


If anyone's interested ...

Below is a script that displays a character string (numbers and letters) in
every font that is on my PC.

I extracted the list of fonts from an export of the Windows registry via
"find" -- your fonts may differ.

Fonts that contain " Bold" or " Italic" or " Oblique"are skipped.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var s = 0;
var font = new Array();
font[s++] = "Abadi MT Condensed Light";
font[s++] = "Agency FB";
font[s++] = "Agency FB Bold";
font[s++] = "Algerian";
font[s++] = "Almanac MT";
font[s++] = "Andale Mono";
font[s++] = "Andale Mono IPA";
font[s++] = "Arial";
font[s++] = "Arial Black";
font[s++] = "Arial Black Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Bold";
font[s++] = "Arial Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow Bold";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Narrow Italic";
font[s++] = "Arial Rounded MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Arial Unicode MS";
font[s++] = "Baskerville Old Face";
font[s++] = "Bauhaus 93";
font[s++] = "Beesknees ITC";
font[s++] = "Bell MT";
font[s++] = "Bell MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Bell MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Berlin Sans FB";
font[s++] = "Berlin Sans FB Bold";
font[s++] = "Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold";
font[s++] = "Bernard MT Condensed";
font[s++] = "Blackadder ITC";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua Bold";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Book Antiqua Italic";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style Bold";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Bookman Old Style Italic";
font[s++] = "Bradley Hand ITC";
font[s++] = "Britannic Bold";
font[s++] = "Broadway";
font[s++] = "Brush Script MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Californian FB";
font[s++] = "Californian FB Bold";
font[s++] = "Californian FB Italic";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Calisto MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Castellar";
font[s++] = "Centaur";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic Bold";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Century Gothic Italic";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook Bold";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Century Schoolbook Italic";
font[s++] = "Chiller";
font[s++] = "Colonna MT";
font[s++] = "Comic Sans MS";
font[s++] = "Comic Sans MS Bold";
font[s++] = "Cooper Black";
font[s++] = "Copperplate Gothic Bold";
font[s++] = "Copperplate Gothic Light";
font[s++] = "Courier New";
font[s++] = "Courier New Bold";
font[s++] = "Courier New Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Courier New Italic";
font[s++] = "Curlz MT";
font[s++] = "DataGlyph SP";
font[s++] = "Edwardian Script ITC";
font[s++] = "Elephant";
font[s++] = "Elephant Italic";
font[s++] = "Engravers MT";
font[s++] = "Eras Bold ITC";
font[s++] = "Eras Demi ITC";
font[s++] = "Eras Light ITC";
font[s++] = "Eras Medium ITC";
font[s++] = "Felix Titling";
font[s++] = "Footlight MT Light";
font[s++] = "Forte";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Book";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Book Italic";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Demi";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Demi Cond";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Demi Italic";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Heavy";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Heavy Italic";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Medium";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Medium Cond";
font[s++] = "Franklin Gothic Medium Italic";
font[s++] = "Free 3 of 9 Regular";
font[s++] = "Freestyle Script";
font[s++] = "French Script MT";
font[s++] = "Garamond";
font[s++] = "Garamond Bold";
font[s++] = "Garamond Italic";
font[s++] = "GarmdITC LtCn BT Light";
font[s++] = "GarmdITC LtCn BT Light Italic";
font[s++] = "Georgia";
font[s++] = "Georgia Bold";
font[s++] = "Georgia Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Georgia Italic";
font[s++] = "Gigi";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Condensed";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans Ultra Bold";
font[s++] = "Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed";
font[s++] = "Gloucester MT Extra Condensed";
font[s++] = "Goudy Old Style";
font[s++] = "Goudy Old Style Bold";
font[s++] = "Goudy Old Style Italic";
font[s++] = "Goudy Stout";
font[s++] = "Haettenschweiler";
font[s++] = "Harlow Solid Italic";
font[s++] = "Harlow Solid Italic Italic";
font[s++] = "Harrington";
font[s++] = "High Tower Text";
font[s++] = "High Tower Text Italic";
font[s++] = "Holidays MT";
font[s++] = "Impact";
font[s++] = "Imprint MT Shadow";
font[s++] = "Informal Roman";
font[s++] = "Jokerman";
font[s++] = "Juice ITC";
font[s++] = "Kristen ITC";
font[s++] = "Kunstler Script";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright Demibold";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright Demibold Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Bright Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Calligraphy Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Console";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Demibold";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Demibold Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Fax Regular";
font[s++] = "Lucida Handwriting Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Demibold Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Demibold Roman";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Italic";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Regular";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular";
font[s++] = "Lucida Sans Unicode";
font[s++] = "Magneto Bold";
font[s++] = "Maiandra GD";
font[s++] = "Marlett";
font[s++] = "Matisse ITC";
font[s++] = "Matura MT Script Capitals";
font[s++] = "Mistral";
font[s++] = "Modern No. 20";
font[s++] = "Monotype Corsiva";
font[s++] = "Monotype Sorts";
font[s++] = "Monotype Sorts2";
font[s++] = "MS Outlook";
font[s++] = "News Gothic MT";
font[s++] = "News Gothic MT Bold";
font[s++] = "News Gothic MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Niagara Engraved";
font[s++] = "Niagara Solid";
font[s++] = "OCR A Extended";
font[s++] = "OCR B MT";
font[s++] = "OCR-A II";
font[s++] = "Old English Text MT";
font[s++] = "Onyx";
font[s++] = "Palace Script MT";
font[s++] = "Papyrus";
font[s++] = "Parchment";
font[s++] = "Pepita MT";
font[s++] = "Perpetua";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Bold";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Italic";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Titling MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Perpetua Titling MT Light";
font[s++] = "Playbill";
font[s++] = "Poor Richard";
font[s++] = "Pristina";
font[s++] = "QuickType";
font[s++] = "QuickType Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType Condensed";
font[s++] = "QuickType Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType Condensed Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType II";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Condensed";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Condensed Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Mono";
font[s++] = "QuickType II Pi";
font[s++] = "QuickType Italic";
font[s++] = "QuickType Mono";
font[s++] = "QuickType Pi";
font[s++] = "Rage Italic";
font[s++] = "Ravie";
font[s++] = "Rockwell";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Bold";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Condensed";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Extra Bold";
font[s++] = "Rockwell Italic";
font[s++] = "Script MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Showcard Gothic";
font[s++] = "Snap ITC";
font[s++] = "Stencil";
font[s++] = "Symbol";
font[s++] = "Tahoma";
font[s++] = "Tahoma Bold";
font[s++] = "Tahoma";
font[s++] = "Tempus Sans ITC";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman Bold";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Times New Roman Italic";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS Bold";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Trebuchet MS Italic";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Bold";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed Bold";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Condensed Medium";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Italic";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Medium";
font[s++] = "Tw Cen MT Medium Italic";
font[s++] = "Vacation MT";
font[s++] = "Verdana";
font[s++] = "Verdana Bold";
font[s++] = "Verdana Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Verdana Italic";
font[s++] = "Verdana Ref";
font[s++] = "Viner Hand ITC";
font[s++] = "Vivaldi Italic";
font[s++] = "Vladimir Script";
font[s++] = "Webdings";
font[s++] = "Westminster";
font[s++] = "Wide Latin";
font[s++] = "Wingdings";
font[s++] = "Wingdings 2";
font[s++] = "Wingdings 3";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow Bold Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Narrow Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide Bold Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Sans Serif Wide Oblique";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Narrow Italic";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide Bold";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide Bold Italic";
font[s++] = "Xerox Serif Wide Italic";
var html = "";
for (s=0; s<font.length; s++) {
var skip = 0;
if (font.indexOf(" Bold") > 0) skip++;
if (font.indexOf(" Italic") > 0) skip++;
if (font.indexOf(" Oblique") > 0) skip++;
if (skip == 0) {
html += "<br><br><u>" + (s+1) + ". &nbsp; <b>" + font +
html += "<br><font face='" + font + "'>" + char.replace(/
/g,"<br>") + "</font>";
// -->


McKirahan said:
If anyone's interested ...

Below is a script that displays a character string (numbers and letters) in

How on earth do you think such script would help anyone in the real world ?

every font that is on my PC.

I extracted the list of fonts from an export of the Windows registry via
"find" -- your fonts may differ.

Fonts that contain " Bold" or " Italic" or " Oblique"are skipped.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var s = 0;
var font = new Array();
font[s++] = "Abadi MT Condensed Light";
font[s++] = "Agency FB";


Kien said:
"McKirahan" <[email protected]> wrote in message in

How on earth do you think such script would help anyone in the real world ?


Thanks for your interest.

I sometimes want to know how a font will look in comparison to others. This
utility does just that.

I develop browser-based applications and sometimes want a font other than
the usual suspects (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman). This helps me identify

I posted it thinking others might use it for this purpose or perhaps others.


McKirahan hu kiteb:
I develop browser-based applications and sometimes want a font other
than the usual suspects (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman). This helps
me identify candidates.

That's great that you can see all your fonts on your computer. But you
have no way of knowing what fonts that guy over there has on his

The only assumption anyone can reasonably make is that *a* font exists.
If it displays the glyphs associated with your chosen script (not all
languages are called English, and even fewer of them use the same
alphabet), that's a bonus.


Thanks for your interest.

BTW, what does "hu kiteb" mean?

Fabian said:
McKirahan hu kiteb:

That's great that you can see all your fonts on your computer. But you
have no way of knowing what fonts that guy over there has on his

That's why I included the line: "I extracted the list of fonts from an
export of the Windows registry via "find" -- your fonts may differ."
The only assumption anyone can reasonably make is that *a* font exists.
If it displays the glyphs associated with your chosen script (not all
languages are called English, and even fewer of them use the same
alphabet), that's a bonus.

I'm not assuming anything. I was just sharing a script that I thought might
be of interest to someone. Evidently, you're not that "someone".


Fabian said:
McKirahan hu kiteb:

That's great that you can see all your fonts on your computer. But you
have no way of knowing what fonts that guy over there has on his

The only assumption anyone can reasonably make is that *a* font exists.
If it displays the glyphs associated with your chosen script (not all
languages are called English, and even fewer of them use the same
alphabet), that's a bonus.

It's perfectly reasonable for many sites to target their content
only to visitors with English fonts. It's not unreasonable to
assume that a majority will have the more common MicroSoft fonts
available, provided that you also specify fallback fonts and check
the appearance of your site using all of them.

font-family: MS Comic Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

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