How do I produce a useful error message when a file upload is toobig?



I have a CGI script that allows users to upload image files to a
website. I limit the file size to 75K.

The problem is if someone tries to upload a file larger than 75K, and
the user clicks Submit, the script basically just resets itself with
no warning; none of the functions get triggered.

Can someone tell me how to capture that "event" when a file size is
larger than 75K, and allow me to display a proper error message ("File
too big...")?

Here's what I've got, which successfully uploads the file if it's 75K
or lower, but doesn't display an error message if it's bigger:

my($imageFileMaxSize) = 75000;
$CGI::pOST_MAX = $imageFileMaxSize;

# other stuff defining image name, path, etc.

sub create_new_image_file {
my $newImageFile = @_;

$file = param('imagefile');

open (SAVE, ">$newImageFilenamePath") || on_error("Can't save $file
to $newImageFilenamePath");
while (read($file,$data,1024)) {
print SAVE $data;
$imageFileLength += length($data);
on_error("Image file is too large; maximum size allowed is
if($imageFileLength > $imageFileMaxSize);
on_error("File was not received; check filename.")
if($imageFileLength < 1);


thanks for any advice!

Sherm Pendley

slugger3113 said:
I have a CGI script that allows users to upload image files to a
website. I limit the file size to 75K.

The problem is if someone tries to upload a file larger than 75K, and
the user clicks Submit, the script basically just resets itself with
no warning; none of the functions get triggered.

Can someone tell me how to capture that "event" when a file size is
larger than 75K, and allow me to display a proper error message ("File
too big...")?

Here's what I've got, which successfully uploads the file if it's 75K
or lower, but doesn't display an error message if it's bigger:

my($imageFileMaxSize) = 75000;
$CGI::pOST_MAX = $imageFileMaxSize;

# other stuff defining image name, path, etc.

sub create_new_image_file {
my $newImageFile = @_;

$file = param('imagefile');

According to the docs, param() returns an empty list if the
post is too large, and cgi_error() returns "413 POST too large".

if (!$file && cgi_error()) {
# Handle the error
open (SAVE, ">$newImageFilenamePath") || on_error("Can't save $file
to $newImageFilenamePath");
while (read($file,$data,1024)) {
print SAVE $data;
$imageFileLength += length($data);
on_error("Image file is too large; maximum size allowed is
if($imageFileLength > $imageFileMaxSize);

This only triggers if more than POST_MAX bytes have been read. But, if
the uploaded file is too large, then *nothing* will be read, so this
check never gets triggered.



That was it, thank you!


According to the docs, param() returns an empty list if the
post is too large, and cgi_error() returns "413 POST too large".

    if (!$file && cgi_error()) {
        # Handle the error

This only triggers if more than POST_MAX bytes have been read. But, if
the uploaded file is too large, then *nothing* will be read, so this
check never gets triggered.


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Tad J McClellan

slugger3113 said:
Here's what I've got, which successfully uploads the file

If you say so.

sub create_new_image_file {
my $newImageFile = @_;

You never use this variable, so what is it there for?

If you did mean to use it, you realize that it contains a number, don't you?

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