hash of hashes



if hash is used, i think in java it can be used as,

if the statement in perl is,


equivalent to,

if (branch.length() > 0) names.put(branch, new Integer(0));

In perl a "hash of hashes" is used as,


i would like to know how it can be coded in java?


Oliver Wong

Mani said:
if hash is used, i think in java it can be used as,

if the statement in perl is,


equivalent to,

if (branch.length() > 0) names.put(branch, new Integer(0));

In perl a "hash of hashes" is used as,


i would like to know how it can be coded in java?

Sounds like what perl calls "hash", Java calls Map. So to implement a "hash
or hashes", use a Map of Map. E.g.

Map<KEY_TYPE,Map<KEY_TYPE,VALUE_TYPE>> names = new
names.get(branch).put(account, 0);

- Oliver


BTW, quite often Perl people use hash of hashes in places where they'd
be better served by real objects.

e.g. compare:

Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> branches = ....;


class Branch {
private String branchId;
private String address;
private Map<String, String> accounts;
private Collection<Person> employees;

public String getAccount(String accountId) {
return accounts.get(accountId)

Map<String, Branch> id2branch = ....;

Stefan Ram

Oliver Wong said:
Sounds like what perl calls "hash", Java calls Map. So to implement a "hash
or hashes", use a Map of Map. E.g.
Map<KEY_TYPE,Map<KEY_TYPE,VALUE_TYPE>> names = new
names.get(branch).put(account, 0);

Here "names.get(branch)" will return null. One needs to add
code to create another map as the value of "get(branch)".

In Perl, this is not neccessary.
Perl has a feature called "autovivifications", that will
assure that "$name{$branch}" exists and is a map. The script

use Data::Dumper;
$names{"branch"}{"account"} = 123;
print Data::Dumper::Dumper(%names), "\n";


$VAR1 = 'branch';
$VAR2 = {
'account' => 123

It is not neccessary to build the map structure in Perl.
The script essentially consists only of the single line
»$names{"branch"}{"account"} = 123;«. The other two lines
are there only to get the debug output. Possibly a slight
variation makes this even clearer:

use Data::Dumper;
$names->{"branch"}->{"account"} = 123;
print Data::Dumper::Dumper($names), "\n";


$VAR1 = {
'branch' => {
'account' => 123

So both maps are "magically" created in Perl. One does not
have to tell Perl that the reference $names is a reference to
a map, which actually needs to be allocated and then have its
address written into »$names«, before it can be assigned to.
The single line »$names->{"branch"}->{"account"} = 123;« will

Here is a simple example of autovivification in a special
case for Java:

class NumericMapUtils
{ public static <D> void addTo
( final java.util.Map<D,java.lang.Integer> map, final D d, final int i )
{ map.put( d, i +( map.containsKey( d )? map.get( d ): 0 )); }}

Now one can declare a map:

final java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> map =
new java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer>();

And then add 7 to its entry 4:

NumericMapUtils.<java.lang.Integer>addTo( map, 4, 7 );

If the entry 4 does not exist yet, it will be created (hence,
"autovivification") with an initial value of 0 by »addTo«.

Perl is even smarter: By the usage »...{"account"} = 123;«
it was able to figure out that here not "0" is needed as the
initial value, but another map instead.

Here is an excerpt from a knowledge base I wrote in Perl:

sub set($$$$$)
{ push @{ $::assertion }, [ ${$_[ 0 ]}, ${$_[ 1 ]}, ${$_[ 2 ]}, ${$_[ 3 ]}, $_[ 4 ] ];
push @{ ${$_[ 0 ]}->{'%'}}, $#$::assertion;
push @{ ${$_[ 1 ]}->{'{'}}, $#$::assertion;
push @{ ${$_[ 2 ]}->{'|'}}, $#$::assertion;
if( !( defined( $_[ 4 ] ))){ push @{ ${$_[ 3 ]}->{'}'}}, $#$::assertion; }}

It makes use of autovivification (which also exists for
arrays) and would be much more complicated to write without
autovivification. I am currently rebuilding this system in
Java and writing the corresponding code takes much longer in
Java. The programmer needs to explain all the details to Java
that Perl is able to grasp itself from the code the programmer

When I write »push @{ ... }«, Perl knows that »...« needs to
be a reference to an array that needs to be allocated, if it is
not yet there. Java gives you the garbage collector, so you do
not have to release objects, Perl gives you autovivification,
so that you do not even have to allocate them.

Stefan Ram

Here is an excerpt from a knowledge base I wrote in Perl:
It makes use of autovivification (which also exists for
arrays) and would be much more complicated to write without

Here is another example from the same projects that even
uses more features of Perl and autovivification.

I dynamically build an expression like
»::root->{a}->{b}->...->{z}« and then use »eval« to build the
whole path including all hashes required by autovivification,
where the number of hashes required is only known at runtime.

Eventually »$source« is stored at the new location within
this map of maps of maps of ... maps.

my $buffer = '';
while( $psource =~ /:)|\/|[^:\/]+)/g ){ $buffer .= "->{'" . $1 . "'}"; }
my $expression = '\$::root' . $buffer;
my $place = eval( $expression ); ${$place}->{'#'}= $source;

Without »=~«, without »eval« and without autovivification, it
needs some more than four lines of Java to express the same
thing in Java.


Without »=~«, without »eval« and without autovivification, it
needs some more than four lines of Java to express the same
thing in Java.

Yep, that's right. If it is critical for your project that these
operations take less than four lines, then go use Perl.

FWIW one of the idioms for doing the 'autovivification' thing in Java is:

synchronized(masterMap) {
if (!masterMap.contains(key)) {
masterMap.put(key, new HashMap());
masterMap.get(key).put(subkey, value);

it takes six lines, and it's thread-safe. Anything less and you might
loose data if more than one threads try to access the structure.


Stefan Ram

dimitar said:
FWIW one of the idioms for doing the 'autovivification' thing in Java is:
synchronized(masterMap) {
if (!masterMap.contains(key)) {
masterMap.put(key, new HashMap()); (...)
masterMap.get(key).put(subkey, value);
it takes six lines, and it's thread-safe. Anything less and you might
loose data if more than one threads try to access the structure.

It is still not quite the same, because it contains the fixed
assumption "new HashMap()", while in Perl this also could be
"new List()" or "new Integer()" depending on the client code

If that would be possible in Java, one would be able to write

mainMap.get( key ).put( subKey, value );

and get an autovivificated Map (as above), but also

mainMap.get( key ).add( value )

and get an autovivificated List or

mainMap.get( key )+= 12

and get an autovivificated Integer.

Here's the complete Perl script:

use Data::Dumper;
$names->{ "branch" }->{ "account" } = 123;
$names->{ "branch1" }->[ 3 ] = 123;
$names->{ "branch2" } += 12;
print Data::Dumper::Dumper( $names ), "\n";

and its output is:

$VAR1 = {
'branch' => {
'account' => 123
'branch1' => [
'branch2' => 12

Without autovivification, in Java, one needs some work of the
programmer, for example, to create a nested array with a
dimension given at runtime:

For example, the following code builds an array with three
dimensions of the extension 4, 5, and 6, respectively.
The vivification happens recursively in »build« using
»java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance«. The number of arguments
of »build« gives the dimension.

A call to newInstance alone with the extensions will give
an array object with the correct type, but its entries will
still be empty and not other array objects. So, the recursion
of »build« is needed to fill all array entries with other
subarrays up to the lowest level.

public class Main
public static int[] cdr( final int[] list )
{ return java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange( list, 1, list.length ); }

public static java.lang.Object build( final int ... extensions )
{ final java.lang.Object array = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance
( java.lang.Integer.TYPE, extensions );
for( int i = 0; i < extensions[ 0 ]; ++i )if( extensions.length > 1 )
java.lang.reflect.Array.set( array, i, build( cdr( extensions )));
else java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt(( int[] )array, i, i );
return array; }

public static void print( final java.lang.Object array )
{ for( int i = 0; i < java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength( array ); ++i )
if( array.getClass().getName().startsWith( "[[" ))
print( java.lang.reflect.Array.get( array, i )); else
java.lang.System.out.print( java.lang.reflect.Array.getInt( array, i )); }

public static void main( final java.lang.String[] args )
{ print( build( 4, 5, 6 )); }}


Again, you seem to be trying to write Perl code in Java - it doesn't
work this way. There is a tradeoff between statically typed languages
(as Java) and dynamic languages as Perl - you lose something, you gain
another. If you want to use Java, you *have* to think differently than
in Perl. If no - Perl is just as good as any other Turing-complete language.

PS. I'm sorry to say it, but the Java code you posted sucks. Please read

PPS. There is no java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(); as of JDK 1.3-1.5

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