a;
int rem = m % a;
if (rem >= quot) {
int result = schrage3(a/2, b, m);
result = addMod(result, result, m);
if (a % 2 == 1) { result = addMod(result, b, m); }
return result;

// Schrage's algorithm
int result = a * (b % quot) - rem * (b / quot);
if (result < 0) { result += m; }

return result;

I have tested this revised algorithm and it works with random positive
inputs, a >= 0, b >= 0, m >= 1. It does not work with negative inputs
- for my application I only need to deal with positive numbers. It
would not be difficult to add a shell round the algorithm to handle
signed inputs.

I have presented this example with integer inputs, which allows
testing against the same calculations in longs. For my real
application I have it using longs in order to avoid going into Java
BigIntegers and slowing things down.

My apologies to those of you to whom I am teaching ovisuction. I hope
that some others among you might find it useful.


Tim Smith

* Calculates (a * b) % m without overflow
* given certain conditions
int schrage1(int a, int b, int m) {
// Check limitations
if (b >= m - 1) { throw new RuntimeException(
"Schrage: b >= m-1."); } ....
Since I wanted a way to multiply and mod any numbers without
overflowing I looked for a way to extend Schrage's algorithm to deal
with any positive inputs. This meant finding a way to remove the two
limitations on the parameters.

Removing the First, b < m-1, Limitation

If we have b >= m-1 then we can try to get round it by reducing the
value of b. If b is even then a * b = (a * b/2) + (a * b/2), if b is
odd then a * b = (a * b/2) + (a * b/2) + a [here b/2 is an integer
division with fractional parts ignored]. We can use this to recurse
with a reduced value of b and remove the first limitation:

That seems overly complicated. Note that

a*b = a*(b%m) mod m

So, you can start with

a = a%m;
b = b%m;

to get both your inputs into [0,m-1]. If you really need b < m-1, you
can then special case the b=m-1 case. Note that in that case b%m = -1,
so your answer is simply (m-a)%m.

I wrote that as (m-a)%m there, rather than (-a)%m, to take into account
the fact that most programming languages don't do something sensible
when asked for x%y and x < 0, y > 0. By doing (m-a)%m, I make sure the
answer is the one that would make sense to a mathematician, rather than
the answer that for some inexplicable reason seems to make sense to most
programming language designers and most CPU designers. (I haven't
checked what Java does here, but I'd sure expect it to go along with the
crowd, rather than surprise a lot of programmers by doing the
mathematically more sensible thing!).


* Calculates (a * b) % m without overflow
* given certain conditions
int schrage1(int a, int b, int m) {
// Check limitations
if (b >= m - 1) { throw new RuntimeException(
"Schrage: b >= m-1."); } ...
Since I wanted a way to multiply and mod any numbers without
overflowing I looked for a way to extend Schrage's algorithm to deal
with any positive inputs. This meant finding a way to remove the two
limitations on the parameters.

Removing the First, b < m-1, Limitation

If we have b >= m-1 then we can try to get round it by reducing the
value of b. If b is even then a * b = (a * b/2) + (a * b/2), if b is
odd then a * b = (a * b/2) + (a * b/2) + a [here b/2 is an integer
division with fractional parts ignored]. We can use this to recurse
with a reduced value of b and remove the first limitation:

That seems overly complicated. Note that

a*b = a*(b%m) mod m
That is an excellent suggestion, and I have incorporated it.
So, you can start with

a = a%m;
b = b%m;
If I was writing a shell round the basic method then I would probably
do that. I am reluctant to add an initial divide to a recursive
algorithm where it will only be potentially useful for the top level
of recursion.
to get both your inputs into [0,m-1]. If you really need b < m-1,
I do, Schrage can give incorrect results if b == m-1.
you can then special case the b=m-1 case. Note that in that case b%m = -1,
so your answer is simply (m-a)%m.
Again an excellent suggesition which I have incorporated.
I wrote that as (m-a)%m there, rather than (-a)%m, to take into account
the fact that most programming languages don't do something sensible
when asked for x%y and x < 0, y > 0. By doing (m-a)%m, I make sure the
answer is the one that would make sense to a mathematician, rather than
the answer that for some inexplicable reason seems to make sense to most
programming language designers and most CPU designers.
Agreed, that was one of my motives in avoiding negative inputs in this

I ran some timing tests on my original algorithm (Schrage), an
improved version (Fast Schrage) with your suggestions incorporated and
a basic non-overflowing mulMod function similar to the addMod I gave

Over 3000000 random tests, there were 0 mismatched answers.
Schrage took 9.485 seconds.
Fast Schrage took 9.266 seconds.
mulMod took 15.734 seconds.

I suspect that the Schrage method is faster because it can operate on
larger numbers and so needs less depth of recursion to reach a point
where it can calculate the answer without overflowing.

Thankyou for your suggestions,


// --- Code ---

static int schrageFast(int a, int b, int m) {
if (a < 2) { return (a * b) % m; }

int result;
// Check for b >= m-1
if (b > m - 1) {
result = schrageFast(a, b % m, m);
} else if (b == m - 1) {
result = (m - a) % m;
} else {
// Check for rem >= quot
int quot = m / a;
int rem = m % a;
if (rem >= quot) {
result = schrageFast(a/2, b, m);
result = addMod(result, result, m);
if (a % 2 == 1) { result = addMod(result, b, m); }
} else {
// Schrage method
result = a * (b % quot) - rem * (b / quot);
if (result < 0) { result += m; }
} // end if
} // end if
return result;
} // end schrageFast()

// --- End Code ---


Tim Smith
All programming languages do something sensible with that case.

The problem is you have to choose between remainder and modulo. If you define
% as modulo, you lose the property that (x%y) + x/y = x when x and y differ in
sign. Defining % as remainder preserves that property.

There is absolutely nothing inexplicable about it. You're just trying to
interpret % to mean something different from what it does. You ought to try
taking it for what it is, instead of for what it isn't.


Lew said:
Tim Smith

All programming languages do something sensible with that case.

The problem is you have to choose between remainder and modulo. If you
define % as modulo, you lose the property that (x%y) + x/y = x when x
and y differ in sign. Defining % as remainder preserves that property.

There is absolutely nothing inexplicable about it. You're just trying
to interpret % to mean something different from what it does. You ought
to try taking it for what it is, instead of for what it isn't.


I meant
(x%y) + y*(x/y) = x

Alf P. Steinbach

* Lew:

I meant
(x%y) + y*(x/y) = x

The above article was cross-posted to [comp.lang.java.programmer] and

I'm not sure that the article's claimed difference between "modulo" and
"remainder" is language independent, i.e. that these terms can be used
in general to indicate one or the other way of rounding, or for that
matter that the property (x%y) + y*(x/y) = x is necessarily lost with
rounding-towards-zero (it's only lost when "/" doesn't match "%").

Could the author please provide a reference for his terminology.


- Alf


Alf said:
* Lew:

I meant
(x%y) + y*(x/y) = x

The above article was cross-posted to [comp.lang.java.programmer] and

I'm not sure that the article's claimed difference between "modulo" and
"remainder" is language independent, i.e. that these terms can be used
in general to indicate one or the other way of rounding, or for that
matter that the property (x%y) + y*(x/y) = x is necessarily lost with
rounding-towards-zero (it's only lost when "/" doesn't match "%").

Could the author please provide a reference for his terminology.

The terminology is self-evident.

Alf P. Steinbach

* Lew:
Alf said:
* Lew:
Lew wrote:
Tim Smith
I wrote that as (m-a)%m there, rather than (-a)%m, to take into
the fact that most programming languages don't do something sensible
when asked for x%y and x < 0, y > 0. By doing (m-a)%m, I make
sure the
answer is the one that would make sense to a mathematician, rather
the answer that for some inexplicable reason seems to make sense
to most
programming language designers and most CPU designers.

All programming languages do something sensible with that case.

The problem is you have to choose between remainder and modulo. If
you define % as modulo, you lose the property that (x%y) + x/y = x
when x and y differ in sign. Defining % as remainder preserves that

There is absolutely nothing inexplicable about it. You're just
trying to interpret % to mean something different from what it
does. You ought to try taking it for what it is, instead of for
what it isn't.


I meant
(x%y) + y*(x/y) = x

The above article was cross-posted to [comp.lang.java.programmer] and

I'm not sure that the article's claimed difference between "modulo"
and "remainder" is language independent, i.e. that these terms can be
used in general to indicate one or the other way of rounding, or for
that matter that the property (x%y) + y*(x/y) = x is necessarily lost
with rounding-towards-zero (it's only lost when "/" doesn't match "%").

Could the author please provide a reference for his terminology.

The terminology is self-evident.

I'm sorry, that's bullshit.

Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf


Alf said:
* Lew:
Alf said:
* Lew:
Lew wrote:
Tim Smith
I wrote that as (m-a)%m there, rather than (-a)%m, to take into
the fact that most programming languages don't do something sensible
when asked for x%y and x < 0, y > 0. By doing (m-a)%m, I make
sure the
answer is the one that would make sense to a mathematician,
rather than
the answer that for some inexplicable reason seems to make sense
to most
programming language designers and most CPU designers.

All programming languages do something sensible with that case.

The problem is you have to choose between remainder and modulo. If
you define % as modulo, you lose the property that (x%y) + x/y = x
when x and y differ in sign. Defining % as remainder preserves
that property.

There is absolutely nothing inexplicable about it. You're just
trying to interpret % to mean something different from what it
does. You ought to try taking it for what it is, instead of for
what it isn't.


I meant
(x%y) + y*(x/y) = x

The above article was cross-posted to [comp.lang.java.programmer] and

I'm not sure that the article's claimed difference between "modulo"
and "remainder" is language independent, i.e. that these terms can be
used in general to indicate one or the other way of rounding, or for
that matter that the property (x%y) + y*(x/y) = x is necessarily lost
with rounding-towards-zero (it's only lost when "/" doesn't match "%").

Could the author please provide a reference for his terminology.

The terminology is self-evident.

I'm sorry, that's bullshit.

Actually, your statement is bullshit.

The remainder is the value left when you divide x/y. (/ of course is defined
as for Java.) In this case, I'm referring to the remainder which makes the
x == y*(x/y) + (x%y)
hold true. (/ is defined as in Java, of course.)

That was clearly evident from my post. Just because you couldn't see that
doesn't make it bullshit.

Modulo is the standard meaning from mathematics. How is this in any way not
standard or well understood?

I never said the difference was language-independent. That's your
requirement. I was, of course, speaking of Java.

Richard F.L.R.Snashall

rossum wrote:

But, if b == m - 1, then b == -1 mod m, so the answer
is just -a (or its equivalent, m - a).

Alf P. Steinbach

* Lew:
Alf said:
* Lew:
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
* Lew:
Lew wrote:
Tim Smith
I wrote that as (m-a)%m there, rather than (-a)%m, to take into
the fact that most programming languages don't do something
when asked for x%y and x < 0, y > 0. By doing (m-a)%m, I make
sure the
answer is the one that would make sense to a mathematician,
rather than
the answer that for some inexplicable reason seems to make sense
to most
programming language designers and most CPU designers.

All programming languages do something sensible with that case.

The problem is you have to choose between remainder and modulo.
If you define % as modulo, you lose the property that (x%y) + x/y
= x when x and y differ in sign. Defining % as remainder
preserves that property.

There is absolutely nothing inexplicable about it. You're just
trying to interpret % to mean something different from what it
does. You ought to try taking it for what it is, instead of for
what it isn't.


I meant
(x%y) + y*(x/y) = x

The above article was cross-posted to [comp.lang.java.programmer]
and [comp.programming].

I'm not sure that the article's claimed difference between "modulo"
and "remainder" is language independent, i.e. that these terms can
be used in general to indicate one or the other way of rounding, or
for that matter that the property (x%y) + y*(x/y) = x is necessarily
lost with rounding-towards-zero (it's only lost when "/" doesn't
match "%").

Could the author please provide a reference for his terminology.

The terminology is self-evident.

I'm sorry, that's bullshit.

Actually, your statement is bullshit.

The remainder is the value left when you divide x/y. (/ of course is
defined as for Java.) In this case, I'm referring to the remainder
which makes the relation
x == y*(x/y) + (x%y)
hold true. (/ is defined as in Java, of course.)

That was clearly evident from my post. Just because you couldn't see
that doesn't make it bullshit.

Modulo is the standard meaning from mathematics. How is this in any way
not standard or well understood?

I never said the difference was language-independent. That's your
requirement. I was, of course, speaking of Java.

I'm sorry, again, but the "of course"'s are bullshit.

Note, as already pointed out to you, that this is crossposted to
[comp.programming], and that's the group I'm replying in.

Note also that different programming languages differ in their
definitions of rem and mod operators, and associated terminology --
it's OK to pick particular meanings, but going the other way, to think
meanings are implied by the terminology, is a fallacy.

Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf


Alf said:
Note, as already pointed out to you, that this is crossposted to
[comp.programming], and that's the group I'm replying in.

Note: The OP made it quite clear that he was talking about Java. Of course I
can see this thread is cross-posted - you hardly need to point out what the
headers clearly show.

Go on, be a troll.

Alf P. Steinbach

* Lew:
Alf said:
Note, as already pointed out to you, that this is crossposted to
[comp.programming], and that's the group I'm replying in.

Note: The OP made it quite clear that he was talking about Java.

And you did the opposite.

You wrote "All programming languages do something sensible with that case."

Instead of your bullshit claim that your terminology is "self-evident"
in that context, you could just have admitted that your earlier comments
about terminology did not apply to "all programming languages".

course I can see this thread is cross-posted - you hardly need to point
out what the headers clearly show.

Since you didn't understand that at first -- it had to be pointed out
a second time -- I don't think it was unnecessary.

Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf


Alf said:
* Lew:
Alf said:
Note, as already pointed out to you, that this is crossposted to
[comp.programming], and that's the group I'm replying in.

Note: The OP made it quite clear that he was talking about Java.

And you did the opposite.

You wrote "All programming languages do something sensible with that case."

But I didn't write that they all do the same thing, now did I?
Instead of your bullshit claim that your terminology is "self-evident"
in that context, you could just have admitted that your earlier comments
about terminology did not apply to "all programming languages".

I never said that they did apply to all programming languages.
Since you didn't understand that at first -- it had to be pointed out
a second time -- I don't think it was unnecessary.

You have no evidence that I didn't understand it, troll.

Alf P. Steinbach

* Lew:
Alf said:
* Lew:
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
Note, as already pointed out to you, that this is crossposted to
[comp.programming], and that's the group I'm replying in.

Note: The OP made it quite clear that he was talking about Java.

And you did the opposite.

You wrote "All programming languages do something sensible with that

But I didn't write that they all do the same thing, now did I?
Instead of your bullshit claim that your terminology is "self-evident"
in that context, you could just have admitted that your earlier
comments about terminology did not apply to "all programming languages".

I never said that they did apply to all programming languages.
Since you didn't understand that at first -- it had to be pointed
out a second time -- I don't think it was unnecessary.

You have no evidence that I didn't understand it, troll.

Uhm, your quoting is highly misleading, leaving out the referent for the
last paragraph, and making it refer to something it did not refer to.

Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf


Alf said:
* Lew:
Alf said:
* Lew:
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
Note, as already pointed out to you, that this is crossposted to
[comp.programming], and that's the group I'm replying in.

Note: The OP made it quite clear that he was talking about Java.

And you did the opposite.

You wrote "All programming languages do something sensible with that

But I didn't write that they all do the same thing, now did I?
Instead of your bullshit claim that your terminology is
"self-evident" in that context, you could just have admitted that
your earlier comments about terminology did not apply to "all
programming languages".

I never said that they did apply to all programming languages.
Since you didn't understand that at first -- it had to be pointed
out a second time -- I don't think it was unnecessary.

You have no evidence that I didn't understand it, troll.

Uhm, your quoting is highly misleading, leaving out the referent for the
last paragraph, and making it refer to something it did not refer to.

Oh, I am so sorry. I was referring to your bullshit claim that I didn't
understand that the message was cross-posted by the OP, troll.

Alf P. Steinbach

* Lew:
Alf said:
* Lew:
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
* Lew:
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
Note, as already pointed out to you, that this is crossposted to
[comp.programming], and that's the group I'm replying in.

Note: The OP made it quite clear that he was talking about Java.

And you did the opposite.

You wrote "All programming languages do something sensible with that

But I didn't write that they all do the same thing, now did I?

Instead of your bullshit claim that your terminology is
"self-evident" in that context, you could just have admitted that
your earlier comments about terminology did not apply to "all
programming languages".

I never said that they did apply to all programming languages.

Since you didn't understand that at first -- it had to be pointed
out a second time -- I don't think it was unnecessary.

You have no evidence that I didn't understand it, troll.

Uhm, your quoting is highly misleading, leaving out the referent for
the last paragraph, and making it refer to something it did not refer to.

Oh, I am so sorry. I was referring to your bullshit claim that I didn't
understand that the message was cross-posted by the OP, troll.

Good that you're sorry.

There should be no need for you to resort to personal name calling.

I've characterized your claims as bullshit, in response to an initial
rudeness and because they tecnically are, but I really don't know enough
about you as a person -- other than your tendency here to get
personal, with repeated name-calling, which might or might not be
characteristic -- to label you as anything, so, I choose not to.

Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf


Alf said:
Good that you're sorry.

Oooh, score!
There should be no need for you to resort to personal name calling.

Nor should there be any need for you to jump in calling what I say "bullshit"
and claiming without evidence that I don't understand something.
I've characterized your claims as bullshit, in response to an initial
rudeness and because they tecnically are, but I really don't know enough

The "initial rudeness" to which you started your use of the word "bullshit"
was this post:
The terminology is self-evident.

That was it. The whole thing. You call that rude, eh?

How is "bullshit" a techical term? Especially when you misconstrued my
remarks in order to label them so.
about you as a person -- other than your tendency here to get
personal, with repeated name-calling, which might or might not be
characteristic -- to label you as anything, so, I choose not to.

I call you "troll" because you jump right in with using words like "bullshit",
you get /ad hominem/ with claims that I don't understand something, you twist
the meaning of what I say in order to attack it. All this is trollish behavior.
Cheers, & hth.,

Oh, yeah, you're a big help.


Alf P. Steinbach

* Lew:
Oooh, score!

Nor should there be any need for you to jump in calling what I say
"bullshit" and claiming without evidence that I don't understand something.

The "initial rudeness" to which you started your use of the word
"bullshit" was this post:

That was it. The whole thing. You call that rude, eh?

Yes, it is very rude to refuse to answer a simple question about what
you mean, claiming it is self-evident.

I'm sorry that Lew won't be able to read the above.


- Alf

Tim Smith


I meant
(x%y) + y*(x/y) = x

Actually, the problem is with division. If x < 0, y > 0, should x/y be
floor(x/y) or ceil(x/y)? If it is floor(x/y), then everything works out
fine. x - y * floor(x/y) will be in [0,y) for y > 0, and everyone would
be happy.

What most CPUs and programming languages do is, for y > 0, take x/y as
floor(x/y) if x > 0, and ceil(x/y) if x < 0, which I think you'll find
is the option least preferred by mathematicians.

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