How do I allow them to choose a date WITHOUT a postback?


Alan Silver


I have an app where the user needs to fill in details about an event,
including the date and time of the event. I want a clean way to allow
them to pick the date and time. In the old days (ASP Classic), I would
have used three comboboxes for the date, one for the day, one for the
month and one for the year. I'm sure ASP.NET has a better way of doing
it. I have seen the calendar control, but all the examples I have seen
involve a postback as soon as you click anything on the calendar. I
don't want that, I want them to be able to pick a date whilst they are
filling in the form and then click a button when they are done to post
the info back to the server.

Anyone any suggestions how I would do this? TIA

William F. Robertson, Jr.

Create a simple page, Calendar.aspx, that has a calendar on it. I believe
you can use the asp calendar control.

Open the Calendar.aspx as a modal dialog. Take the return value from the
Calendar.aspx and put it into the text box.

<input type="text" id="txtDate" name="txtDate" />
<button value="lookup" onclick="document.all['txtDate'].value =
window.showModalDialog( 'Calendar.aspx' );" >

Or something along those lines.


Alan Silver

Thanks to both of you, that seems quite sensible.
Create a simple page, Calendar.aspx, that has a calendar on it. I believe
you can use the asp calendar control.

Open the Calendar.aspx as a modal dialog. Take the return value from the
Calendar.aspx and put it into the text box.

<input type="text" id="txtDate" name="txtDate" />
<button value="lookup" onclick="document.all['txtDate'].value =
window.showModalDialog( 'Calendar.aspx' );" >

Or something along those lines.


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