how can i cycle pictures in html



in post: <
I suggest to change the link texts "previous pic"/"next pic" to "more
clothes"/"less clothes".

as long as the clickable area of the link is large enough not to require
precise positioning it really doesn't matter what the links are called.


brucie said:
as long as the clickable area of the link is large enough not to require
precise positioning it really doesn't matter what the links are called.

Is it possible to code the links so that 'previous' and
'next' are 'clicked' using the <- and -> keys on the keyboard?
(without resorting to PowerPoint presentation)


as long as the clickable area of the link is large enough not to require
precise positioning it really doesn't matter what the links are called.

Is it possible to code the links so that 'previous' and
'next' are 'clicked' using the <- and -> keys on the keyboard?
(without resorting to PowerPoint presentation)[/QUOTE]

Look into the accesskey attribute. Maybe that will help. Make sure to
also search for the problems with them.


I suggest to change the link texts "previous pic"/"next pic" to "more
clothes"/"less clothes".

as long as the clickable area of the link is large enough not to require
precise positioning it really doesn't matter what the links are called.[/QUOTE]

But hey, your incentive to click them harden.. increases, doesn't it?


in post: <
Is it possible to code the links so that 'previous' and
'next' are 'clicked' using the <- and -> keys on the keyboard?

should already be built into any decent browser.
e.g. opera: ctrl+shift+left/right arrow.
mozilla(win): alt-left/right arrow


brucie said:
should already be built into any decent browser.
e.g. opera: ctrl+shift+left/right arrow.
mozilla(win): alt-left/right arrow

No, that's the replacement of the browsers back and forth
buttons. I was thinking clicking to the next picture, if you
haven't seen it yet.


Kris said:
Look into the accesskey attribute. Maybe that will help. Make sure to
also search for the problems with them.

I can already imagine problems, but I'm interested in
knowing how it works anyway, so, thanks, will look into that.

Eric B. Bednarz

Els said:
Right. Imagine the mouse not working and you don't know if you need
number 40, 41, 42 or 43.
That's 4 times tabbing 40-something links to find the photo you

That's roughly <C-f>[0-9]*<CR><TAB><CR><CR> for each link respectively,
the details might differ per UA. With Lynx, BTW, you can have links
enumerated and just type [0-9]*<CR>. Very handy; by far the fastest way
to navigate through pages with excessive link farms.

Now you may say: "Ah! Good to know that, thanks!"



Eric said:
That's roughly <C-f>[0-9]*<CR><TAB><CR><CR> for each link respectively,
the details might differ per UA. With Lynx, BTW, you can have links
enumerated and just type [0-9]*<CR>. Very handy; by far the fastest way
to navigate through pages with excessive link farms.

Now you may say: "Ah! Good to know that, thanks!"

Ah! Good to know that, thanks! :)

Actually, I kinda knew. Discovered last week, that typing a
letter makes the first next link starting with that letter
light up. Should have guessed that works for numbers too.

Steve Pugh

Els said:
No, that's the replacement of the browsers back and forth
buttons. I was thinking clicking to the next picture, if you
haven't seen it yet.

In Opera CTRL+right is equivalent to the Forward button, but
CTRL+SHIFT+right is a shortcut for any <link rel="next">.

Opera also looks for links in the page that contains words like 'next'
and if it finds them allows fast access to those pages via a number of
different keyboard shortcuts.



Steve said:
In Opera CTRL+right is equivalent to the Forward button, but
CTRL+SHIFT+right is a shortcut for any <link rel="next">.

Now that, I didn't know. Added <link href="page.html"
rel="next"> to the head of a page, and that works.
Opera also looks for links in the page that contains words like 'next'
and if it finds them allows fast access to those pages via a number of
different keyboard shortcuts.

Where do I find those shortcuts?

Steve Pugh

Els said:
Now that, I didn't know. Added <link href="page.html"
rel="next"> to the head of a page, and that works.

Where do I find those shortcuts?

CTRL+B brings up the Help page with all the keyboard shortcuts used by


Toby A Inkster

Els said:
Where do I find those shortcuts?

One of my favourites is the space bar. Use it to scroll down a page, and
when you reach the bottom, hit it again to go to the next page.


Steve said:
CTRL+B brings up the Help page with all the keyboard shortcuts used by

Thanks, that Help page has a lot of interesting info.

Found the one you were talking about. I thought it was a
seperate shortcut for links with 'next' in it, but it's in
fact the same as in Firefox (Moz?), only now you have to
type a comma first.


Toby said:
One of my favourites is the space bar. Use it to scroll down a page, and
when you reach the bottom, hit it again to go to the next page.

This just convinced me it's a good thing to put in a
<link href="page2" rel="next"> type of thing in my <head>'s.
Thanks :)

Mark Parnell

Actually, I kinda knew. Discovered last week, that typing a
letter makes the first next link starting with that letter
light up. Should have guessed that works for numbers too.

Mozilla has that option too - you can set it to either just do that for
links, or for any text.

Toby A Inkster

brucie said:
and something completely unrelated: i think you should add to the w3 menu

I was *this* close to adding it a few months ago:

-> <-

But then I ran it on some page and it gave what seemed to me to be a
completely wrong result. It also has an oddity where it takes stylesheets
for non-screen media (e.g. print) and converts them to screen media. :-(

Though as you're the second person to request it, I guess I'll add it.


in post: <
I was *this* close to adding it a few months ago:

-> <-

in aussie speak a "bees dick"
But then I ran it on some page and it gave what seemed to me to be a
completely wrong result. It also has an oddity where it takes stylesheets
for non-screen media (e.g. print) and converts them to screen media. :-(

i had a link for another one but i cant find it and my connection speed
is down to 1.3k so its pretty much useless trying to surf the net
looking for it.
Though as you're the second person to request it, I guess I'll add it.

gee, i dunno. if it doesn't work properly maybe you shouldn't.

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