Grill My Dijkstra



implemented Dijkstra's algorithm as follows. plz pour on the negative
criticism cuz I know I have a ton to learn.

oh, before you flame me regarding the language, my class was told to do
this in C# but, what can I say, I just like you guys better than the
crowd in the C# newsgroup. ;o)

using System;

namespace Dijkstra
public class Algorithm
private const int refArrayRows = 10;
private const int refArrayColumns = 10;
/* this implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm assumes a 10 x 10
reference matrix of labels is provided */

private const int startNode = 1;
private const int endNode = 10;
/* a second assumption is point one is our starting or "vantage"
and point ten is our end point */

private const int nodes = 10;

private const int labels = 10;
// edge values

private const int resultColumns = 2;
/* each node (first column) in the determined shortest path has one
predecessor (second column) */

private const int infinity = 10000;
// value 10,000 represents no edge / link between nodes

private static int [,] refMatrix = new int[nodes, labels];
private static int [] distArray = new int [labels];
private static int [] prevArray = new int [nodes];
private static bool [] markedArray = new bool [nodes];
private static bool [] unmarkedArray = new bool [nodes];

private Algorithm()

public static void ImportRefMatrix()
string l_Filename = "..\\..\\Matrix.DAT";
refMatrix = Import.ContructMatrix(l_Filename);

public static void InitializeArrays()
int i = 0;

for( ; i < labels; ++i)
distArray = infinity;
// no path exists


for(i = 0; i < nodes; ++i)
prevArray = 0;
// no nodes have predecessors


for(i = 0; i < nodes; ++i)
markedArray = false;
unmarkedArray = true;

markedArray[startNode - 1] = true;
unmarkedArray[startNode - 1] = false;
// starting point considered marked

// - 1 often used when dealing with array indexes (which begin at 0)


public static void Implement()

while(CountMarkedVertices() < nodes)
int closestVertex = SelectUnmarkedVertexClosestToSource(startNode);
markedArray[closestVertex - 1] = true;
unmarkedArray[closestVertex - 1] = false;

for(int i = 0; i < labels; ++i)
if(refMatrix[closestVertex - 1, i] < infinity)
// for each edge adjacent to closestVertex

if(refMatrix[startNode - 1, i] > refMatrix[startNode - 1,
closestVertex - 1] +
refMatrix[closestVertex - 1, i])
/* if distance from starting point to adjacent node exceeds
distance from
starting point to closestVertex plus distance from closestVertex
to adjacent
node */

refMatrix[startNode - 1, i] = refMatrix[startNode - 1,
closestVertex - 1] +
refMatrix[closestVertex - 1, i];
// update distance grid

prevArray = closestVertex - 1;



public static int CountMarkedVertices()
int counter = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < nodes; ++i)
if(markedArray == true) ++counter;

return counter;

public static int SelectUnmarkedVertexClosestToSource(int sourceNode)
int shortestDistanceToSource = infinity;
int closestVertex = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < nodes; ++i)
if(unmarkedArray == true)
if(refMatrix[sourceNode - 1, i] < shortestDistanceToSource)
shortestDistanceToSource = refMatrix[sourceNode - 1, i];
closestVertex = i;

return ++closestVertex;

public static void ShowResults()
Console.Write("\nThe following chart shows all nodes on the
left.\n\nTheir precedessors " +
"are listed in the right column.\n\n'Prev' refers to 'previous' or
'preceding' node." +

public static void ShowArray(string arrayName)

case "Prev":
Console.Write("Prev ");
case "Marked":
Console.Write("Marked ");
case "Unmarked":
Console.Write("Unmarked ");
Console.Write("Unknown array name.\n\n");


case "Prev":

for(int i = 0; i < nodes; ++i)
Console.Write("Node {0}\t\t{1}\n", i + 1, prevArray + 1);

case "Marked":

for(int i = 0; i < nodes; ++i)
Console.Write("Node {0}\t\t{1}\n", i + 1, markedArray);

case "Unmarked":

for(int i = 0; i < nodes; ++i)
Console.Write("Node {0}\t\t{1}\n", i + 1, unmarkedArray);



Gernot Frisch

If you mark one, remember the "number of marked" as a member variable,
forcing you not to iterate through all markedArray[] in
CountMarkedVertices() in Implement() -> will gain some speed.
I don't know about memory allocation in C# - go to c# group for that.
We cannot give hints about that, we only can give you conceptual
hints. A C# group should be your first choice.

If you like us better than them, we can easily change this ;)


implemented Dijkstra's algorithm as follows. plz pour on the negative
criticism cuz I know I have a ton to learn.

oh, before you flame me regarding the language, my class was told to do
this in C# but, what can I say, I just like you guys better than the
crowd in the C# newsgroup. ;o)

According to the FAQ, your question is off-topic here because on-topic
posts are "answerable by looking into the C++ language definition as
determined by the ISO/ANSI C++ Standard document, and by planned
extensions and adjustments"

IOW, this group is explicitly limited to the C++ language (hence the
name comp.lang.c++). Your post is neither in the C++ language nor
really concerned with language issues (C++ or C#) to begin with. Thus
we cannot answer your question.

We would, however, be happy to critique your use of the *language* (but
not the algorithm) if you re-post your code in C++ rather than C#.

Cheers! --M

Mike Smith

implemented Dijkstra's algorithm as follows. plz pour on the negative
criticism cuz I know I have a ton to learn.

oh, before you flame me regarding the language, my class was told to do
this in C# but, what can I say, I just like you guys better than the
crowd in the C# newsgroup. ;o)

If it's the *algorithm* you want to be critiqued on, you may be better
off in comp.programming than either the C++ or C# groups. If it's your
*implementation* for which you seek criticism, you're clearly off-base
in a newsgroup for a language that many of us probably don't even know.

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