Feedback on this template function



I have been trying to create this function for some time now. Reading
about pointers to member functions until my head hurts. Now i did it
like you see below and i am now wondering. What am i missing here?
What am i not thinking about? Cause this way was to easy. Will i get
in trouble in the future doing it this way? Feedback appreciated! Is
there something that can be done alot better (I'm not looking for a
totally different way of doing it)?

#define CALL_MEMBER_FN(object,ptrToMember) ((object).*(ptrToMember))

namespace misc {
template <typename Iterator, typename Function>
int count(Iterator start, Iterator end, Function fun, int value)
int temp = 0;

while(start != end)
if(CALL_MEMBER_FN(*start, fun) () == value)


return temp;

// In main -> works.. wohoo
cout << misc::count(vl.begin(), vl.end(),
&SomeClass::SomeMemberFunction, 3);

David Hilsee

JohanS said:
I have been trying to create this function for some time now. Reading
about pointers to member functions until my head hurts. Now i did it
like you see below and i am now wondering. What am i missing here?
What am i not thinking about? Cause this way was to easy. Will i get
in trouble in the future doing it this way? Feedback appreciated! Is
there something that can be done alot better (I'm not looking for a
totally different way of doing it)?

#define CALL_MEMBER_FN(object,ptrToMember) ((object).*(ptrToMember))

namespace misc {
template <typename Iterator, typename Function>
int count(Iterator start, Iterator end, Function fun, int value)
int temp = 0;

while(start != end)
if(CALL_MEMBER_FN(*start, fun) () == value)


return temp;

// In main -> works.. wohoo
cout << misc::count(vl.begin(), vl.end(),
&SomeClass::SomeMemberFunction, 3);

The macro is unnecessary, and macros are generally frowned upon because they
can cause headaches, so consider removing it. Also, you could probably do
the same thing using std::count_if (<algorithm>) and some of the stuff
provided in <functional> or boost's library, but I wouldn't call such an
approach "better" because it can be confusing. I suppose that you could
also make the type of the last parameter a template argument (e.g. "T value"
instead of "int value"), but it's not necessary if you're only dealing with
ints. Is there anything that you do not like about the code?

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