functions without arguments


George Hester

In my neck of the woods functions usually have arguments. For example f(r) = 3 + r is a nice function. f(5) = 8, f(-3) = 0. In JavaScript we could write it like this:

function f(r){
return (r + 3);

easy enough.

Now say we have a <INPUT element that has the onmouseover event defined like this:

<INPUT name="test"... onmouseover="JavaScript:alert(f(3));".../>

When the mouse goes over this elemnt you will get a message box that contains the value 6.

But what if we would like to remove the attribute and assign the onmouseover this way:

<INPUT name="test".../>

<script type="javascript">
<!-- Begin
document.getElementById('test').onmouseover = f
function f(r){
return (r+3);
// End -->

This won't work. I understand why it doesn't but I don't understand if assigning event handlers in this fashion REQUIRES argumentless functions. Is that right? Thanks.

George Hester

to heave chunks said:
I don't you think you understand this as well as you may think. When you add
an event handler attribute to a HTML tag, the scripting engine attaches an
anonymous function to the event handler.
Peace, Vm
Sure that's why I asked. I am not too ashamed to be dumb. It happens. I understand a function I just didn't understand JavaScript's use of it. Thanks Vm I think I can use your hint.

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